package XML::RelaxNG::Compact::PXB;
use strict;
use English qw( -no_match_vars);
use version; our $VERSION = '0.15';
=head1 NAME
XML::RelaxNG::Compact::PXB - create perl XML (RelaxNG Compact) data binding API
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.15
The instance of this class is capable of generating the API tree of the perl objects
based on XML (RelaxNG compact) schema described as perl data structures. If you have bunch
of XML schemes ( and able to convert them into RelaxNG Compact ) and hate to waste your time
by writing DOM tree walking code then this module may help you. Of course POD will be created automatically as well.
Also, it will build the tests suit automatically as well and provide perltidy and perlcritic
config files for you to assure the absence of problems in your API. The L<Perl::Critic> test will
be performed as part of the tests suit.
See L<XML::RelaxNG::Compact::DataModel> for more details and examples.
use XML::RelaxNG::Compact::PXB;
# express your schema
my $subelement = { 'attrs' => {value => 'scalar', type => 'scalar', port => 'scalar', xmlns => 'nsid2'},
elements => [],
text => 'unless:value',
my $model = = { 'attrs' => {id => 'scalar', type => 'scalar', xmlns => 'nsid'},
elements => [
[subelement => $subelement ]
# define Namespace registry for your schemes
my $nsreg = { 'nsid' => 'http://nsid/URI', 'nsid2' => 'http://nsid2/URI'};
# create API builder with your desired parameters
my $api_builder = XML::RelaxNG::Compact::PXB->new({
top_dir => "/topdir/",
nsregistry => $nsreg,
datatypes_root => "Datatypes,
project_root => 'API,
schema_version => "1.0",
test_dir => "t",
footer => POD::Credentials->new({author=> 'Author Name',
license=> ' This stuff is for free !',
copyright => 'Copyright (c) 2011, by me'});
#### this call will build everything - API,tests, helper modules
#### where name parameter is the name of your root element - "nsid:mymodel"
# it will create versioned API under /topdir/API/Datatypes/v1_0/nsid/ for nsid namespace prefix
# and /topdir/API/Datatypes/v1_0/nsid2/ for nsid2 namespace prefix
$api_builder->buildAPI({name => 'mymodel', element => $model});
#### this call will build only test suit
$api_builder->buildTests({name => 'mymodel', element => $model});
#### this call will build only Helper modules under /topdir/API/Datatypes/v1_0/ -
#### namespace prefix mapping, basic element operations
=head1 METHODS
use FindBin;
use Carp;
use base qw(Class::Accessor::Fast Class::Fields);
use fields qw(debug top_dir datatypes_root project_root schema_version test_dir footer nsregistry
_schema_version_dir _TESTS _fh _fhtest _path _root _known_class _existed DEBUG);
XML::RelaxNG::Compact::PXB->mk_accessors(XML::RelaxNG::Compact::PXB->show_fields('Public'),'_fh', '_fhtest', '_TESTS');
=head2 new({})
creates new object, accepts reference to hash as parameters container
where keys are:
B<DEBUG> - set it to something defined to provide extra logging
B<top_dir> - full pathname to the api root dir, for example test files will be placed as top_dir/test_dir
B<Default:> C<current directory>
B<nsregistry> - reference to the hash with {ns_prefix => ns_URI} pairs, it will be built into the Element class
B<Default:> just XSD and XSI namespaces
B<datatypes_root> - name of the generated datatypes directory
B<Default:> I<XMLTypes>
B<project_root> - name of the API project directory, all packages will have naming beginning with this one
B<Default:> I<API>, with B<datatypes_root> default value every package will have API::XMLTYpes:: pre-fix
B<schema_version> - version identifier for your XML schema
B<Default:> I<1.0>
B<test_dir> - name for the test suit files ( relative to the <top_dir>)
B<Default:> I<t>
B<footer> - container of the object - L<POD::Credentials>, used for printing POD footer with SEE ALSO, AUTHOR, COPYRIGHT, LICENSE
Possible ways to call B<new()>:
### with defaults
$api_builder = XML::RelaxNG::Compact::PXB->new();
## passes hashref with explicit parameters, for the next example:
## api will be created at /root/XMLTypes/v1_0/
## and tests files under - /root/t
$api_builder = XML::RelaxNG::Compact::PXB->new({
top_dir => "/root/",
datatypes_root => "XMLTypes",
nsregistry => { 'nsid' => 'nsURI'},
project_root => 'API,
schema_version => "1.0",
test_dir => "t",
footer => POD::Credentials->new({author=> 'Joe Doe'}),
# XSD/XSI namespaces
our $XSD_NS = {'xsd'=>"",
sub new {
my ( $that, $param ) = @_;
my $class = ref($that) || $that;
my $self = fields::new($class);
# setting defaults
### private fields initialization
$self->{_known_class} ={}; ## namespace/element specific lookup table for already created classes
$self->{_existed}={}; ## general lookup table for already created classes
$self->{_path} = []; ## container for current directory path
if ($param && ref($param) ne 'HASH') {
croak("ONLY hash ref accepted as param and not: " . Dumper $param );
map {$self->{$_} = $param->{$_} if $self->can($_) && $param->{$_} } keys %{$param}; ###
(my $version = $self->schema_version) =~ s/v//i;
$version =~ s/\./_/g;
$self->{_schema_version_dir} = "v$version";
##$self->test_dir($self->top_dir . "/" . $self->test_dir);
if($self->nsregistry && ref($self->nsregistry) eq 'HASH') {
$self->nsregistry({%{$self->nsregistry}, %{$XSD_NS}});
} else {
$self->footer->see_also(' Automatically generated by L<XML::RelaxNG::Compact::PXB> ') unless $self->footer->see_also;
return $self;
# private function
# for new classname, path, root and ns will check if this package already exists and
# then update path and root with appended classname a
# where root is the API modules tree path and path is the directory pathname
# without top dir name
sub _makeAPIPath {
my ($self, $classname, $ns) = @_;
my $classnameUP = ucfirst($classname);
print "MakePath: ::$ns packagepath=" . $self->_packagePath .
" classnameUP=$classnameUP\n" if $self->DEBUG > 1;
push @{$self->{_path}}, $classnameUP;
my $classname_tmp = $self->project_root . "::" .
$self->datatypes_root . "::" .
