Catalyst::Controller - Catalyst Controller base class


  package MyApp::Controller::Search
  use base qw/Catalyst::Controller;

  sub foo : Local { 
	my ($self,$c,@args) = @_;
  } # Dispatches to /search/foo


Controllers are where the actions in the Catalyst framework reside. each action is represented by a function with an attribute to identify what kind of action it is. See the Catalyst::Dispatcher for more info about how Catalyst dispatches to actions.


As any other Catalyst::Component, controllers have a config hash, accessable through $self->config from the controller actions. Some settings are in use by the Catalyst framework:


This spesifies the internal namespace the controller should be bound to. By default the controller is bound to the uri version of the controller name. For instance controller 'MyApp::Controller::Foo::Bar' will be bound to 'foo/bar'. The default Root controller is an example of setting namespace to ''.


Sets 'path_prefix', as described below.


$class->new($app, @args)

Proxies through to NEXT::new and stashes the application instance as $self->_application.


Returns the Catalyst::Action object (if any) for a given method name in this component.


Finds all applicable actions for this component, creates Catalyst::Action objects (using $self->create_action) for them and registers them with $c->dispatcher.


Returns the private namespace for actions in this component. Defaults to a value from the controller name (for e.g. MyApp::Controller::Foo::Bar becomes "foo/bar") or can be overriden from the "namespace" config key.


Returns the default path prefix for :Local, :LocalRegex and relative :Path actions in this component. Defaults to the action_namespace or can be overriden from the "path" config key.


Called with a hash of data to be use for construction of a new Catalyst::Action (or appropriate sub/alternative class) object.

Primarily designed for the use of register_actions.



Returns the application instance stored by new()


Sebastian Riedel, Marcus Ramberg


This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.