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## -*- Mode: CPerl -*-
## File:
## Author: Bryan Jurish <>
## Description: Datum parser: one-token-per-line text
use DTA::CAB::Datum ':all';
use Carp;
use strict;
## Globals
our @ISA = qw(DTA::CAB::Format::TT);
DTA::CAB::Format->registerFormat(name=>__PACKAGE__, filenameRegex=>qr/\.(?i:tj|tjson|cab\-tj|cab\-tjson)$/);
## Constructors etc.
## $fmt = CLASS_OR_OBJ->new(%args)
## + object structure: assumed HASH
## {
## ##-- Input
## doc => $doc, ##-- buffered input document
## ##-- Output
## #outbuf => $stringBuffer, ##-- buffered output
## level => $formatLevel, ##-- <0:no 'text' attribute; >=0: all attributes; abs($_)>=2: canonical
## ##-- Common
## raw => $bool, ##-- attempt to load/save raw data
## defaultFieldName => $name, ##-- default name for unnamed fields; parsed into @{$tok->{other}{$name}}; default=''
## }
sub new {
my $that = shift;
my $fmt = bless({
##-- input
doc => undef,
##-- output
#outbuf => '',
level => 0,
##-- common
utf8 => 1,
defaultFieldName => '',
##-- user args
}, ref($that)||$that);
return $fmt;
## Methods: Persistence
## @keys = $class_or_obj->noSaveKeys()
## + returns list of keys not to be saved
## + default just returns empty list
sub noSaveKeys {
return ($_[0]->SUPER::noSaveKeys, qw(doc outbuf jxs));
## Methods: I/O: Generic
## $jxs = $fmt->jsonxs()
sub jsonxs {
require JSON::XS;
return $_[0]{jxs} if (defined($_[0]{jxs}));
return $_[0]{jxs} = JSON::XS->new->utf8(0)->relaxed(1)->canonical(abs($_[0]{level})>=2 ? 1 : 0)->allow_blessed(1)->convert_blessed(1);
## Methods: I/O: Block-wise
## \%head = blockScanHead(\$buf,\%opts)
## + gets header offset, length from (mmaped) \$buf
## + %opts are as for blockScan()
sub blockScanHead {
my ($fmt,$bufr,$opts) = @_;
return [0,$+[0]] if ($$bufr =~ m(\A\n*+(?:%%\$TJ:DOC=.*\n++)?));
return [0,0];
## Methods: Input
## Methods: Input: Input selection
## $fmt = $fmt->fromFh($filename_or_handle)
## + new override calls Format::fromFh
sub fromFh {
#return $_[0]->fromFh_str(@_[1..$#_]);
my $fmt = shift;
or $fmt->logconfess("fromFh(): inherited Format::fromFh() failed: $!");
return $fmt->parseTJFh($_[0]);
## $fmt = $fmt->fromString(\$string)
## + select input from string $string
## + new override calls Format::fromString() [-> fromFh]
sub fromString {
my $fmt = shift;
#return $fmt->parseTJString(ref($_[0]) ? $_[0] : \$_[0]);
return $fmt->DTA::CAB::Format::fromString(@_);
## Methods: Input: Local
## $fmt = $fmt->parseTJFh($fh)
## + guts for fromFh(): parse handle $fh into local document buffer.
sub parseTJFh {
my ($fmt,$fh) = @_;
my $jxs = $fmt->jsonxs();
##-- ye olde loope
my (%sa,%doca);
my $toks = [];
my @body = qw();
my ($tok,$text,$json);
while (defined($_=<$fh>)) {
if ($_ =~ /^\%\%\$TJ\:DOC=(.+)$/) {
##-- tj directive: document attributes
$json = defined($1) && $1 ? $jxs->decode($1) : {};
@doca{keys %$json} = values %$json;
elsif ($_ =~ /^\%\%\$TJ\:SENT=(.+)$/) {
##-- tj directive: sentence attributes
$json = defined($1) && $1 ? $jxs->decode($1) : {};
@sa{keys %$json} = values %$json;
elsif ($_ =~ /^\%\% (?:xml\:)?base=(.*)$/) {
##-- (tt-compat) special comment: document attribute: xml:base
$doca{'base'} = $1;
elsif ($_ =~ /^\%\% Sentence (.*)$/) {
##-- (tt-compat) special comment: sentence attribute: xml:id
$sa{'id'} = $1;
elsif ($_ =~ /^\%\%(.*)$/) {
##-- (tt-compat) generic line: add to _cmts
push(@{$sa{_cmts}},$1); ##-- generic doc- or sentence-level comment
elsif ($_ =~ /^$/) {
##-- empty line: EOS
if (%sa || @$toks) {
$toks = [];
%sa = qw();
else {
##-- vanilla token
($text,$json) = split(/\t/,$_,2);
push(@$toks, $tok = (defined($json) && $json ne '' ? $jxs->decode($json) : {}));
$tok->{text}=$text if (!defined($tok->{text}));
push(@body, {%sa,tokens=>$toks}) if (%sa || @$toks); ##-- handle missing EOS at EOF
##-- construct & buffer output document
#$_ = bless($_,'DTA::CAB::Sentence') foreach (@$sents);
$fmt->{doc} = bless({%doca,body=>\@body}, 'DTA::CAB::Document');
return $fmt;
## Methods: Input: Generic API
## $doc = $fmt->parseDocument()
sub parseDocument { return $_[0]{doc}; }
## Methods: Output
## Methods: Output: Generic
## $type = $fmt->mimeType()
## + default returns text/plain
sub mimeType { return 'text/plain'; }
## $ext = $fmt->defaultExtension()
## + returns default filename extension for this format
sub defaultExtension { return '.tj'; }
## Methods: Output: output selection
## + inherited
## Methods: Output: Generic API
## $fmt = $fmt->putToken($tok)
sub putToken {
#my ($fmt,$tok) = @_;
