DiaColloDB::Logger - DiaColloDB logging (using Log::Log4perl)
use DiaColloDB::Logger;
## Globals
$DEFAULT_LOG_CONF = PACKAGE->defaultLogConf(%opts);
$bool = CLASS::haveFileRotate();
$bool = CLASS::haveSyslog();
## Functions: Initialization
undef = PACKAGE->logInit(%opts) ##-- use default configuration with %opts;
undef = PACKAGE->ensureLog(@args) ##-- ensure a Log::Log4perl has been initialized;
## Methods: get logger
$logger = $class_or_obj->logger();
## Methods: messages
undef = $class_or_obj->trace(@msg);
undef = $class_or_obj->llog($level, @msg);
undef = $class_or_obj->vlog($methodname_or_coderef_or_undef, @msg);
## Methods: carp & friends
undef = $class_or_obj->logwarn(@msg);
undef = $class_or_obj->logcarp(@msg);
undef = $class_or_obj->logcluck(@msg);
undef = $class_or_obj->logdie(@msg);
undef = $class_or_obj->logcroak(@msg);
undef = $class_or_obj->logconfess(@msg);
## Utils: Getopt::Long specification
%getoptLongHash = $PACKAGE->cldbLogOptions(%localOpts);
## Utils: Profiling
undef = $logger->logProfile($level, $elapsed_secs, $ntoks, $nchrs);
- Variable: $MIN_LEVEL
symbolic name of minimum log level (default = minimum-valued key of %Log::Log4perl::Level::LEVELS).
- Variable: %defaultLogOpts
default log options.
- defaultLogConf
$DEFAULT_LOG_CONF = PACKAGE->defaultLogConf(%opts);
Return default configuration for Log::Log4perl; see Log::Log4perl(3pm), Log::Log4perl::Config(3pm) for details.
rootLevel => $LEVEL_OR_UNDEF, ##-- min root log level (default='WARN' or 'FATAL', depending on $^W) level => $LEVEL_OR_UNDEF, ##-- min log level (default=$MIN_LEVEL or 'INFO', depending on $^W) stderr => $bool, ##-- whether to log to stderr (default=1) logtime => $bool, ##-- whether to log time-stamps on stderr (default=0) logdate => $bool, ##-- whether to log date+time-stamps on stderr (default=0) logwhich => \@classes, ##-- log4perl-style classes to log (default=qw(DiaColloDB DocClassify DTA.CAB DTA.TokWrap)) file => $filename, ##-- log to $filename if true rotate => $bool, ##-- use Log::Dispatch::FileRotate if available and $filename is true syslog => $bool, ##-- use Log::Dispatch::Syslog if available and true (default=false) sysLevel => $level, ##-- minimum level for syslog (default='debug' or 'info', depending on $^W) ## : available levels: debug,info,notice,warning,error,critical,alert,emergency (== 0..7) sysName => $sysName, ##-- name for syslog (default=basename($0)) sysIdent => $sysIdent, ##-- ident string for syslog (default=$sysName) sysFacility => $facility, ##-- facility for syslog (default='daemon')
- haveFileRotate
$bool = CLASS::haveFileRotate();
returns true if Log::Dispatch::FileRotate is available
- haveSyslog
$bool = CLASS::haveSyslog();
returns true if Log::Dispatch::Syslog is available
Functions: Initialization
- logInit
undef = PACKAGE->logInit(%opts) ##-- use default configuration with %opts;
%opts: see defaultLogConf()
all log calls in the DiaColloDB namespace should use a subcategory of 'DiaColloDB'
only needs to be called once; see Log::Log4perl->initialized()
- ensureLog
undef = PACKAGE->ensureLog(@args)
ensures that Log::Log4perl has been initialized.
Methods: get logger
- logger
$logger = $class_or_obj->logger(); $logger = $class_or_obj->logger($category);
wrapper for Log::Log4perl::get_logger($category)
$category defaults to ref($class_or_obj)||$class_or_obj
Methods: messages
- trace
- debug
- info
- warn
- error
- fatal
undef = $class_or_obj->trace(@msg);
Log::Log4perl wrappers. Be sure you have called Log::Log4perl::init() or similar first.
- llog
undef = $class_or_obj->llog($level, @msg);
Log at level $level, which should be some constant exported by Log::Log4perl::Level.
- vlog
undef = $class_or_obj->vlog($methodname_or_coderef_or_undef, @msg);
Log via $methodname_or_coderef_or_undef; calls $methodname_or_coderef_or_undef($class_or_obj,@msg) if defined, e.g.
$class_or_obj->vlog('trace', @msg);
Methods: carp & friends
- logwarn
- logcarp
- logcluck
- logdie
- logcroak
- logconfess
Wraps $class_or_obj->logger->logwarn(@msg), etc.
Utils: Getopt::Long specification
- cldbLogOptions
%getoptLongHash = $PACKAGE->cldbLogOptions(%localOpts);
Return Getopt::Long|Getopt::Long> option hash for common logging options.
verbose => $bool, ##-- if true, add 'verbose|v' as alias for 'log-level'
Supports the following options:
'log-level|loglevel|ll|L=s' => \$defaultLogOpts{level}, 'log-config|logconfig|log4perl-config|l4p-config|l4p=s' => \$defaultLogOpts{l4pfile}, 'log-watch|logwatch|watch|lw=i' => \$defaultLogOpts{watch}, 'nolog-watch|nologwatch|nowatch|nolw' => sub { $defaultLogOpts{watch}=undef; }, 'log-stderr|stderr|lse!' => \$defaultLogOpts{stderr}, 'log-file|lf=s' => \$defaultLogOpts{file}, 'nolog-file|nolf' => sub { $defaultLogOpts{file}=undef; }, 'log-rotate|rotate|lr!' => \$defaultLogOpts{rotate}, 'log-syslog|syslog|ls!' => \$defaultLogOpts{syslog}, 'log-option|logopt|lo=s' => \%defaultLogOpts,
Utils: Profiling
- logProfile
undef = $logger->logProfile($level, $elapsed_secs, $ntoks, $nchrs);
Produces a profiling string used by command-line utilities, logged at level $level via vlog().
Bryan Jurish <>
Copyright (C) 2015-2016 by Bryan Jurish
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.14.2 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
DiaColloDB(3pm), perl(1), ...