$self->{_schema_version_dir} . "::$ns" .
unless ( $self->{_existed}->{$classname_tmp} ) {
$self->{_existed}->{$classname_tmp} = $classname;
$self->{_known_class}->{$classname}{$ns} = $classname_tmp;
return $self;
# private function
# return package path for the current _path array
sub _packagePath {
my ($self) = @_;
my $path = '::';
if(@{$self->{_path}}) {
$path .= join '::', @{$self->{_path}};
} else {
$path = '';
return $path;
# private function
# return dirnames path for the current _path array
sub _dirPath {
my ($self) = @_;
my $path = '/';
if(@{$self->{_path}}) {
$path .= join '/', @{$self->{_path}};
} else {
$path = '';
return $path;
=head2 buildAPI()
builds XML binding API recursively
accepts hashref with keys:
name - scalar, name of the root element - undef by default
element - reference to the hash representing the RelaxNG Compact schema, empty hash ref by default
parent - optional scalar parameter, reference to the hash with definition of the parent element, its C<undef> for the root element
returns $self
sub buildAPI {
my ($self, $param) = @_;
my $name = $param->{name};
my $element = $param->{element};
my $parent = $param->{parent};
$self->_printHelpers unless $parent;
my $ns = $element->{attrs}->{xmlns};
croak(" Malformed definition: something is missing name=$name ns=$ns element=" . Dumper $element)
unless $name && $ns && $element;
$self->_makeAPIPath($name, $ns);
if($element && ref($element) eq 'HASH' && $element->{attrs}) {
if(ref($element->{elements}) eq 'ARRAY' && !$self->_TESTS) {
mkpath([$self->top_dir . "/" . $self->project_root . "/". $self->datatypes_root . "/" .
$self->{_schema_version_dir} . "/$ns". $self->_dirPath], 1, 0755);
foreach my $el (@{$element->{elements}}) {
if(ref($el) eq 'ARRAY') {
if(ref($el->[1]) eq 'HASH' && $el->[1]->{attrs}) {
$self->buildAPI({name => $el->[0], element => $el->[1], parent => $element});
} elsif(ref($el->[1]) eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach my $sub_el (@{$el->[1]}) { ### if right part is arrayref - means choice between elements
next unless $sub_el;
if(ref($sub_el) eq 'HASH' && $sub_el->{attrs}) { # choice between single elements
$self->buildAPI({name => $el->[0], element => $sub_el, parent => $element});
} elsif(ref($sub_el) eq 'ARRAY' && scalar @{$sub_el} == 1) { # choice between multiple
$self->buildAPI({name => $el->[0], element => $sub_el->[0], parent => $element});
} else {
croak(" Malformed definition: name=" . $el->[0] .
" sub_el Dump=" . Dumper($sub_el) . " el Dump=" . Dumper $el);
$self->buildClass($name, $element, $parent) if defined $self->_dirPath && defined $self->_packagePath;
# if empty directory was created, then remove it
my $child_dir = $self->top_dir ."/". $self->project_root . "/". $self->datatypes_root . "/" .
$self->{_schema_version_dir} . "/$ns". $self->_dirPath;
rmdir $child_dir if( -d $child_dir);
pop @{$self->{_path}} if defined $self->_dirPath && defined $self->_packagePath;
} else {
croak("Malformed definition: ended up in non element");
return $self;
=head2 buildHelpers
shortcut to build Helper classes only, no arguments
returns $self
sub buildHelpers {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self;
=head2 buildAM
prints accessors and mutators for the passed reference to array of names
returns $self
sub buildAM {
my ($self, $arr_names) = @_;
croak(" Only array ref parameter accepted" . Dumper $arr_names)
unless ref($arr_names) eq 'ARRAY';
foreach my $name (@{$arr_names}) {
\=head2 get_$name
accessor for $name, assumes hash based class
sub get_$name {
my(\$self) = \@_;
return \$self->{$name};
\=head2 set_$name
mutator for $name, assumes hash based class
sub set_$name {
my(\$self,\$value) = \@_;
if(\$value) {
\$self->{$name} = \$value;
return \$self->{$name};
return $self;
=head2 buildTests
shortcut to build test files only, no arguments
returns $self
sub buildTests {
my $self = shift;
return $self;
=head2 buildClass
builds single class on the filesystem and corresponded test file
accepts position bounded parameters:
name of the element
hashref with the element definition
hashref with parent definition if its not the root element
returns $self
sub buildClass {
my ($self, $name, $element, $parent) = @_;
# current path
my $ns = $element->{attrs}->{xmlns};
my $path = $self->top_dir ."/". $self->project_root . "/". $self->datatypes_root . "/" .
$self->{_schema_version_dir} . "/$ns" . $self->_dirPath;
# current classname
my $root = $self->project_root . "::". $self->datatypes_root . "::" .
$self->{_schema_version_dir} . "::$ns". $self->_packagePath;
my $className = $root;
#--------------------------- some preparatory work here, lists of element names, attributes, text elements -----------
my @elements = grep(ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' && $_->[0] && $_->[1], @{$element->{elements}});
my @elementnodes = grep(ref($_->[1]), @elements);
my @textnodes = grep($_->[1] eq 'text' && !ref($_->[1]), @elements);
my $elements_names = @elementnodes?join (" " , map { $_->[0] } @elementnodes):'';
my $texts_names = @textnodes?join (" " , map { $_->[0] } @textnodes):'';
my @attributes = grep(!/xmlns/, keys %{$element->{attrs}});
my $attributes_names = @attributes?join " " , @attributes:'';
my %parent_sql = ();
# parsing SQL mapping config for parent element if it exists to allow propagation of the conditions from the previous layer
if($parent && ref($parent) eq 'HASH' && $parent->{sql}) {
foreach my $table (keys %{$parent->{sql}}) {
foreach my $field (keys %{$parent->{sql}->{$table}}) {
my $value = $parent->{sql}->{$table}->{$field}->{value};
$value = [$value] if ref($value) ne 'ARRAY';
foreach my $possible (@{$value}) {
my %sql_pass =(); ### hash with pass through, means this is not the last element in the tree
my %sql_here =(); ### hash with sql to map here - tree leaf
# preprocessing sql config if it exists for this element
if($element->{sql}) {
foreach my $table (keys %{$element->{sql}}) {
foreach my $field (keys %{$element->{sql}->{$table}}) {
my $value = $element->{sql}->{$table}->{$field}->{value};
unless($value) {
croak(" SQL config malformed for element=$name table=$table field=$field, but value is missied");
my $condition = $element->{sql}->{$table}->{$field}->{if};
my ($attr_name, $set, $cond_string) = ('','','');
if($condition) {
$cond_string = '( 1 ';
my @conditions = (ref $condition eq ref [])?@{$condition}:qw/$condition/;
foreach my $cond (@conditions) {
($attr_name, $set) = split(':', $cond);
$cond_string .= $set?" || (\$self->get_$attr_name eq '$set') ":" || (\$self->get_$attr_name)";
$cond_string .= ' )';
$value = [$value] if ref($value) ne 'ARRAY';
foreach my $possible (@{$value}) {
next if %parent_sql && $parent_sql{$table}{$field} && !$parent_sql{$table}{$field}{$name};
if($elements_names =~ /\b$possible\b/) { #### if name of the $possible element is among the members of this object then pass it there
$sql_pass{$possible}{$table}{$field} = $cond_string;
} else { ###### otherwise set it with some value here ( text or attribute )
$sql_here{$possible}{$table}{$field} = $cond_string;
#-------------------------------------------- build tests
$self->buildTest(\@elementnodes, \@attributes, $className, $name, $element);
# return if TESTS is set - only test files should be built
return if($self->_TESTS);
$self->_fh(IO::File->new($path . ".pm","w+"));
croak(" Failed to open file :" . $path . ".pm") unless $self->_fh;
print("\n Classname: $path ... Attributes: $attributes_names \n Elements: $elements_names\n") if $self->DEBUG > 0;
print(" Config:" . Dumper $element) if $self->DEBUG>2;
my $version = $self->schema_version;
# the actual package generator starts here
$self->sayIt(qq/package $className;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use version; our \$VERSION = '$version';
\=head1 NAME
$className - this is data binding class for '$name' element from the XML schema namespace $ns
Object representation of the $name element of the $ns XML namespace.
