Net::Graylog::API - API Client for Net::Graylog::API
version 0.3
use Net::Graylog::API ;
my $api = Net::Graylog::API->new( url => 'http://server:12345' ) ;
$api->api_command( message => 'testing', 'debug') ;
This module has been autogenerated against a Swagger API, hopefully the author has fixed up the documentation
Currently this module is only using Basic auth over HTTP, not yet got into the complexity of anything else.
autogenerated by create_swagger_api, Which was created by kevin Mulholland,
Currently I am unsure if the PUT/POST actions work
Due to issues with Graylog2 documentation, I cannot test that any of the methods that use post/put actions will work, so lets assume for now that they do not
Investigate HTTP::Async instead of :Furl as it will not block, so we can wait for the response to be received, rather than the timeout to lapse
Data Models
- built_query [String]
- error [Object]
* begin_column [Integer] * begin_line [Integer] * end_column [Integer] * end_line [Integer]
- fields [Array]
* type [String]
- generic_error [Object]
* exception_name [String] * message [String]
- messages [Array]
* properties [Object] * index [String] * message [Object] * additional_properties [Any]
- query [String]
- time [Integer]
- total_results [Integer]
- used_indices [Array]
* type [String]
- connected [Boolean]
- entry [Object]
* additional_properties [String]
- exception [String]
- login_authenticated [Boolean]
- system_authenticated [Boolean]
- active_directory [Boolean]
- ldap_uri [String]
- password [String]
- principal [String]
- search_base [String]
- search_pattern [String]
- system_password [String]
- system_username [String]
- test_connect_only [Boolean]
- trust_all_certificates [Boolean]
- use_start_tls [Boolean]
Public Methods
Any method may die, you may need to catch these.
Create a new instance of the api connection
my $api = Net::Graylog::API->new( url => 'http://server:12345') ;
Parameters url the url of the server API, of the form http://server:12345 timeout, can be a float, default 0.01, Furl seems to wait until the timeout occurs before giving a response, which really cuts into the speed of sending, you may want to make this bigger for non-local servers, ie 1s
Manage stream alerts
Get the 100 most recent alarms of this stream.
Required parameters
streamId [String] The stream id this new alert condition belongs to.
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Check for triggered alert conditions of this streams. Results cached for 30 seconds.
Required parameters
streamId [String] The ID of the stream to check.
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get all alert conditions of this stream
Required parameters
streamId [String] The stream id this new alert condition belongs to.
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Create a alert condition
Required parameters
streamId [String] The stream id this new alert condition belongs to.
JSON body [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Delete an alert condition
Required parameters
streamId [String] The stream id this new alert condition belongs to.
conditionId [String] The stream id this new alert condition belongs to.
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Add an alert receiver
Required parameters
streamId [String] The stream id this new alert condition belongs to.
entity [String] Name/ID of user or email address to add as alert receiver.
type [String] Type: users or emails
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Remove an alert receiver
Required parameters
streamId [String] The stream id this new alert condition belongs to.
entity [String] Name/ID of user or email address to remove from alert receivers.
type [String] Type: users or emails
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Send a test mail for a given stream
Required parameters
streamId [String] The stream id this new alert condition belongs to.
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Message counts
Total number of messages in all your indices.
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Manage dashboards
Get a list of all dashboards and all configurations of their widgets.
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Create a dashboard
Required parameters
JSON body [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get a single dashboards and all configurations of its widgets.
Required parameters
dashboardId [String]
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Delete a dashboard and all its widgets
Required parameters
dashboardId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Update the settings of a dashboard.
Required parameters
JSON body [String]
dashboardId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Update/set the positions of dashboard widgets.
Required parameters
JSON body [String]
dashboardId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Add a widget to a dashboard
Required parameters
JSON body [String]
dashboardId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Delete a widget
Required parameters
dashboardId [String]
widgetId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Update cache time of a widget
Required parameters
JSON body [String]
dashboardId [String]
widgetId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Update description of a widget
Required parameters
JSON body [String]
dashboardId [String]
widgetId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get a single widget value.
Required parameters
dashboardId [String]
widgetId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Documentation of this API in JSON format.
Get API documentation
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get detailed API documentation of a single resource
Required parameters
route [String] Route to fetch. For example /system
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Extractors of an input
List all extractors of an input
Required parameters
inputId [String]
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Add an extractor to an input
Required parameters
JSON body [String]
inputId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Delete an extractor
Required parameters
inputId [String]
extractorId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Indexer cluster information
Get cluster and shard health overview
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get the cluster name
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Indexer failures
Get a list of failed index operations.
