The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Changes for version 0.99_40 - 2019-02-08

  • Switch order of isconnect and ison to allow authentication with nickserv before join
  • Remove POD plugin which has been deprecated from Mojo core.
  • Update Alpine image
  • Fix duplicate key in schema

Changes for version 0.99_39 - 2018-08-30

  • Only keep one conversation open at a time.

Changes for version 0.99_38 - 2018-08-20

  • Add support for disabling tls verification per connection (jberger)

Changes for version 0.99_37 - 2018-08-16

  • Added -wn to perltidy for superior welding
  • Make convos a PWA
  • Add a delay helper until we can convert convos to promises

Changes for version 0.99_36 - 2017-11-28

  • Fix TLS detection when creating a connection #344
  • Fix message with empty content.
  • Remove obsolete AssetPack Reloader.

Changes for version 0.99_35 - 2017-05-05

  • Fix showing ":port" when editing a connection #340
  • Fix changing server from default server on "Create connection" #345
  • Fix not leaking nick change events to all conversations
  • Fix video link embedder styling
  • Add support for CONVOS_FORCED_IRC_SERVER="irc://:password@host:port" #343
  • Add hiding of chat elements for better rendering in iframe #21 #320 #346

Changes for version 0.99_34 - 2017-04-24

  • Fix "create connection"

Changes for version 0.99_33 - 2017-04-22

  • Fix "/ison nick" handling #336
  • Fix handling saving server username/password #334
  • Fix marking joined users as online
  • Fix showing error messages from IRC commands
  • Add missing "!default" to _variables.scss #313
  • Add support for CONVOS_LOG_FILE #337
  • Add nick changing feature from connection editor

Changes for version 0.99_32 - 2017-04-17

  • Fix annoying "unread" count increase on "notice"

Changes for version 0.99_31 - 2017-04-14

  • Fix autocompleting nicks by "last seen"
  • Fix background colors for chat and embeds
  • Fix online/offline state in private dialog using "/ison nick"
  • Fix private dialogs used to be "in red" after reconnect
  • Fix race condition when opening websocket connection
  • Fix rendering "404 not found" on unknown paste
  • Fix unread count is not increased when a private dialog user join/parts
  • Improved autocomplete logic for nicks and emojis
  • Add experimental MOTD (message of the day) handling
  • Add "wanted_state" to Core::Connection
  • Improved rendering of highlight messages

Changes for version 0.99_30 - 2017-04-13

  • Fix scrolling on "Join dialog" and "Help" pages #331
  • Add support for generating "recover password" link #302 #323
  • Add Convos::Plugin::Paste #328
  • Add support for sending multiline IRC messages #328
  • Using LinkEmbedder instead of Mojolicious::Plugin::LinkEmbedder
  • Will always have a default IRC server
  • Will not use unsafe secrets anymore

Changes for version 0.99_29 - 2017-03-21

  • Fix ShareDialog plugin
  • Fix custom assets with Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack 1.41
  • Add production 404 and 500 pages
  • Add logging about CONVOS_HOME on startup
  • Remove "beforeConvosStart" JavaScript event
  • Bump Mojolicious version to 7.29

Changes for version 0.99_28 - 2017-03-15

  • Fix keeping scroll at bottom in Firefox #324
  • Fix messages are grouped incorrectly on scrollback #301
  • Fix showing "Day changed" in historic messages
  • Will not mark message as "highlight" if sent by yourself

Changes for version 0.99_27 - 2017-03-01

  • Fix going to connection dialog after connection save
  • Fix hitting enter/return inside the "Dialog name" field on "Join dialog"
  • Fix joining channel which you are already part of
  • Fix reading invite_code from config file #322
  • Will detect if Javascript is disabled and notify user
  • Add support for embedding gist and other pasted text files
  • Add support for notifications on keywords #142

Changes for version 0.99_26 - 2017-02-20

  • Fix scrolling of sidebars and main menu
  • Change "Edit profile" to "Settings"

Changes for version 0.99_25 - 2017-02-20

  • Fix sending server messages to the right dialog
  • Fix joining a dialog by clicking on the dialog name
  • Fix first shown channel shows all users inactive #321
  • Fix creating dialog on /QUERY
  • Fix notifications are disabled when window is active
  • Add better handling of "create dialog" errors
  • Add functionality to only enrich visible links
  • Add better "rich link" caching
  • Add "Convos icon" to notification popup
  • Change default sorting to "lastRead"

Changes for version 0.99_24 - 2017-01-29

  • Fix registration process
  • Fix being able to show profile + help during wizard
  • Fix width of embedded youtube videos on small screens
  • Fix zooming images inline in chat
  • Fix not matching markdown, because a link was injected
  • Fix "/me message your_nick" mention rendering
  • Fix markdown rendering
  • Improved materialbox rendering for huge images
  • Can send/receive any IRC message #317
  • Add "esc key" to close on materialbox
  • Add listing of available rooms to "Join dialog..." #309

Changes for version 0.99_23 - 2017-01-13

  • Fix adding notifications in frontend
  • Fix saving userinfo in connection URL
  • Will close dropdown when clicking outside of the dropdown
  • Will ask for password if channel has mode +k