Object fields are:
# printing attributes
map { $self->sayIt(" Scalar: $_,") } @attributes ;
# printing elements
map { $self->sayIt(" Object reference: " . $_->[0] . " => type " . ref($_->[1]) . ",") } @elements ;
The constructor accepts only single parameter, it could be a hashref with keyd parameters hash or DOM of the '$name' element
Alternative way to create this object is to pass hashref to this hash: { xml => <xml string> }
Please remember that namespace prefix is used as namespace id for mapping which not how it was intended by XML standard. The consequence of that
is if you serve some XML on one end of the webservices pipeline then the same namespace prefixes MUST be used on the one for the same namespace URNs.
This constraint can be fixed in the future releases.
Note: this class utilizes L<Log::Log4perl> module, see corresponded docs on CPAN.
\=head1 SYNOPSIS
use $className;
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
my \$el = $className->new(\$DOM_Obj);
my \$xml_string = \$el->asString();
my \$el2 = $className->new({xml => \$xml_string});
see more available methods below
\=head1 METHODS
use XML::LibXML;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger);
use Readonly;
####printing namespace specific helper classes
my $localized_path = $self->project_root . "::" . $self->datatypes_root . "::" . $self->{_schema_version_dir};
$self->sayIt("use $localized_path\::Element qw(getElement);");
$self->sayIt("use $localized_path\::NSMap;");
foreach my $el (@elementnodes) {
foreach my $ns (keys %{$self->{_known_class}->{$el->[0]}}) {
$self->sayIt("use " . $self->{_known_class}->{$el->[0]}{$ns} . ";")
if $self->{_known_class}->{$el->[0]}{$ns};
$self->saying("use fields qw(nsmap idmap LOGGER $attributes_names $elements_names $texts_names");
$self->saying(" text ") if $element->{text};
\=head2 new({})
creates object, accepts DOM with element's tree or hashref to the list of
keyed parameters:
map {$self->sayIt(" $_ => undef,")} @attributes ;
map {$self->sayIt(" " . $_->[0] . " => " . ref($_->[1]) . ",")} @elementnodes;
$self->sayIt(" text => 'text'") if $element->{text};
returns: \$self
Readonly::Scalar our \$COLUMN_SEPARATOR => ':';
Readonly::Scalar our \$CLASSPATH => '$className';
Readonly::Scalar our \$LOCALNAME => '$name';
sub new {
my (\$that, \$param) = \@_;
my \$class = ref(\$that) || \$that;
my \$self = fields::new(\$class );
\$self->get_nsmap->mapname(\$LOCALNAME, '$ns');
#### printing the rest of constructor
if(\$param) {
if(blessed \$param && \$param->can('getName') && (\$param->getName =~ m/\$LOCALNAME\$/xm) ) {
return \$self->fromDOM(\$param);
} elsif(ref(\$param) ne 'HASH') {
\$self->get_LOGGER->logdie(\"ONLY hash ref accepted as param \" . \$param );
if(\$param->{xml}) {
my \$parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my \$dom;
eval {
my \$doc = \$parser->parse_string(\$param->{xml});
\$dom = \$doc->getDocumentElement;
if(\$EVAL_ERROR) {
\$self->get_LOGGER->logdie(\" Failed to parse XML :\" . \$param->{xml} . \" \\n ERROR: \\n\" . \$EVAL_ERROR);
return \$self->fromDOM(\$dom);
\$self->get_LOGGER->debug(\"Parsing parameters: \" . (join ' : ', keys \%{\$param}));
foreach my \$param_key (keys \%{\$param}) {
\$self->{\$param_key} = \$param->{\$param_key} if \$self->can(\"get_\$param_key\");
return \$self;
\=head2 getDOM (\$parent)
accepts parent DOM serializes current object into the DOM, attaches it to the parent DOM tree and
returns $name object DOM
sub getDOM {
my (\$self, \$parent) = \@_;
my \$$name;
eval {
my \@nss;
unless(\$parent) {
my \$nsses = \$self->registerNamespaces();
\@nss = map {\$_ if(\$_ && \$_ ne \$self->get_nsmap->mapname( \$LOCALNAME ))} keys \%{\$nsses};
push(\@nss, \$self->get_nsmap->mapname( \$LOCALNAME ));
push \@nss, \$self->get_nsmap->mapname( \$LOCALNAME ) unless \@nss;
\$$name = getElement({name => \$LOCALNAME,
parent => \$parent,
ns => \\\@nss,
attributes => [
#------------------------------- generate serialization for each attribute
foreach my $attr (@attributes) {
print("_printConditional:: $attr = " . $element->{attrs}->{$attr}) if $self->DEBUG> 2;
$self->sayIt($self->_printConditional($attr, $element->{attrs}->{$attr}, 'get'));
$self->sayIt(" ],"); # end for attributes
$self->sayIt($self->_printConditional('text', $element->{text} , 'get')) if ($element->{text});
$self->sayIt(" });");
$self->sayIt(" };");
$self->sayIt(" if(\$EVAL_ERROR) {");
$self->sayIt(" \$self->get_LOGGER->logdie(\" Failed at creating DOM: \$EVAL_ERROR\");");
$self->sayIt(" }");
### deal with subelements
### each sub-element can be defined as some complex type where:
### [ name => obj ] - just object
### or [name => [obj]] - arrayref of objects
### or [name => [obj1,obj2]] - choice between two obj
### or [name => [[obj1],[obj2]]] - choice between two obj arrayref
foreach my $els (@elementnodes) {
croak(" Malformed elements declaration: name=$name and this thingy: els=$els must be an ARRAY ref ")
unless ref($els) eq 'ARRAY';
my $condition = _conditionParser($els->[2]);
my $subname = $els->[0];
$condition->{logic} .= " && " if $condition->{logic};
if(ref($els->[1]) eq 'ARRAY') {
if(scalar @{$els->[1]} > 1 ) {
if(ref( $els->[1]->[0]) ne 'ARRAY') {
$self->_printGetDOM($subname, $name, $condition->{logic});
} else {
$self->_printGetArrayDom($subname, $name, $condition->{logic});
} else {
$self->_printGetArrayDom($subname, $name, $condition->{logic});
} elsif(ref($els->[1]) eq 'HASH') {
$self->_printGetDOM($subname, $name, $condition->{logic});
if($texts_names) {
foreach my \$textnode (qw/$texts_names/) {
if(\$self->{\$textnode}) {
my \$domtext = getElement({name => \$textnode,
parent => \$$name,
ns => [\$self->get_nsmap->mapname(\$LOCALNAME)],
text => \$self->{\$textnode},
\$self->get_LOGGER->logdie("Failed to append new text element \$textnode to $name");
$self->sayIt(" return \$$name;\n}");
### print accessors/mutators for all element nodes and attributes ( careless about the type of the element )
$self->buildAM(['LOGGER', 'nsmap', 'idmap', 'text', @attributes,
map { $_->[0] } @elementnodes, @textnodes]);
### next building various element related methods
foreach my $el (@elementnodes) {
my $subname = $el->[0];
if(ref($el->[1]) eq 'ARRAY') {
\=head2 add\u${subname}()
if any of subelements can be an array then this method will provide