Required parameters
limit [Integer] Limit
offset [Integer] Offset
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Total count of failed index operations since the given date.
Optional parameters
since [String] ISO8601 date
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Index informations
Get a list of closed indices that can be reopened.
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get information of an index and its shards.
Optional parameters
index [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Delete an index. This will also trigger an index ranges rebuild job.
Optional parameters
index [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Close an index. This will also trigger an index ranges rebuild job.
Optional parameters
index [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Reopen a closed index. This will also trigger an index ranges rebuild job.
Optional parameters
index [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Single messages
Analyze a message string
Note: Returns what tokens/terms a message string (message or full_message) is split to.
Required parameters
index [String] The index the message containing the string is stored in.
string [String] The string to analyze.
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get a single message.
Required parameters
index [String] The index this message is stored in.
messageId [String]
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Message search
Message search with absolute timerange.
Note: Search for messages using an absolute timerange, specified as from/to with format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ (e.g. 2014-01-23T15:34:49.000Z) or yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss.
Required parameters
query [String] Query (Lucene syntax)
from [String] Timerange start. See description for date format
to [String] Timerange end. See description for date format
Optional parameters
limit [Integer] Maximum number of messages to return.
offset [Integer] Offset
filter [String] Filter
sort [String] Sorting (field:asc / field:desc)
Returns: ["SearchResponse"] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Field value histogram of a query using an absolute timerange.
Required parameters
query [String] Query (Lucene syntax)
field [String] Field of whose values to get the histogram of
interval [String] Histogram interval / bucket size. (year, quarter, month, week, day, hour or minute)
from [String] Timerange start. See search method description for date format
to [String] Timerange end. See search method description for date format
Optional parameters
filter [String] Filter
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Datetime histogram of a query using an absolute timerange.
Required parameters
query [String] Query (Lucene syntax)
interval [String] Histogram interval / bucket size. (year, quarter, month, week, day, hour or minute)
from [String] Timerange start. See search method description for date format
to [String] Timerange end. See search method description for date format
Optional parameters
filter [String] Filter
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Field statistics for a query using an absolute timerange.
Note: Returns statistics like min/max or standard deviation of numeric fields over the whole query result set.
Required parameters
field [String] Message field of numeric type to return statistics for
query [String] Query (Lucene syntax)
from [String] Timerange start. See search method description for date format
to [String] Timerange end. See search method description for date format
Optional parameters
filter [String] Filter
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Most common field terms of a query using an absolute timerange.
Required parameters
field [String] Message field of to return terms of
query [String] Query (Lucene syntax)
from [String] Timerange start. See search method description for date format
to [String] Timerange end. See search method description for date format
Optional parameters
size [Integer] Maximum number of terms to return
filter [String] Filter
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Message search
Message search with keyword as timerange.
Note: Search for messages in a timerange defined by a keyword like "yesterday" or "2 weeks ago to wednesday".
Required parameters
query [String] Query (Lucene syntax)
keyword [String] Range keyword
Optional parameters
limit [Integer] Maximum number of messages to return.
offset [Integer] Offset
filter [String] Filter
sort [String] Sorting (field:asc / field:desc)
Returns: ["SearchResponse"] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Datetime histogram of a query using keyword timerange.
Required parameters
query [String] Query (Lucene syntax)
field [String] Field of whose values to get the histogram of
interval [String] Histogram interval / bucket size. (year, quarter, month, week, day, hour or minute)
keyword [String] Range keyword
Optional parameters
filter [String] Filter
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Datetime histogram of a query using keyword timerange.
Required parameters
query [String] Query (Lucene syntax)
interval [String] Histogram interval / bucket size. (year, quarter, month, week, day, hour or minute)
keyword [String] Range keyword
Optional parameters
filter [String] Filter
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Field statistics for a query using a keyword timerange.
Note: Returns statistics like min/max or standard deviation of numeric fields over the whole query result set.
Required parameters
field [String] Message field of numeric type to return statistics for
query [String] Query (Lucene syntax)
keyword [String] Range keyword
Optional parameters
filter [String] Filter
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Most common field terms of a query using a keyword timerange.
Required parameters
field [String] Message field of to return terms of
query [String] Query (Lucene syntax)
keyword [String] Range keyword
Optional parameters
size [Integer] Maximum number of terms to return
filter [String] Filter
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Message search
Message search with relative timerange.
Note: Search for messages in a relative timerange, specified as seconds from now. Example: 300 means search from 5 minutes ago to now.
Required parameters
query [String] Query (Lucene syntax)
range [Integer] Relative timeframe to search in. See method description.
