Catalyst::Manual::Cookbook - Cooking with Catalyst
Yummy code like your mum used to bake!
Force debug screen
You can force Catalyst to display the debug screen at the end of the request by placing a die()
call in the end
sub end : Private {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
die "forced debug";
If you're tired of removing and adding this all the time, you can easily add a condition. For example:
die "force debug" if $c->req->params->{dump_info};
Disable statistics
Just add this line to your application class if you don't want those nifty statistics in your debug messages.
sub Catalyst::Log::info { }
Scaffolding is very simple with Catalyst. Just use Catalyst::Model::CDBI::CRUD as your base class.
# lib/MyApp/Model/
package MyApp::Model::CDBI;
use strict;
use base 'Catalyst::Model::CDBI::CRUD';
dsn => 'dbi:SQLite:/tmp/myapp.db',
relationships => 1
# lib/
package MyApp;
use Catalyst 'FormValidator';
name => 'My Application',
root => '/home/joeuser/myapp/root'
sub my_table : Global {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
$c->form( optional => [ MyApp::Model::CDBI::Table->columns ] );
Modify the $c->form() parameters to match your needs, and don't forget to copy the templates into the template root. Can't find the templates? They were in the CRUD model distribution, so you can do look Catalyst::Model::CDBI::CRUD from the CPAN shell to find them.
Single file upload with Catalyst
To implement uploads in Catalyst you need to have a HTML form similiar to this:
<form action="/upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="form_submit" value="yes">
<input type="file" name="my_file">
<input type="submit" value="Send">
It's very important not to forget enctype="multipart/form-data"
in form. Uploads will not work without this.
Catalyst Controller module 'upload' action:
sub upload : Global {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
if ( $c->request->parameters->{form_submit} eq 'yes' ) {
if ( my $upload = $c->request->upload('my_file') ) {
my $filename = $upload->filename;
my $target = "/tmp/upload/$filename";
unless ( $upload->link_to($target) || $upload->copy_to($target) ) {
die( "Failed to copy '$filename' to '$target': $!" );
$c->stash->{template} = 'file_upload.html';
Multiple file upload with Catalyst
Code for uploading multiple files from one form needs little changes compared to single file upload.
Form goes like this:
<form action="/upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="form_submit" value="yes">
<input type="file" name="file1" size="50"><br>
<input type="file" name="file2" size="50"><br>
<input type="file" name="file3" size="50"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Send">
sub upload : Local {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
if ( $c->request->parameters->{form_submit} eq 'yes' ) {
for my $field ( $c->req->upload ) {
my $upload = $c->req->upload($field);
my $filename = $upload->filename;
my $target = "/tmp/upload/$filename";
unless ( $upload->link_to($target) || $upload->copy_to($target) ) {
die( "Failed to copy '$filename' to '$target': $!" );
$c->stash->{template} = 'file_upload.html';
for my $field ($c->req-
upload)> loops automatically over all file input fields and gets input names. After that is basic file saving code, just like in single file upload.
Notice: die
ing might not be what you want to do, when an error occurs, but it works as an example. A better idea would be to store error $!
in $c->stash->{error} and show a custom error template displaying this message.
For more information about uploads and usable methods look at Catalyst::Request::Upload
and Catalyst::Request
Authentication with Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::CDBI
There are (at least) two ways to implement authentication with this plugin: 1) only checking username and password; 2) checking username, password and the roles the user has
For both variants you'll need the following code in your MyApp package:
use Catalyst qw/Session::FastMmap Static Authentication::CDBI/;
MyApp->config( authentication => { user_class => 'MyApp::M::MyApp::Users',
user_field => 'email',
password_field => 'password' });
'user_class' is a Class::DBI class for your users table. 'user_field' tells which field is used for username lookup (might be email, first name, surname etc.). 'password_field' is, well, password field in your table and by default password is stored in plain text. Authentication::CDBI looks for 'user' and 'password' fields in table, if they're not defined in the config.
In PostgreSQL, the users table might be something like:
user_id serial,
name varchar(100),
surname varchar(100),
password varchar(100),
email varchar(100),
primary key(user_id)
We'll discuss the first variant for now: 1. user:password login/auth without roles
To log in a user you might use an action like this:
sub login : Local {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
if ($c->req->params->{username}) {
$c->req->params->{password} );
if ($c->req->{user}) {
This action should not go in your MyApp class...if it does, it will conflict with the built-in method of the same name. Instead, put it in a Controller class.