facility to add another element to the array and will return ref to such array
or just set the element to a new one, if element has and 'id' attribute then it will
create idmap
Accepts: obj
Returns: arrayref of objects
sub add\u${subname} {
my (\$self,\$new) = \@_;
\$self->get_$subname && ref(\$self->get_$subname) eq 'ARRAY'?push \@{\$self->get_$subname}, \$new:
\$self->get_LOGGER->debug("Added new to $subname");
\$self->buildIdMap; ## rebuild index map
return \$self->get_$subname;
\=head2 remove\u${subname}ById()
removes specific element from the array of ${subname} elements by id ( if id is supported by this element )
Accepts: single param - id - which is id attribute of the element
if there is no array then it will return undef and warning
if it removed some id then \$id will be returned
sub remove\u${subname}ById {
my (\$self, \$id) = \@_;
if(ref(\$self->get_$subname) eq 'ARRAY' && \$self->get_idmap->{$subname} &&
exists \$self->get_idmap->{$subname}{\$id}) {
undef \$self->get_$subname->\[\$self->get_idmap->{$subname}{\$id}\];
my \@tmp = grep { defined \$_ } \@{\$self->get_$subname};
\$self->buildIdMap; ## rebuild index map
return \$id;
} elsif(!ref(\$self->get_$subname) || ref(\$self->get_$subname) ne 'ARRAY') {
\$self->get_LOGGER->warn("Failed to remove element because ${subname} not an array for non-existent id:\$id");
} else {
\$self->get_LOGGER->warn("Failed to remove element for non-existent id:\$id");
\=head2 get\u${subname}ById()
get specific element from the array of ${subname} elements by id ( if id is supported by this element )
Accepts single param - id
if there is no array then it will return just an object
sub get\u${subname}ById {
my (\$self, \$id) = \@_;
if(ref(\$self->get_$subname) eq 'ARRAY' && \$self->get_idmap->{$subname} &&
exists \$self->get_idmap->{$subname}{\$id} ) {
return \$self->get_$subname->\[\$self->get_idmap->{$subname}{\$id}\];
} elsif(!ref(\$self->get_$subname) || ref(\$self->get_$subname) ne 'ARRAY') {
return \$self->get_$subname;
\$self->get_LOGGER->warn("Requested element for non-existent id:\$id");
\=head2 querySQL ()
depending on SQL mapping declaration it will return some hash ref to the declared fields
for example querySQL ()
Accepts one optional parameter - query hashref, it will fill this hashref
will return:
{ <table_name1> => {<field name1> => <value>, ...},...}
sub querySQL {
my (\$self, \$query) = \@_;
# print hash with mapped fields for this class
if($element->{sql}) {
$self->saying(" my \%defined_table = (");
foreach my $table (keys %{$element->{sql}}) {
$self->saying(" '$table' => [");
foreach my $field (keys %{$element->{sql}->{$table}}) {
$self->saying(" '$field', ");
$self->saying(" ], ");
$self->sayIt(" );");
# add current class into the declarative path of the sql field mapped down the tree
foreach my $subname (keys %sql_pass) {
foreach my $table (keys %{$sql_pass{$subname}}) {
foreach my $entry (keys %{$sql_pass{$subname}{$table}}) {
$self->saying(" \$query->{$table}{$entry}= [");
foreach my $nss (keys %{ $self->{_known_class}->{$subname}}) {
$self->saying(" '". $self->{_known_class}->{$subname}{$nss} . "',");
$self->sayIt(" ];");
# set sql for fields which mapped here
foreach my $subname (keys %sql_here) {
foreach my $table (keys %{$sql_here{$subname}}) {
foreach my $entry (keys %{$sql_here{$subname}{$table}}) {
$self->sayIt(" \$query->{$table}{$entry}= [ '$className' ] if!(defined \$query->{$table}{$entry}) || ref(\$query->{$table}{$entry});");
if($elements_names) {
foreach my \$subname (qw/$elements_names/) {
if(\$self->{\$subname} && (ref(\$self->{\$subname}) eq 'ARRAY' || blessed \$self->{\$subname})) {
my \@array = ref(\$self->{\$subname}) eq 'ARRAY'?\@{\$self->{\$subname}}:(\$self->{\$subname});
foreach my \$el (\@array) {
if(blessed \$el && \$el->can('querySQL')) {
\$self->get_LOGGER->debug("Querying $name for subclass \$subname");
} else {
\$self->get_LOGGER->logdie("Failed for $name Unblessed member or querySQL is not implemented by subclass \$subname");
if(%sql_here) {
eval {
foreach my \$table ( keys \%defined_table) {
foreach my \$entry (\@{\$defined_table{\$table}}) {
if(ref(\$query->{\$table}{\$entry}) eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach my \$classes (\@{\$query->{\$table}{\$entry}}) {
if(\$classes && \$classes eq '$className') {
my $if_sub_cond = ' if ';
foreach my $subname (@attributes, 'text') {
if($sql_here{$subname}) {
$self->sayIt(_getSQLSub($sql_here{$subname}, $subname, $if_sub_cond));
$if_sub_cond = ' elsif ';
if(\$EVAL_ERROR) {
\$self->get_LOGGER->logdie("SQL query building is failed here " . \$EVAL_ERROR);
$self->sayIt(" return \$query;");
\=head2 buildIdMap()
if any of subelements has id then get a map of it in form of
hashref to { element}{id} = index in array and store in the idmap field
sub buildIdMap {
my \$self = shift;
my \%map = ();
if( @elementnodes ) {
foreach my \$field (qw/$elements_names/) {
my \@array = ref(\$self->{\$field}) eq 'ARRAY'?\@{\$self->{\$field}}:(\$self->{\$field});
my \$i = 0;
foreach my \$el (\@array) {
if(\$el && blessed \$el && \$el->can('get_id') && \$el->get_id) {
\$map{\$field}{\$el->get_id} = \$i;
return \$self->set_idmap(\\\%map);
} else {
$self->sayIt(" return;");
\=head2 asString()
shortcut to get DOM and convert into the XML string
returns nicely formatted XML string representation of the $name object
sub asString {
my \$self = shift;
my \$dom = \$self->getDOM();
return \$dom->toString('1');
\=head2 registerNamespaces ()
will parse all subelements
returns reference to hash with namespace prefixes
most parsers are expecting to see namespace registration info in the document root element declaration
sub registerNamespaces {
my (\$self, \$nsids) = \@_;
my \$local_nss = {reverse \%{\$self->get_nsmap->mapname}};
unless(\$nsids) {
\$nsids = \$local_nss;
} else {
\%{\$nsids} = (\%{\$local_nss}, \%{\$nsids});
if( @elementnodes ) {
foreach my \$field (qw/$elements_names/) {
my \@array = ref(\$self->{\$field}) eq 'ARRAY'?\@{\$self->{\$field}}:(\$self->{\$field});
foreach my \$el (\@array) {
if(blessed \$el && \$el->can('registerNamespaces') ) {
my \$fromNSmap = \$el->registerNamespaces(\$nsids);
my \%ns_idmap = \%{\$fromNSmap};
foreach my \$ns (keys \%ns_idmap) {
$self->sayIt(" return \$nsids;");
\=head2 fromDOM (\$)