Optional parameters
limit [Integer] Maximum number of messages to return.
offset [Integer] Offset
filter [String] Filter
sort [String] Sorting (field:asc / field:desc)
Returns: ["SearchResponse"] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Field value histogram of a query using a relative timerange.
Required parameters
query [String] Query (Lucene syntax)
field [String] Field of whose values to get the histogram of
interval [String] Histogram interval / bucket size. (year, quarter, month, week, day, hour or minute)
range [Integer] Relative timeframe to search in. See search method description.
Optional parameters
filter [String] Filter
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Datetime histogram of a query using a relative timerange.
Required parameters
query [String] Query (Lucene syntax)
interval [String] Histogram interval / bucket size. (year, quarter, month, week, day, hour or minute)
range [Integer] Relative timeframe to search in. See search method description.
Optional parameters
filter [String] Filter
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Field statistics for a query using a relative timerange.
Note: Returns statistics like min/max or standard deviation of numeric fields over the whole query result set.
Required parameters
field [String] Message field of numeric type to return statistics for
query [String] Query (Lucene syntax)
range [Integer] Relative timeframe to search in. See search method description.
Optional parameters
filter [String] Filter
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Most common field terms of a query using a relative timerange.
Required parameters
field [String] Message field of to return terms of
query [String] Query (Lucene syntax)
range [Integer] Relative timeframe to search in. See search method description.
Optional parameters
size [Integer] Maximum number of terms to return
filter [String] Filter
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Saved searches
Get a list of all saved searches
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Create a new saved search
Required parameters
JSON body [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get a single saved search
Required parameters
searchId [String]
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Delete a saved search
Required parameters
searchId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Listing message sources (e.g. hosts sending logs)
Get a list of all sources (not more than 5000) that have messages in the current indices. The result is cached for 10 seconds.
Note: Range: The parameter is in seconds relative to the current time. 86400 means 'in the last day',0 is special and means 'across all indices'
Required parameters
range [Integer] Relative timeframe to search in. See method description.
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Static fields of an input
Add a static field to an input
Required parameters
JSON body [String]
inputId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Remove static field of an input
Required parameters
Key [String]
inputId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Manage stream rules
Get a list of all stream rules
Required parameters
streamid [String] The id of the stream whose stream rules we want.
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Create a stream rule
Required parameters
streamid [String] The stream id this new rule belongs to.
JSON body [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get a single stream rules
Required parameters
streamid [String] The id of the stream whose stream rule we want.
streamRuleId [String] The stream rule id we are getting
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Delete a stream rule
Required parameters
streamid [String] The stream id this new rule belongs to.
streamRuleId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Update a stream rule
Required parameters
streamid [String] The stream id this rule belongs to.
streamRuleId [String] The stream rule id we are updating
JSON body [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Manage streams
Get a list of all streams
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Create a stream
Required parameters
JSON body [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get a list of all streams
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Current throughput of all visible streams on this node in messages per second
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get a single stream
Required parameters
streamId [String]
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Delete a stream
Required parameters
streamId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Update a stream
Required parameters
JSON body [String]
streamId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Clone a stream
Required parameters
streamId [String]
JSON body [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Pause a stream
Required parameters
streamId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Resume a stream
Required parameters
streamId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Test matching of a stream against a supplied message
Required parameters
streamId [String]
JSON body [String]
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Current throughput of this stream on this node in messages per second
Required parameters
streamId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
System information of this node.
Get system overview
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get list of message fields that exist
Note: This operation is comparably fast because it reads directly from the indexer mapping.
Optional parameters
limit [Integer] Maximum number of fields to return. Set to 0 for all fields.
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get JVM information
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get all available user permissions.
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get the initial permissions assigned to a reader account
Required parameters
username [String]
Returns: ["ReaderPermissionResponse"] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Pauses message processing
Note: Inputs that are able to reject or requeue messages will do so, others will buffer messages in memory. Keep an eye on the heap space utilization while message processing is paused.
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Resume message processing
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Get a thread dump
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, possible plain text response in content
Buffer information of this node.
Get current utilization of buffers and caches of this node.
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Node discovery
Information about this node.
Note: This is returning information of this node in context to its state in the cluster. Use the system API of the node itself to get system information.
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
List all active nodes in this cluster.
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Information about a node.
Note: This is returning information of a node in context to its state in the cluster. Use the system API of the node itself to get system information.
Required parameters
nodeId [String]
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Index deflector management
Get current deflector status
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get deflector configuration. Only available on master nodes.
