graylog - Command line script to send data to a Graylog2 server
version 0.3
graylog -m "sending a basic message"
Send a message to a graylog2 analysis server, sent using GELF format over HTTP.
You may send any data to a gray log server, but there are some restrictions plus this module adds some defaults.
* There must be a message field
* a level field will be interpreted as a syslog level and converted to a number
* you can access the original value with the levelstr field
* timestamp and timestr field are added, the former is a unix int timestamp, the latter a time string
* each message gets a uuid
* a server field will be reinterpreseted as a host field, a default of hostname() will be added if needed
graylog --help
Syntax: graylog [options] [optional] key:value pairs='of information'
About: Send messages to a graylog server
--config Config file to use [DEFAULT: $HOME/.graylog.cfg]
--facility Syslog facility level one of kern, user, mail, daemon, auth, syslog, lpr, news, uucp, clock, authpriv, ftp, ntp, audit, alert, cron, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, local7
--help Show help
--level Syslog severity level one of emerg, alert, crit, error, warning, notice, info, debug
--logger The name of the logger to report [DEFAULT: graylog]
--long Optional long message to additionally send
--message* The message to send
--server The name of the server to report this message came from
--target target to send messages to, either url or name of item in config file
--verbose Dump extra useful information
* required option
Config file settings
The config file is a YAML file in $HOME/graylog.cfg
# config file for graylog
# default should match an entry in the targets
default: local
local: 'http://localhost:12202/gelf'
server2: 'http://server2:12202/gelf'
server3: 'http://server3:12202/gelf'
Set default to one of the targets. The targets are the URLs of graylog servers that you have access to
kevin mulholland
v0.1 2014/03/19, initial work
Obviously if you just want oto do this on the command line you can use
curl -XPOST http://graylog2_server:12202/gelf -p0 -d '{"short_message":"Hello there", "host":"", "facility":"test", "_foo":"bar"}'
See Also
Log::Log4perl::Layout::GELF , Net::Sentry::Client
Kevin Mulholland <>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Kevin Mulholland.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.