accepts parent XML DOM element tree as parameter
returns $name object
sub fromDOM {
my (\$self, \$dom) = \@_;
print(" fromDOM for: name=$name ") if $self->DEBUG>2;
foreach my $attr (@attributes) {
print(" fromDOM for: " . Dumper $element->{attrs}) if $self->DEBUG>2;
$self->sayIt($self->_printConditional($attr, $element->{attrs}->{$attr}, 'set'));
$self->sayIt(" \$self->get_LOGGER->debug(\"Attribute $attr= \". \$self->get_$attr) if \$self->get_$attr;");
$self->sayIt($self->_printConditional('text', $element->{text}, 'set'))
if ($element->{text});
if(@elements) {
$self->sayIt(qq/ foreach my \$childnode (\$dom->childNodes) {
my \$getname = \$childnode->getName;
my (\$nsid, \$tagname) = split \$COLUMN_SEPARATOR, \$getname;
next unless(\$nsid && \$tagname);
my \$element;
my $conditon_head = ' if';
foreach my $els (@elementnodes) {
croak("Element must be an array ref here: name=$name els=$els")
unless ref($els) eq 'ARRAY';
print "fromDOM subelement: " . Dumper $els if $self->DEBUG > 3;
my $subname = $els->[0];
my $condition = _conditionParser($els->[2]);
$condition->{logic} .= " && " if $condition->{logic};
print " fromDOM choice sub_subelement: " . Dumper $els->[1] if $self->DEBUG > 3;
if(ref($els->[1]) eq 'ARRAY') {
if(scalar @{$els->[1]} > 1) {
foreach my $choice (@{$els->[1]}) {
if(ref($choice) ne 'ARRAY') {
$self->_printFromDOM($subname, $choice, 'CHOICE', $conditon_head, $condition->{logic});
$conditon_head = ' elsif';
} elsif(scalar @{$choice} == 1 ) {
$self->_printFromDOM($subname, $choice->[0], 'ARRAY', $conditon_head, $condition->{logic});
$conditon_head = ' elsif';
} else {
croak(" Malformed element definition: name=$name subelement=$subname");
} else {
my $sub_el = ref $els->[1]->[0] eq 'ARRAY'?$els->[1]->[0]->[0]:$els->[1]->[0];
print " fromDOM 0 from sub_subelement: " . Dumper $els->[1]->[0] if $self->DEBUG > 3;
$self->_printFromDOM($subname, $sub_el, 'ARRAY',$conditon_head, $condition->{logic});
} elsif (ref($els->[1]) eq 'HASH') {
$self->_printFromDOM($subname,$els->[1], 'HASH',$conditon_head, $condition->{logic});
$conditon_head = ' elsif';
if(@textnodes) {
$self->sayIt(" $conditon_head (\$childnode->textContent && \$self->can(\"get_\$tagname\")) {");
$self->sayIt(" \$self->{\$tagname} = \$childnode->textContent; ## text node");
$self->sayIt(" }");
# if(@elementnodes || @textnodes) {
# $self->sayIt(" \$dom->removeChild(\$childnode);
## remove processed element from the current DOM so subclass can deal with remaining elements\n";
# }
$self->sayIt(" }");
$self->sayIt(" \$self->buildIdMap;\n \$self->registerNamespaces;");
$self->sayIt(" return \$self;\n}");
# internal call to create perlcritic and perltidy configs
sub _placeCritidy {
my ($self) = @_;
my $basename = $self->top_dir . '/' . $self->test_dir . '/conf';
unless( -e "$basename/perltidyrc") {
$self->_fh(IO::File->new( "$basename/perltidyrc",'w+'));
$self->sayIt(qq{# PBP .perltidyrc file
-i=4 # Indent level is 4 cols
-ci=4 # Continuation indent is 4 cols
-st # Output to STDOUT
-b # backup original to .bak and modify file in-place
-se # Errors to STDERR
-vt=0 # Maximal vertical tightness
-cti=0 # No extra indentation for closing brackets
-pt=1 # Medium parenthesis tightness
-lp # line up parentheses, brackets, and non-BLOCK braces
-bt=1 # Medium brace tightness
-ce # cuddled else; use this style: '\} else \{'
-bar # opening brace always on right, even for long clauses
-sbt=1 # Medium square bracket tightness
-bbt=1 # Medium block brace tightness
-nolq # dont outdent long quoted strings (default)
-nsfs # No space before semicolons
-nolq # Don't outdent long quoted strings
-wbb="% + - * / x != == >= <= =~ !~ < > | & >= < = **= += *= &= <<= && += -= /= |= >>= ||= .= %= ^= x="
# Break before all operators
unless( -e "$basename/perlcritic") {
severity = 2
only = 1
theme = (pbp + core + bugs + readability)
## layout according to the supplied perltidy
perltidyrc = $basename/perltidyrc
# I think these are really important, so always load them
severity = 5
severity = 5
severity = 5
# I think these are less important, so only load when asked
severity = 1
allow = if unless
severity = 2
# I do not agree with these at all or their
# presence may create more worse than good
# or they depend on the personal taste and not reason
=head2 buildTest
auxiliary method
it builds test file for current class
reference to array with elements,
reference to array with attributes,
class name
name of the package
element name
returns: nothing
sub buildTest {
my ($self, $elementnodes, $attributes, $className, $name, $element) = @_;
my $relative_path = $self->top_dir . '/'. $self->test_dir;
mkpath ([ $relative_path ], 1, 0755);
mkpath ([ "$relative_path/conf"], 1, 0755);
print "Creating perlcritic and perltidyrc config files ... " if $self->DEBUG > 0;
print " Creating simple file " if $self->DEBUG > 0;
unless(-e $self->top_dir . "/") {
$self->_fh(IO::File->new( $self->top_dir . "/" ,"w+"));
$self->sayIt(qq{use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::Harness;
use FindBin qw(\$Bin);
unshift \@INC, "\$Bin" ;
unshift \@INC, "\$Bin/../";
if (\$ARGV[0] && \$ARGV[0] eq '-v') \{
\$Test::Harness::Verbose = 1;
shift \@ARGV;
print " Creating test suit... " if $self->DEBUG > 0;
(my $test_filename = $className) =~ s/(\w)\:\:(\w)/$1\_\_$2/g;
$self->_fh(IO::File->new("$relative_path/$test_filename.t" ,"w+"));
croak(" Failed to open test suite file: $! $relative_path/$test_filename.t")
unless $self->_fh;
my $test_number = 2;
my $ns = $element->{attrs}->{xmlns};
use warnings;
use strict;
use Test::More;
use Data::Dumper;
use FindBin qw(\$Bin);
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy :levels);
use English qw( -no_match_vars);
$self->sayIt('use Test::Perl::Critic (-severity => 3, -verbose => 4, -profile => "$Bin/conf/perlcritic");');
## see BEGIN block at the bottom for the number of tests and use_ok package check
my @element_names = map {$_->[0]} @{$elementnodes};
foreach my $el (@element_names) {
foreach my $ns (keys %{$self->{_known_class}->{$el}}) {
if($self->{_known_class}->{$el}{$ns}) {
$self->sayIt("use_ok '" . $self->{_known_class}->{$el}{$ns} . "';");
$self->sayIt("#", $test_number++);
$self->sayIt("#", $test_number++);
$self->sayIt('critic_ok("$Bin/../' . $self->project_root . "/" . $self->datatypes_root . "/" .
