Catalyst::DispatchType - DispatchType Base Class
See Catalyst.
This is an abstract base class for Dispatch Types.
abstract method, to be implemented by dispatchtypes. Called to display info in debug log.
$self->match( $c, $path )
abstract method, to be implemented by dispatchtypes. Returns true if the dispatch type matches the given path
$self->register( $c, $action )
abstract method, to be implemented by dispatchtypes. Takes a context object and a Catalyst::Action object.
Should return true if it registers something, or false otherwise.
$self->uri_for_action( $action, \@captures )
abstract method, to be implemented by dispatchtypes. Takes a Catalyst::Action object and an arrayref of captures, and should return either a URI part which if placed in $c->req->path would cause $self->match to match this action and set $c->req->captures to the supplied arrayref, or undef if unable to do so.
Matt S Trout Sebastian Riedel,
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