$c->req->params->{username} and $c->req->params->{password} are html form parameters from a login form. If login succeeds, then $c->req->{user} contains the username of the authenticated user.
If you want to remember the user's login status in between further requests, then just use the $c->session_login
method. Catalyst will create a session id and session cookie and automatically append session id to all urls. So all you have to do is just check $c->req->{user} where needed.
To log out a user, just call $c->session_logout.
Now let's take a look at the second variant: 2. user:password login/auth with roles
To use roles you need to add the following parameters to MyApp->config in the 'authentication' section:
role_class => 'MyApp::M::MyApp::Roles',
user_role_class => 'MyApp::M::MyApp::UserRoles',
user_role_user_field => 'user_id',
user_role_role_field => 'role_id',
Corresponding tables in PostgreSQL could look like this:
role_id serial,
name varchar(100),
primary key(role_id)
CREATE TABLE user_roles (
user_role_id serial,
user_id int,
role_id int,
primary key(user_role_id),
foreign key(user_id) references users(user_id),
foreign key(role_id) references roles(role_id)
The 'roles' table is a list of role names and the 'user_role' table is used for the user -> role lookup.
Now if a logged-in user wants to see a location which is allowed only for people with an 'admin' role, in your controller you can check it with:
sub add : Local {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
if ($c->roles(qw/admin/)) {
$c->req->output("Your account has the role 'admin.'");
} else {
$c->req->output("You're not allowed to be here.");
One thing you might need is to forward non-authenticated users to a login form if they try to access restricted areas. If you want to do this controller-wide (if you have one controller for your admin section) then it's best to add a user check to a '!begin' action:
sub begin : Private {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
unless ($c->req->{user}) {
$c->req->action(undef); ## notice this!!
Pay attention to $c->req->action(undef). This is needed because of the way $c->forward works - forward
to login
gets called, but after that Catalyst will still execute the action defined in the URI (e.g. if you tried to go to /add
, then first 'begin' will forward to 'login', but after that 'add' will nonetheless be executed). So $c->req->action(undef) undefines any actions that were to be called and forwards the user where we want him/her to be.
And this is all you need to do.
Pass-through login (and other actions)
An easy way of having assorted actions that occur during the processing of a request that are orthogonal to its actual purpose - logins, silent commands etc. Provide actions for these, but when they're required for something else fill e.g. a form variable __login and have a sub begin like so:
sub begin : Private { my ($self, $c) = @_; foreach my $action (qw/login docommand foo bar whatever/) { if ($c->req->params->{"__${action}"}) { $c->forward($action); } } }
How to use Catalyst without mod_perl
Catalyst applications give optimum performance when run under mod_perl. However sometimes mod_perl is not an option, and running under CGI is just too slow. There's also an alternative to mod_perl that gives reasonable performance named FastCGI.
Using FastCGI
To quote from "FastCGI is a language independent, scalable, extension to CGI that provides high performance without the limitations of specific server APIs." Web server support is provided for Apache in the form of mod_fastcgi
and there is Perl support in the FCGI
module. To convert a CGI Catalyst application to FastCGI one needs to initialize an FCGI::Request
object and loop while the Accept
method returns zero. The following code shows how it is done - and it also works as a normal, single-shot CGI script.
use strict;
use FCGI;
use MyApp;
my $request = FCGI::Request();
while ($request->Accept() >= 0) {
Any initialization code should be included outside the request-accept loop.
There is one little complication, which is that MyApp->run
outputs a complete HTTP response including the status line (e.g.: "HTTP/1.1 200
"). FastCGI just wants a set of headers, so the sample code captures the output and drops the first line if it is an HTTP status line (note: this may change).
The Apache mod_fastcgi
module is provided by a number of Linux distros and is straightforward to compile for most Unix-like systems. The module provides a FastCGI Process Manager, which manages FastCGI scripts. You configure your script as a FastCGI script with the following Apache configuration directives:
<Location /fcgi-bin>
AddHandler fastcgi-script fcgi
<Location /fcgi-bin>
SetHandler fastcgi-script
Action fastcgi-script /path/to/fcgi-bin/fcgi-script
provides a number of options for controlling the FastCGI scripts spawned; it also allows scripts to be run to handle the authentication, authorization, and access check phases.
For more information see the FastCGI documentation, the FCGI
module and
Forwarding with a parameter
Sometimes you want to pass along arguments when forwarding to another action. This can easily be accomplished like this:
$c->req->args([qw/arg1 arg2 arg3/]);
Sebastian Riedel,
Danijel Milicevic
Viljo Marrandi
Marcus Ramberg
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.