$self->{_schema_version_dir} . "/$ns" .
$self->_dirPath . '.pm", "perl critic have not found any problems")
or diag(" perl critic found problems ");');
my $accessors = 'get_nsmap get_idmap ' . join(' ', map{"get_$_"} @{$attributes}, @element_names);
$self->sayIt("#", $test_number++);
$self->sayIt("can_ok($className->new(), qw/$accessors/);");
my \$obj1 = undef;
eval {
\$obj1 = $className->new({
map {$self->saying(" '$_' => 'value_$_',")} @{$attributes};
$self->sayIt(" })\n};\nok(\$obj1 && !\$EVAL_ERROR, \"Create object $className...\") or diag(\$EVAL_ERROR);\n undef \$EVAL_ERROR;");
$self->sayIt('#', ++$test_number);
$self->sayIt("my \$ns = \$obj1->get_nsmap->mapname('$name');");
$self->sayIt("ok(\$ns eq '". $element->{attrs}->{xmlns} . "', \" mapname('$name')... \");");
foreach my $att (@{$attributes}) {
$self->sayIt('#', ++$test_number);
$self->sayIt("my \$$att = \$obj1->get_$att;");
$self->sayIt("ok(\$$att eq 'value_$att', \"Checking accessor obj1->get_$att ... \") or diag(' Accessor test failed ');");
foreach my $subel (@{$elementnodes}) {
my $subel1 = (ref($subel->[1]) eq 'ARRAY')?
((ref($subel->[1]->[0]) eq 'ARRAY')?$subel->[1]->[0]->[0]:$subel->[1]->[0]):
((ref($subel->[1]) eq 'HASH')?$subel->[1]:undef);
next unless $subel1;
$self->sayIt('#', ++$test_number);
my $subel_name = $subel->[0];
$self->sayIt("my \$obj_$subel_name;");
$self->sayIt('eval {');
$self->saying(" \$obj_$subel_name = " . $self->{_known_class}->{$subel_name}{$subel1->{attrs}->{xmlns}} ."->new({");
map { $self->saying(" '$_' => 'value$_',") if $_ ne 'xmlns' && $subel1->{attrs}->{$_}} keys %{$subel1->{attrs}};
$self->sayIt(' });');
(ref($subel->[1]) eq 'ARRAY' && $#{$subel->[1]} == 0)?$self->sayIt(" \$obj1->add\u$subel_name(\$obj_$subel_name);"):
$self->sayIt(" \$obj1->set_$subel_name(\$obj_$subel_name);");
$self->sayIt("ok(\$obj_$subel_name && \!\$EVAL_ERROR, \"Create subelement object $subel_name and set it\") or diag(\$EVAL_ERROR);");
$self->sayIt('undef $EVAL_ERROR;');
$self->sayIt('#', ++$test_number);
$self->sayIt('my $string;');
$self->sayIt('eval {');
$self->sayIt(' $string = $obj1->asString');
$self->sayIt('ok($string && !$EVAL_ERROR, "Converting to XML string: $string") or diag($EVAL_ERROR);');
$self->sayIt('undef $EVAL_ERROR;');
$self->sayIt('#', ++$test_number);
$self->sayIt('my $obj22;');
$self->sayIt('eval {');
$self->sayIt(" \$obj22 = $className->new({xml => \$string});");
$self->sayIt('ok($obj22 && !$EVAL_ERROR, "Re-create object from XML string: ") or diag($EVAL_ERROR);');
$self->sayIt('undef $EVAL_ERROR;');
$self->sayIt('#', ++$test_number);
$self->sayIt('my $dom1 = $obj1->getDOM();');
$self->sayIt('my $obj2;');
$self->sayIt('eval {');
$self->sayIt(" \$obj2 = $className->new(\$dom1);");
$self->sayIt('ok($obj2 && !$EVAL_ERROR, "Re-create object from DOM XML: ") or diag($EVAL_ERROR);');
$self->sayIt('undef $EVAL_ERROR;');
plan tests => $test_number;
use_ok '$className';
# auxiliary private function ( extracted from the build_class )
# printing getDom part for arrayref members ( when its more than a single instance of the sub-element )
# accepts: $fh - filehandle where it prints to
# $subname - current sub-element name
# $name - name of the current element - will be used as parent DOM object identifier for recursive call
# $logic - conditional logic parsed by _conditionParser
sub _printGetArrayDom {
my ($self, $subname, $name, $logic) = @_;
if($logic\$self->get_$subname && ref(\$self->get_$subname) eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach my \$subel (\@{\$self->get_$subname}) {
if(blessed \$subel && \$subel->can("getDOM")) {
my \$subDOM = \$subel->getDOM(\$$name);
\$subDOM?\$$name->appendChild(\$subDOM):\$self->get_LOGGER->logdie("Failed to append $subname element with value:" . \$subDOM->toString);
# auxiliary private function ( extracted from the build_class )
# printing getDom part for singular object members
# accepts:
# $subname - current sub-element name
# $name - name of the current element - will be used as parent DOM object identifier for recursive call
# $cond_string - conditional logic parsed by _conditionParser reference to the sql_fields hash with mapped sql fields
sub _printGetDOM {
my ($self, $subname, $name, $cond_string) = @_;
if($cond_string\$self->get_$subname && blessed \$self->get_$subname && \$self->get_$subname->can("getDOM")) {
my \$${subname}DOM = \$self->get_$subname->getDOM(\$$name);
\$${subname}DOM?\$$name->appendChild(\$${subname}DOM):\$self->get_LOGGER->logdie("Failed to append $subname element with value:" . \$${subname}DOM->toString);
# auxiliary private function
# will parse conditional string and return regexp and logical condition
# accepted parameter: $value is a string to parse where EBNF declaration is:
# value = ('scalar'| 'enum'|'set'|'if'|'unless'|'exclude') ':' (string ( ',' string)*)
# will return hashref with the resulted hash with keys:
# {condition => <left part of the ':'>,
# logic => <if statement conditional expression>,
# regexp => <matching regexp for the enumerated list on the right part of ':'> }
sub _conditionParser {
my $value = shift;
my $result = { condition => '', logic => '', regexp => ''};
return $result unless $value;
$value =~ s/^(scalar|enum|set|if|unless|exclude)\:?//;
$result->{condition} = $1;
my @list = split ",", $value unless $result->{condition} eq 'scalar';
if(@list) {
$result->{logic} = "(\$self->get_" . (join " && \$self->get_", @list) . ")";