Changes for version 0.99_22 - 2017-01-10

  • Fix unread count should not be increased on join/part/quit/... messages
  • Fix going from "disconnected" to "reconnect" on connection save
  • Add connection state selector to connection editor
  • Change "Profile" to open in main dialog area
  • Change "Help" to open in main dialog area
  • Compatible with Mojolicious 7.15
  • Tweaking colors

Changes for version 0.99_21 - 2017-01-08

  • Fix race condition when creating the websocket connection
  • Fix setting main dialog location on initial load
  • Fix not showing unread count for active channel
  • Fix sending "/names" on join #303
  • Fix parsing "/names" response #308
  • Add support for CONVOS_ORGANIZATION_URL #307
  • Add "get_user" websocket method

Changes for version 0.99_20 - 2016-12-29

  • Fix will not reconnect without host/port change
  • Add "close" icon to main menu conversations

Changes for version 0.99_19 - 2016-12-06

  • Fix loading message log after events have been received in background

Changes for version 0.99_18 - 2016-12-04

  • Fix IRC username cannot contain special characters #296
  • Fix parsing IRC user modes dynamically #287
  • Fix "Goto anything" sorts by dialog name length
  • Fix queuing connections after connection errors
  • Fix API URL when mounting Convos inside on non-root reverse proxy config
  • Fix handling of new private messages #298
  • Add EXPERIMENTAL sort by last-read/activity
  • Add Dockerfile
  • Add "disable expanding links" setting in profile
  • Server messages can be read in frontend
  • Server settings can be edited in the "info" sidebar

Changes for version 0.99_17 - 2016-11-11

  • Add support for editing on_connect_commands
  • Add support for JSON config -

Changes for version 0.99_16 - 2016-11-08

  • Fix getting historic messages, without duplicates #292
  • Fix getting messages from channel with "." in the name #293
  • Add custom styling for participants that are not currently in the channel
  • Add EXPERIMENTAL support for pluggable authentication #89
  • Add support for setting CONVOS_HOME from config file as "home" #289

Changes for version 0.99_15 - 2016-10-13

  • Fix IRC join channel redirect #284
  • Fix parting IRC channel, even if not in the channel
  • Fix highlight color in chat
  • Fix keeping on_connect_commands
  • Improved keeping scroll position to bottom #269

Changes for version 0.99_14 - 2016-10-06

  • Autocomplete on nick will start from the beginning of the word
  • Do not autocomplete on "enter"
  • Improved keeping scroll position to bottom #269
  • Improved keeping scroll position when loading historic messages

Changes for version 0.99_13 - 2016-10-03

  • Fix clearing Convos.settings.sidebar on mobile
  • Fix resetting max-height

Changes for version 0.99_12 - 2016-10-03

  • Less icons in header
  • Fix <convos-input/> from overlapping main area
  • Add CustomEvent and dispatchEvent polyfill #282
  • Improved scrolling to bottom logic #269

Changes for version 0.99_11 - 2016-09-19

  • Fix "whois" for participant who is not in any channels
  • Fix removing IRC colors #281
  • Add more information to <convos-message-whois/>
  • Add first optional plugin "ShareDialog" #280

Changes for version 0.99_10 - 2016-09-14

  • Fix handling of "/whois nick" when "nick" is offline
  • Fix tracking join/part/quit/nick change events #276
  • Fix handling IRC server replies with strange casing #277
  • Will not truncate files when disk is full
  • Normalizing email address for user
  • Add translation for :), :( and <3 into emojis
  • Can select TLS on connect

Changes for version 0.99_09 - 2016-09-11

  • Fix sorting participants list
  • Add support for /ns (/msg nickserv)
  • Add support for /cs (/msg chanserv)
  • Add clickable emails #265
  • Add support for markdown formatting for <code/>
  • Add support for rendering emojis #186
  • Add support for autocomplete emoji in <convos-input/> #186
  • Add support for custom color themes #161
  • Change dialog settings less confusing
    • Render dialog title with markdown formatting and links
    • Getting participants list is more consistent after reconnect
    • Changed rendering of "close" button into a list item
  • Change autocomplete method for <convos-input/>

Changes for version 0.99_08 - 2016-09-01

  • Fix emitting topic changes to frontend
  • Add dialog settings sidebar with topic and participants list
  • Add support for "/query nick"
  • Remove settings dropdown menu
  • Replaced Roboto with system fonts

Changes for version 0.99_07 - 2016-08-30

  • Fix showing join/part messages in the correct channel
  • Fix running Convos on Windows mobile #271
  • Add favicon and app icons for iOS
  • Add basic support for "/mode ..."
  • Add support for "/kick ..."
  • Change "convos version" to also display running Convos version
  • Replaced "info" button with "settings" button for dialogs

