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#-*- Mode: CPerl -*-
## File: DDC::PP.pm
## Author: Bryan Jurish <moocow@cpan.org>
## Description:
## + DDC Query utilities: pure-perl drop-in replacements for DDC::XS
package DDC::PP;
use strict;
our @ISA = qw();
our $VERSION = $DDC::Concordance::VERSION;
## Globals
our ($COMPILER);
## Methods
## $CQuery = DDC::XS->parse($qstr)
## + convenience wrapper
sub parse {
shift if (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],__PACKAGE__));
$COMPILER = DDC::PP::CQueryCompiler->new() if (!$COMPILER);
return $COMPILER->ParseQuery(@_);
1; ##-- be happy
## Docs
=head1 NAME
DDC::PP - pure-perl drop-in replacements for DDC::XS module
use DDC::PP;
#... stuff happens ...
## Description
This package doesn't do anything but load the
pure-perl drop-in replacements for the L<DDC::XS|DDC::XS> modules.
See submodule documentation for details.
The code in this module is a pure-perl implementation of the original DDC C++ and XS code,
based on
Newer features of the C++ query parser and its XS interface may not be supported.
If you need to be 100% sure you're parsing queries exactly as the C++ DDC server does, use
the L<DDC::XS|DDC::XS> distribution linked to the appropriate version of the
underlying DDC C++ libraries.
If you would like to use the "real" C++ wrappers provided by L<DDC::XS|DDC::XS> when they are available
and use the pure-perl implementations as a fallback, see the L<DDC::Any|DDC::Any> module provided in
this distribution.
=over 4
=item L<DDC::PP::Constants|DDC::PP::Constants>
Pure-perl implementation of L<DDC::XS::Constants|DDC::XS::Constants>
=item L<DDC::PP::Object|DDC::PP::Object>
Pure-perl implementation of L<DDC::XS::Object|DDC::XS::Object>
=item L<DDC::PP::CQuery|DDC::PP::CQuery>
Pure-perl implementation of L<DDC::XS::CQuery|DDC::XS::CQuery>
=item L<DDC::PP::CQFilter|DDC::PP::CQFilter>
Pure-perl implementation of L<DDC::XS::CQFilter|DDC::XS::CQFilter>
=item L<DDC::PP::CQCount|DDC::PP::CQCount>
Pure-perl implementation of L<DDC::XS::CQCount|DDC::XS::CQCount>
=item L<DDC::PP::CQueryOptions|DDC::PP::CQueryOptions>
Pure-perl implementation of L<DDC::XS::CQueryOptions|DDC::XS::CQueryOptions>
=item L<DDC::PP::CQueryCompiler|DDC::PP::CQueryCompiler>
Pure-perl implementation of L<DDC::XS::CQueryCompiler|DDC::XS::CQueryCompiler>
## Footer
perl by Larry Wall.
DDC originally by Alexey Sokirko.
=head1 AUTHOR
Bryan Jurish E<lt>moocow@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright (c) 2016-2018, Bryan Jurish. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.2 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
=head1 SEE ALSO