$result->{regexp} = " =~ m/(" . (join "|", @list) . ")\$/";
if($result->{condition} eq 'unless') {
$result->{logic} = "!". $result->{logic};
} elsif($result->{condition} eq 'exclude') {
$result->{regexp} =~ s/\=\~/\!\~/;
return $result;
# auxiliary private function ( extracted from the build_class )
# analyze condition and return conditional string to be used in getDOM|fromDOM printing calls
# accepted parameters: $key - [<attribute name> | 'text'],
# $value - condition to parse by _conditionParser,
# $what - ['get' | 'from'] - to distinguish fromDom and getDOM
sub _printConditional {
my ($self, $key, $value,$what) = @_;
my $string;
my $arrayref_signleft = ($key ne 'text')?"[":'';
my $arrayref_signright = ($key ne 'text')?"]":'';
my $fromDomArg = ($key ne 'text')?"\$dom->getAttribute('$key')":"\$dom->textContent";
my $condition = _conditionParser($value);
print("$value Enum List:: " . ( join ":", map { " $_= " . $condition->{$_}} keys %{$condition}))
if $self->DEBUG > 0 && !$condition->{condition} eq 'scalar';
if($condition->{condition} eq 'scalar') {
$string = $what eq 'get'?
" $arrayref_signleft'$key' => \$self->$what\_$key$arrayref_signright,\n":
" \$self->$what\_$key($fromDomArg) if($fromDomArg);\n";
} elsif($condition->{condition} =~ /^if|unless$/ && $condition->{logic}) {
$string = $what eq 'get'?
" $arrayref_signleft '$key' => (".$condition->{logic}."?\$self->$what\_$key:undef)$arrayref_signright,\n":
" \$self->$what\_$key($fromDomArg) if(" . $condition->{logic}. " && $fromDomArg);\n";
} elsif($condition->{condition} =~ /enum|set|exclude/ && $condition->{regexp}) {
my $regexp = $what eq 'get'?
"(\$self->$what\_$key " . $condition->{regexp} . ")":
"($fromDomArg " . $condition->{regexp} .")";
$string = $what eq 'get'?
" $arrayref_signleft'$key' => ($regexp?\$self->$what\_$key:undef)$arrayref_signright,\n":
" \$self->$what\_$key($fromDomArg) if($fromDomArg && $regexp);\n";
} else {
croak("Malformed , unknown condition=" . $condition->{condition} );
return $string;
# auxiliary private function ( extracted from the build_class )
# returns string with value setting statements for mapped sql fields
# accepts: reference to the sql_fields hash with mapped sql fields
# name of the sub-element
# string with 'if' or 'elsif' statement depending on the function call order
sub _getSQLSub {
my ($sql_fields, $subname, $if_cond) = @_;
my $head_string = " $if_cond(\$self->get_$subname && (";
my $add = ' ';
foreach my $table (keys %{$sql_fields}) {
$head_string .= "$add( ";
my @cond_string = ();
foreach my $field (keys %{$sql_fields->{$table}}) {
my $cond = $sql_fields->{$table}{$field};
$cond .= ' && ' if $cond;
push @cond_string, " ($cond\$entry eq '$field')";
$head_string .= (join " or ", @cond_string) . ")";
$add = ' || ';
$head_string .= " )) {\n";
$head_string .= " \$query->{\$table}{\$entry} = \$self->get_$subname;\n";
$head_string .= " \$self->get_LOGGER->debug(\" Got value for SQL query \$table.\$entry: \" . \$self->get_$subname);\n";
$head_string .= " last; \n";
$head_string .= " }\n";
return $head_string;
# auxiliary private function ( extracted from the build_class )
# prints fromDOM part
# accepts: $fh - filehandle where it prints to
# $subname - found sub-element name
# $el - reference to hash with found sb-element declaration
# $type - enumeration of 'HASH' 'ARRAY' 'CHOICE' - where ARRAY is treated differently
# $condition_head - 'if' or 'elsif'
# $cond_string - parsed by _conditionParser conditional logic
sub _printFromDOM {
my ($self, $subname, $el, $type, $conditon_head, $cond_string) = @_;
my $subnameUP = ucfirst($subname);
my $ns = $el->{'attrs'}{'xmlns'};
print "Building fromDOM: type=$type subname=$subname head=$conditon_head string=$cond_string ns=$ns class=" . $self->{_known_class}->{$subname}{ $ns } ."\n"
if $self->DEBUG > 2;
$self->sayIt(" $conditon_head ($cond_string\$tagname eq '$subname' && \$nsid eq '". $el->{'attrs'}{'xmlns'} ."' && \$self->can(\"get_\$tagname\")) {");
$self->sayIt(" eval {");
$self->sayIt(" \$element = " . $self->{_known_class}->{$subname}{$el->{'attrs'}{'xmlns'}} . "->new(\$childnode)");
$self->sayIt(" };");
$self->sayIt(" if(\$EVAL_ERROR || !(\$element && blessed \$element)) {");
$self->sayIt(" \$self->get_LOGGER->logdie(\" Failed to load and add $subnameUP : \" . \$dom->toString . \" error: \" . \$EVAL_ERROR);");
$self->sayIt(" return;");
$self->sayIt(" }");
$self->sayIt((($type eq 'ARRAY')?" (\$self->get_$subname && ref(\$self->get_$subname) eq 'ARRAY')?push \@{\$self->get_$subname}, \$element:
" \$self->set_$subname(\$element)") . "; ### add another $subname ");
$self->sayIt(" } ");
=head2 saying
prints string into the file handler without new line
sub saying {
my($self, @string) = @_;
croak("Filehandle must be set") unless $self->_fh && $self->_fh->isa('IO::File');
$self->_fh->print(join '', @string);
=head2 sayIt
prints string into the file handler with new line added
sub sayIt {
my($self, @string) = @_;
# _printHelpers - prints <datatypes_root>::Element - basic marshalling into DOM from perl obj
# <datatypes_root>::NSMap - mapping element names on the namespace prefixes
# <datatypes_root>::NamespaceRegistry - registry for namespace prefix => namespace
# these modules are helpers utilized by the XML API
sub _printHelpers {
my ($self) = @_;
my $root_package = $self->project_root . '::' . $self->datatypes_root . '::' . $self->{_schema_version_dir};
mkpath ([$self->top_dir . '/' . $self->project_root . '/' .