Changes for version 0.99_06 - 2016-08-27

  • Fix tracking participants
  • Fix joining channel with key in backend #268
  • Fix joining channel with key in <convos-create-dialog/> #267
  • Fix handling "part" events
  • Fix starting "script/convos dev" after "script/convos install --develop"
  • Fix not show welcome message after log in in in a new browser
  • Fix running test suite with "script/convos test"
  • Fix no autocomplete in "Join dialog" or "Add connection"
  • Fix parsing UTC time in Firefox
  • Add Mojo::IRC 0.33 as required module #267
  • Add IO::Socket::SSL as required module
    • Required to connect to TLS networks
    • Required to fetch meta data from https resources
  • Change calculation of dialog.unread to server side
  • Change WebSocket keep-alive interval
  • Change "Join dialog" will be shown after a new connection is created
  • Change <convos-message-enable-notifications/> buttons to be disabled on click

Changes for version 0.99_05 - 2016-08-22

  • Fix breaking long words inside a message template
  • Fix only show nick change in the channels where the nick is active
  • Fix goto anything
  • Fix reading unicode (æøå) back from file
  • Fix dialog.frozen after webscocket comes back online
  • Fix skip installing dev deps by default
  • Fix handling of config file values
  • Fix "send" button in <convos-input/>
  • Fix missing Time::Piece on redhat #266
  • Add fetching connections, dialogs and notifications together with user object
  • Add icon to indicate that the WebSocket is down
  • Add last_read() to Convos::Core::Dialog
  • Add sorting of dialogs by lastRead
  • Add support for "forced_irc_server"
  • Add clicking on a notitication takes you to the dialog
  • Bundled cpanm, used by "script/convos install" (less dependencies)
  • Change client to keep WebSocket alive instead of backend
  • Converted Swagger2 to OpenAPI
  • Converted jQuery dependencies to Vue components
  • Converted Guides to gh-pages branch -

Changes for version 0.99_04 - 2016-08-15

  • Fix Could not send "\nsome message": Unable to construct PRIVMSG.
  • Fix remove dialogs when connection is deleted
  • Add search for dialogs
  • Add jump between search and input field
  • Add better rendering on small screens
  • Add count of unseen notifications
  • Add <convos-settings/> which includes wizard, connection editor and dialog creator
  • Add support for invite code
  • Add number of unread messages
  • Add handling of join, nick_change and part events
  • Add support for desktop notifications
  • Change layout: Big green menu on top
  • Change dialog list to be sorted alphabetically
  • Converted vue templates to .vue files
  • Converted data-hint="" to v-tooltip=""
  • Remove hash/fragment navigation
  • Remove EventSource. Going for WebSocket only.

Changes for version 0.99_03 - 2016-07-21

  • Fix swagger spec: datetime != date-time
  • Fix parting channel when not connected
  • Fix appearance on small screens
  • Fix saving list of dialogs on every join
  • Fix autocomplete commands and nicks case insensitive
  • Add messages in backend are stored with "highlight" flag
  • Add notifications in frontend
  • Add loading of more messages when scrolling to top

Changes for version 0.99_02 - 2016-04-15

  • Fix automatic install require App::cpanminus 1.7016+
  • Fix confusing edit connections icon
  • Fix encode dialog.idvos to %23convos
  • Fix searching for messages in backend
  • Fix sending ACTION messages
  • Fix marking dialogs/connections as disconnected on websocket close
  • Add filter to render messages containing markdown
  • Add "day changed" indicator
  • Add whois action to user list and add whois data handler
  • Using Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack 1.04
  • Converted JavaScript from riot.js to vue.js

Changes for version 0.99_01 - 2016-02-28

  • Add config file support
  • Add default (insecure) secrets
  • Add initial Swagger specification
  • Add support for X-Request-Base
  • Add support for setting secure cookies
  • Add auto-detection of TLS/plain text IRC servers
  • Add "steal nick" logic
  • Add new layout with sidebars instead of top menu navigation
  • Add riot.js to render web pages
  • Add Convos::Core look-alike objects in JavaScript
  • Add router which acts upon location hash (fragment)
  • Add Swagger over WebSocket communication
  • Add scrollToBottom() on new messages
  • Add handling of highlighted messages in backend
  • Add expanding links in chat to meta data
  • Add Convos::Core
  • Add Convos::Core::Connection::IRC
  • Add Convos::Core::Room
  • Add Convos::Core::User

Changes for version 0.99_01 - 2016-04-02

  • Fix embedding images
  • Fix CTCP action messages on local echo
  • Add "script/convos dev" sub-command
  • Add "script/convos install" sub-command
  • Add styling of mentions and notice
  • Add handling of whois and topic reponses
  • Add support for sending IRC commands
  • Add /help command
  • Add rendering of autocomplete room list
  • Add autocomplete to <user-input/>

Changes for version 0.99_00 - 2015-02-02

  • Started rewriting Convos


get, unpack build and install modules from CPAN


Multiuser chat application
Convos connection actions
Stream events from Convos::Core to web
Convos notifications
Expand URL to meta information
Convos user actions
Convos Models
Convos storage backend
Backend for storing object to file
A Convos connection base class
IRC connection for Convos
A convos dialog base class
A Convos user
Base class for Convos plugins
Convos plugin for handling authentication
Default helpers for Convos
Convos plugin to convert messages into paste
Represents a paste
Convos plugin to share dialog messages
Utility functions