Speech::Rsynth -- Perl interface to 'librsynth' Klatt-style speech synthesis C library.


use Speech::Rsynth;
# Constructor
$rs = Speech::Rsynth->new(%cfg);         # create a new synth object

# Synthesis
$rs->start;                              # start synthesis
$rs->say_string("test 1 2 3");           # synthesize string
$rs->say_file(STDIN);                    # synthesize a whole file
$rs->stop;                               # stop synthesis (synchronizes)

# Configuration
%cfg = $rs->configure;                   # get all synth configuration data
$rs->configure(%cfg);                    # set (partial) synth configuration

# Accessors : Flags
$bool = $rs->use_audio;  $rs->use_audio($bool);   # do/don't send to audio device
$bool = $rs->running;    $rs->running($bool);     # get/set active-flag

# Accessors : General
$level = $rs->verbose;   $rs->verbose($level);    # get/set verbosity level
$bool = $rs->help_only;  $rs->help_only($bool);   # get/set help-flag

# Accessors: Audio Properties
$hertz = $rs->samp_rate; $rs->samp_rate($hertz);  # get/set sample-rate

# Accessors: Audio Filenames
$file = $rs->dev_file;    $rs->dev_file($file);     # get/set audio device filename
$file = $rs->linear_file; $rs->linear_file($file);  # get/set raw linear filename
$file = $rs->au_file;     $rs->au_file($file);      # get/set Sun/NeXT filename

# Accessors: File Descriptors
$fd = $rs->dev_fd;        $rs->dev_fd($fd);         # get/set audio device fd
$fd = $rs->linear_fd;     $rs->linear_fd($fd);      # get/set raw linear fd
$fd = $rs->au_fd;         $rs->au_fd($fd);          # get/set Sun/NeXT fd

# Accessors: Klatt Guts
$ms = $rs->mSec_per_Frame;   $rs->mSec_per_Frame($ms);  # milliseconds per frame
$bool = $rs->impulse;        $rs->impulse($bool);       # impulse glottal source
$n = $rs->casc;              $rs->casc($n);             # number cascade formants
$n = $rs->klatt_f0_flutter;  $rs->klatt_f0_flutter($n); # F0 flutter
$dB = $rs->klatt_tilt_db;    $rs->klatt_tilt_db($dB);   # tilt dB
$hz = $rs->klatt_f0_hz;      $rs->klatt_f0_hz($hz);     # F0 base frequency

# Accessors: Holmes
$n = $rs->speed;             $rs->speed($n);            # speed (1.0 is 'normal')
$f = $rs->frac;              $rs->frac($f);             # parameter filter 'fraction'
$file = $rs->par_name;       $rs->par_name($file);      # parameter filename for plot
$file = $rs->jsru_name;      $rs->jsru_name($file);     # plot file for alternate synth (JSRU)

# Accessors: Dictionary
$path = $rs->dict_path;      $rs->dict_path($path);     # full path to GDBM dictionary file

# Accessors: low-level
$flags = $rs->flags;         $rs->flags($flags);        # get/set flags mask


Speech::Rsynth is a Perl OO interface to my adaptation of Nick Ing-Simmons' "rsynth" speech synthesizer package, itself based on Jon Iles' implementation of a Klatt formant synthesizer. It currently provides only basic Text-to-Speech (TTS) capabilities, with output to file(s) of several formats, as well as directly to an audio device.

Currently tested only under linux.


A number constants may be exported; they are listed here by tag.

  • :const_nsynth

    Constants from 'nsynth.h'.

  • :const_rflags

    Constants from 'rstruct.h' -- can be used for the 'flags' accessor/keyword.

  • :const_aufile

    Constants from 'aufile.c'.

  • :const

    Exports the contents of all of the above 'const_*' tags.



  • new(%args)

    Create and return a new Speech::Rsynth object, initializing it according to the keyword-argments in '%args'. See "Accessors" for a list of valid keyword arguments for %args.


  • start()

    Start the synthesizer. This method must be called first if the 'say_*' methods are to produce any useful result.

  • say_string($string)

    Synthesize speech from the text string $string, which may contain literal phone-strings enclosed in square brackets. See the librsynth documentation for details on recognized phone encodings.

  • say_file(FILEHANDLE)

    Synthesize speech from the text from FILEHANDLE, which should be a Perl filehandle open for reading.

  • stop()

    Stops the synthesizer and synchronizes all its data files. Note that these files will be overwritten if the synthesizer is subsequently re-started.


  • configure(%cfg)

    With arguments, sets the object fields named by the keyword arguments to the indicated values. With or without arguments, returns a hash containing all accessible field values indexed by field names.

    See "Accessors" for details on accessible fields.


The following is a list of accessible fields of Speech::Rsynth objects. Fields may be read out individually for a Speech::Rsynth object $rs by calling $rs->NAME(), where NAME is the field name, and may be set individually by calling $rs->NAME($new_value). The field names also function as keyword arguments to the new() and configure() methods, described above.

    * use_audio

    Type: boolean

    Whether or not to output directly to the audio device. Default=no.

    * running


    Whether or not to start() the synth immediately. Default=no.

    * verbose

    Type: integer

    Verbosity level. Default=0.

    * help_only

    Type: boolean

    Whether or not only help messages should be printed. Default=0.

    * samp_rate

    Type: integer

    Sample rate in Hz. Default=8000.

    * dev_file

    Type: string

    Audio device filename. Default="/dev/dsp".

    * linear_file

    Type: string

    Filename for raw linear output. Default=undef (none).

    * au_file

    Type: string

    Filename for Sun/NeXT output. Default=undef (none).

    * dev_fd

    Type: integer

    File descriptor for audio device. Default=-1 (none).

    * linear_fd

    Type: integer

    File descriptor for raw linear file. Default=-1 (none).

    * au_fd

    File descriptor for Sun/NeXT file Default=-1 (none).

    * mSec_per_Frame

    Type: integer

    milliseconds per frame. Default=10.

    * impulse

    Type: boolean

    impulse glottal source. Default=0.

    * casc

    Type: integer

    number cascade formants. Default=0.

    * klatt_f0_flutter

    Type: integer

    F0 flutter. Default=0.

    * klatt_tilt_db

    Type: integer

    tilt dB. Default=10.

    * klatt_f0_hz

    Type: integer

    F0 base frequency. Default=1330.

    * speed

    Type: integer

    speed (1.0 is 'normal'). Default=1.

    * frac

    Type: float

    parameter filter 'fraction'. Default=1.0.

    * par_name

    Type: string

    parameter filename for plot. Default=undef (none).

    * jsru_name

    Type: string

    plot file for alternate synth (JSRU). Default=undef (none).

    * dict_path

    Type: string

    full path to GDBM dictionary file. Default=undef (none).

    * flags

    Type: integer (mask)

    mask of synth status flags. default=0.


There are still some globals left in librsynth which may interfere with multiple synths running simultaneously.

The filename fields should disappear, and the fd fields should be replaced by something perl-friendly, like filehandles.

More control over synthesis-time parameters would be real nice.

Probably many, many more.


perl by Larry Wall.

"say" program and original rsynth package by Nick Ng-Simmons.


Bryan Jurish <>


perl(1). say(1).

1 POD Error

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