Catalyst::View::TT - Template View Class


# use the helper view TT TT

# lib/MyApp/View/
package MyApp::View::TT;

use base 'Catalyst::View::TT';

__PACKAGE__->config->{DEBUG} = 'all';

# in practice you'd probably set this from a config file;
# defaults to $c->config->root
__PACKAGE__->config->{INCLUDE_PATH} =


# Meanwhile, maybe in a private C<end> action


This is the Catalyst view class for the Template Toolkit. Your application subclass should inherit from this class. This plugin renders the template specified in $c->stash->{template}, or failing that, $c->request->match. The template variables are set up from the contents of $c->stash, augmented with template variable base set to Catalyst's $c->req->base, template variable c to Catalyst's $c, and template variable name to Catalyst's $c->config->{name}. The output is stored in $c->response->output.

If you want to override TT config settings, you can do it in your application's view class by setting __PACKAGE__->config->{OPTION}, as shown in the Synopsis. Of interest might be EVAL_PERL, which is disabled by default, INCLUDE_PATH, and LOAD_TEMPLATES, which is set to use the provider.

If you want to use EVAL_PERL, add something like this:

__PACKAGE__->config->{EVAL_PERL} = 1;
__PACKAGE__->config->{LOAD_TEMPLATES} = undef;

If you have configured Catalyst for debug output, Catalyst::View::TT will enable profiling of template processing (using Template::Timer). This will embed HTML comments in the output from your templates, such as:

<!-- TIMER START: process mainmenu/mainmenu.ttml -->
<!-- TIMER START: include mainmenu/ -->
<!-- TIMER START: process mainmenu/ -->
<!-- TIMER END: process mainmenu/ (0.017279 seconds) -->
<!-- TIMER END: include mainmenu/ (0.017401 seconds) -->


<!-- TIMER END: process mainmenu/ (0.003016 seconds) -->

You can suppress template profiling when debug is enabled by setting:

__PACKAGE__->config->{CONTEXT} = undef;



The constructor for the TT view. Sets up the template provider, and reads the application config.


Renders the template specified in $c->stash->{template} or $c->request->match. Template variables are set up from the contents of $c->stash, augmented with base set to $c->req->base, c to $c and name to $c->config->{name}. Output is stored in $c->response->output.


This allows your view subclass to pass additional settings to the TT config hash.


Catalyst, Template::Manual


Sebastian Riedel, Marcus Ramberg, Jesse Sheidlower,


This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.