$self->datatypes_root . '/' . $self->{_schema_version_dir} ], 1, 0755);
$self->_fh(IO::File->new($self->top_dir . "/" . $self->project_root . '/' .
$self->datatypes_root . "/" . $self->{_schema_version_dir} ."/" ,"w+"));
croak("Failed to open file")
unless $self->_fh;
my $registry_string;
foreach my $prefix (keys %{$self->nsregistry}) {
$registry_string .= " '$prefix' => '" . $self->nsregistry->{$prefix} . "',\n";
# define packages
my $element_package = "$root_package\:\:Element";
my $nsmap_package = "$root_package\:\:NSMap";
my $version = $self->schema_version;
########## printing
$self->sayIt(qq/package $element_package;
use strict;
use warnings;
use version;our \$VERSION = qw("$version");
use base 'Exporter';
\=head1 NAME
$element_package - static class for basic element manipulations
it exports only single call - getElement which allows to create XML DOM out of perl object
This module was automatically build by L<XML::RelaxNG::Compact::PXB>.
our \@EXPORT_OK = qw(\&getElement);
use Readonly;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use XML::LibXML;
use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger);
use Data::Dumper;
Readonly::Scalar our \$CLASSPATH => '$element_package';
Readonly::Hash our %NSREGISTRY => ($registry_string);
our \$LOGGER = get_logger(\$CLASSPATH);
\=head1 METHODS
\=head2 getElement ()
create element from some data struct and return it as DOM
accepts 1 parameter - hashref to hash of keyd parameters
'name' => name of the element
'ns' => [ namespace id1, namespace id2 ...] array ref
'parent' => parent DOM if provided ( element will be created in context of the parent),
'attributes' => arrayref to the array of attributes pairs,
where to get i-th attribute one has to \$attr->[i]->[0] for name and \$attr->[i]->[1] for value
'text' => <CDATA>
creates new element, returns this element
sub getElement {
my \$param = shift;
my \$data;
unless(\$param && ref(\$param) eq 'HASH' && \$param->{name}) {
\$LOGGER->logdie(" Need single hashref parameter as { name => '', parent => DOM_obj, attributes => [], text => ''} with at least name key defined");
my \$name = \$param->{name};
my \$attrs = \$param->{attributes};
my \$text = \$param->{text};
my \$nss = \$param->{ns}; ## reference to array ref with ns prefixes for this element
if(\$param->{parent} && blessed(\$param->{parent}) && \$param->{parent}->isa('XML::LibXML::Document')) {
\$data = \$param->{parent}->createElement(\$name);
} else {
\$data = XML::LibXML::Element->new(\$name);
## validation of the namespace prefixes registered
if(\$nss) {
foreach my \$ns (\@{\$nss}) {
next unless \$ns;
unless(\$NSREGISTRY{\$ns}) {
\$LOGGER->error("Attempted to create element with un-supported namespace prefix");
\$data->setNamespace(\$NSREGISTRY{\$ns}, \$ns, 1);
} else {
\$LOGGER->error("Attempted to create element without namespace");
if((\$attrs && ref(\$attrs) eq 'ARRAY') || \$text) {
if(\$attrs && ref(\$attrs) eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach my \$attr (\@{\$attrs}) {
if(\$attr->[0] && \$attr->[1]) {
unless(ref(\$attr->[1])) {
\$data->setAttribute(\$attr->[0], \$attr->[1]);
} else {
\$LOGGER->warn("Attempted to create ".\$attr->[0]." with this: ".\$attr->[1]." dump:" . sub { Dumper(\$attr->[1])});
if(\$text) {
unless(ref(\$text)) {
my \$text_el = XML::LibXML::Text->new(\$text);
} else {
\$LOGGER->warn(" Attempted to create text with non scalar: \$text dump:" . sub {Dumper(\$text)});
} else {
\$LOGGER->warn(" Attempted to create empty element with name \$name, failed to do so, will return undef ");
return \$data;
$self->_fh(IO::File->new($self->top_dir . "/" . $self->project_root . "/" .
$self->datatypes_root . "/" . $self->{_schema_version_dir} . "/" ,"w+"));
croak(" Failed to open file")
unless $self->_fh;
$self->sayIt(qq/package $nsmap_package;
use strict;
use warnings;
use version;our \$VERSION = qv("$version");
\=head1 NAME
$nsmap_package - element names to namespace prefix mapper
this class designed to map element localname to registered namespace, the object of this
class is supposed to be member of the each PXB binded object in order to allow propagation of the
registered namespaces throughout the API
\=head1 SYNOPSIS
use $nsmap_package;
my \$nsmap = $nsmap_package->new();
\$nsmap->mapname(\$ELEMENT_LOCALNAME, 'ns_prefix');
\=head1 METHODS
\=head2 new({})
new - constructor, accepts single parameter - hashref with the hash of:
<element_name> => <URI>,..., <element_name> => <URI> # mapped element on ns hashref
the namespace registry track relation between namespace URI and used prefix
use Data::Dumper;
use Readonly;
use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger);
use fields qw(nsmap);
Readonly::Scalar our \$CLASSPATH => '$nsmap_package';
our \$LOGGER = get_logger(\$CLASSPATH);
sub new {
my (\$class, \$param) = \@_;
\$class = ref(\$class) || \$class;
my \$self = fields::new(\$class);
if (\$param) {
unless( ref(\$param) eq 'HASH') {
\$LOGGER->logdie("ONLY hash ref accepted as param and not: " . Dumper \$param );
foreach my \$key (keys \%{\$param}) {
\$self->mapname(\$key => \$param->{\$key});
} else {
\$self->{nsmap} = {};
return \$self;
\=head2 mapname()
maps localname on the prefix
with single parameter ( element name ) it will return
namespace prefix and with two parameters it will map namespace prefix
to specific element name
and without parameters it will return the whole namespaces hashref
sub mapname {
my (\$self, \$element, \$nsid) = \@_;
if (\$element && \$nsid) {
\$self->{nsmap}->{\$element} = \$nsid;
return \$self;
} elsif(\$element && \$self->{nsmap}->{\$element} && !\$nsid) {
return \$self->{nsmap}->{\$element};
} elsif(!\$nsid && !\$element) {
return \$self->{nsmap};
=head1 AUTHOR
Maxim Grigoriev (FNAL), maxim_at_fnal_dot_gov
=head1 LICENSE
You should have received a copy of the Fermitools license
with this software. If not, see <>
Copyright(c) 2007-2011, Fermi Research Alliance (FRA)