($_[1]{_cmts} ? join('', map {"%%$_\n"} map {split(/\n/,$_)} @{$_[1]{_cmts}}) : ''),
$_[0]->jsonxs->encode(($_[0]{level}||0) >= 0
? $_[1]
: {(map {$_ eq 'text' ? qw() : ($_=>$_[1]{$_})} keys %{$_[1]})}
return $_[0];
## $fmt = $fmt->putSentence($sent)
## + concatenates formatted tokens, adding sentence-id comment if available
sub putSentence {
#my ($fmt,$sent) = @_;
my $sh = {(map {$_ eq 'tokens' ? qw() : ($_=>$_[1]{$_})} keys %{$_[1]})};
$_[0]{fh}->print('%%$TJ:SENT=', $_[0]->jsonxs->encode($sh), "\n") if (%$sh);
$_[0]->putToken($_) foreach (@{toSentence($_[1])->{tokens}});
return $_[0];
## $fmt = $fmt->putDocument($doc)
## + concatenates formatted sentences, adding document 'xmlbase' comment if available
our %TJ_BAD_DOC_KEYS = (body=>1, teibufr=>1, textbufr=>1);
sub putDocument {
#my ($fmt,$doc) = @_;
my $dh = { (map {($_=>$_[1]{$_})} grep {!exists($TJ_BAD_DOC_KEYS{$_})} keys %{$_[1]}) };
$_[0]{fh}->print('%%$TJ:DOC=', $_[0]->jsonxs->encode($dh), "\n") if (%$dh);
$_[0]->putSentence($_) foreach (@{toDocument($_[1])->{body}});
return $_[0];
## $fmt = $fmt->putData($data)
## + puts raw data (json)
sub putData {
1; ##-- be happy
## POD DOCUMENTATION, auto-generated by podextract.perl, edited
=head1 NAME
DTA::CAB::Format::TJ - Datum parser: one-token-per-line text; token data as JSON
use DTA::CAB::Format::TJ;
## Constructors etc.
$fmt = DTA::CAB::Format::TJ->new(%args);
## Methods: Input
$fmt = $fmt->close();
$fmt = $fmt->fromString($string);
$doc = $fmt->parseDocument();
## Methods: Output
$fmt = $fmt->flush();
$str = $fmt->toString();
$fmt = $fmt->putToken($tok);
$fmt = $fmt->putSentence($sent);
$fmt = $fmt->putDocument($doc);
## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Format::TJ: Globals
=head2 Globals
=over 4
=item Variable: @ISA
inherits from
=item Filenames
DTA::CAB::Format::TJ registers the filename regex:
with L<DTA::CAB::Format|DTA::CAB::Format>.
## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Format::TJ: Constructors etc.
=head2 Constructors etc.
=over 4
=item new
$fmt = CLASS_OR_OBJ->new(%args);
%args, %$fmt:
##-- Input
doc => $doc, ##-- buffered input document
##-- Output
outbuf => $stringBuffer, ##-- buffered output
#level => $formatLevel, ##-- n/a
##-- Common
encoding => $inputEncoding, ##-- default: UTF-8, where applicable
## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Format::TJ: Methods: Persistence
=head2 Methods: Persistence
=over 4
=item noSaveKeys
@keys = $class_or_obj->noSaveKeys();
Returns list of keys not to be saved.
This implementation returns C<qw(doc outbuf)>.
## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Format::TJ: Methods: Input
=head2 Methods: Input
=over 4
=item close
$fmt = $fmt->close();
Override: close current input source, if any.
=item fromString
$fmt = $fmt->fromString($string);
Override: select input from string $string.
=item parseTJString
$fmt = $fmt->parseTJString($str)
Guts for fromString(): parse string $str into local document buffer
=item parseDocument
$doc = $fmt->parseDocument();
Override: just returns local document buffer $fmt-E<gt>{doc}.
## DESCRIPTION: DTA::CAB::Format::TJ: Methods: Output
=head2 Methods: Output
=over 4
=item flush
$fmt = $fmt->flush();
Override: flush accumulated output
=item toString
$str = $fmt->toString();
$str = $fmt->toString($formatLevel)
Override: flush buffered output document to byte-string.
Just encodes string in $fmt-E<gt>{outbuf}.
=item putToken
$fmt = $fmt->putToken($tok);
Override: token output.
=item putSentence
$fmt = $fmt->putSentence($sent);
Override: sentence output.
=item putDocument
$fmt = $fmt->putDocument($doc);
Override: document output.
## END POD DOCUMENTATION, auto-generated by podextract.perl
=head1 EXAMPLE
An example file in the format accepted/generated by this module (with very long lines) is:
wie {"errid":"ec","hasmorph":"1","msafe":"1","moot":{"word":"wie","tag":"PWAV","lemma":"wie"},"exlex":"wie","lang":["de"],"xlit":{"latin1Text":"wie","isLatin1":"1","isLatinExt":"1"},"text":"wie"}
oede {"moot":{"word":"öde","tag":"ADJD","lemma":"öde"},"text":"oede","xlit":{"latin1Text":"oede","isLatin1":"1","isLatinExt":"1"},"msafe":"0"}
! {"errid":"ec","exlex":"!","msafe":"1","xlit":{"isLatin1":"1","isLatinExt":"1","latin1Text":"!"},"text":"!","moot":{"word":"!","tag":"$.","lemma":"!"}}
## Footer
=head1 AUTHOR
Bryan Jurish E<lt>moocow@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2009-2019 by Bryan Jurish
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.24.1 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.