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Cycle deflector to new/next index
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Index timeranges
Get a list of all index ranges
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Rebuild/sync index range information.
Note: This triggers a systemjob that scans every index and stores meta information about what indices contain messages in what timeranges. It atomically overwrites already existing meta information.
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Message inputs of this node
Get all inputs of this node
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Launch input on this node
Required parameters
JSON body [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get all available input types of this node
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get information about a single input type
Required parameters
inputType [String]
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get information of a single input on this node
Required parameters
inputId [String]
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Terminate input on this node
Required parameters
inputId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Launch existing input on this node
Required parameters
inputId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Trigger new job
Required parameters
JSON body [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
List currently running jobs
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get information of a specific currently running job
Required parameters
jobId [String]
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
LDAP settings
Get the LDAP configuration if it is configured
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Update the LDAP configuration
Required parameters
JSON body [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Remove the LDAP configuration
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Test LDAP Configuration
Required parameters
Configuration to test [LdapTestConfigRequest]
Returns: ["LdapTestConfigResponse"] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Internal Graylog2 loggers
List all loggers and their current levels
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
List all logger subsystems and their current levels
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Set the loglevel of a whole subsystem
Note: Provided level is falling back to DEBUG if it does not exist
Required parameters
subsystem [String]
level [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Set the loglevel of a single logger
Note: Provided level is falling back to DEBUG if it does not exist
Required parameters
loggerName [String]
level [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Internal Graylog2 messages
Get internal Graylog2 system messages
Optional parameters
page [Integer] Page
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Internal Graylog2 metrics
Get all metrics
Note: Note that this might return a huge result set.
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get all metrics keys/names
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get all metrics of a namespace
Required parameters
namespace [String]
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get a single metric
Required parameters
metricName [String]
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get history of a single metric
Note: The maximum retention time is currently only 5 minutes.
Required parameters
metricName [String]
Optional parameters
after [Long] Only values for after this UTC timestamp (1970 epoch)
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Notifications generated by the system
Get all active notifications
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Delete a notification
Optional parameters
notificationType [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Management of graylog2-radio nodes.
List all active radios in this cluster.
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Information about a radio.
Note: This is returning information of a radio in context to its state in the cluster. Use the system API of the node itself to get system information.
Required parameters
radioId [String]
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Register input of a radio.
Note: Radio inputs register their own inputs here for persistence after they successfully launched it.
Required parameters
JSON body [String]
radioId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Persisted inputs of a radio.
Note: This is returning the configured persisted inputs of a radio node. This is *not* returning the actually running inputs on a radio node. Radio nodes use this resource to get their configured inputs on startup.
Required parameters
radioId [String]
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Unregister input of a radio.
Note: Radios unregister their inputs when they are stopped/terminated on the radio.
Required parameters
radioId [String]
inputId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Ping - Accepts pings of graylog2-radio nodes.
Note: Every graylog2-radio node is regularly pinging to announce that it is active.
Required parameters
JSON body [String]
radioId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Login for interactive user sessions
Create a new session
Note: This request creates a new session for a user or reactivates an existing session: the equivalent of logging in.
Required parameters
Login request [SessionCreateRequest] Username and credentials
Returns: [Session] Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Terminate an existing session
Note: Destroys the session with the given ID: the equivalent of logging out.
Required parameters
sessionId [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content
Message throughput of this node
Current throughput of this node in messages per second
Returns: [String] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
User accounts
List all users
Note: The permissions assigned to the users are always included.
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Create a new user account.
Required parameters
JSON body [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Modify user details.
Required parameters
username [String] The name of the user to modify.
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Removes a user account.
Required parameters
username [String] The name of the user to delete.
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Get user details
Note: The user's permissions are only included if a user asks for his own account or for users with the necessary permissions to edit permissions.
Required parameters
username [String] The username to return information for.
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Update the password for a user.
Required parameters
username [String] The name of the user whose password to change.
JSON body [String] The hashed old and new passwords.
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Update a user's permission set.
Required parameters
username [String] The name of the user to modify.
JSON body [String] The list of permissions to assign to the user.
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Revoke all permissions for a user without deleting the account.
Required parameters
username [String] The name of the user to modify.
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Retrieves the list of access tokens for a user
Required parameters
username [String]
Returns: ["TokenList"] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Generates a new access token for a user
Required parameters
username [String]
name [String] Descriptive name for this token (e.g. 'cronjob')
Returns: [Token] Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Removes a token for a user
Required parameters
username [String]
access token [String]
Returns: Normal Furl::Response, with decoded JSON in json element
Kevin Mulholland <>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Kevin Mulholland.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.