Step 1
Install MojoMojo either using the cpan shell like this:
cpan MojoMojo
or by downloading the tarball from and running perl Makefile.PL on it manually.
Step 2
mojomojo.conf is the main configuration file and is in Config::General format.
First make sure your config file has a valid dsn for your database (You can use SQLite, mysql or Pg - sqlite by default). The setting you change is connect_info in the Model::DBIC Block.
For instance, for MySQL: - dbi:mysql:database=mojo_database;host=localhost, mojo_user, password or for SQLite: - dbi:SQLite:__HOME__/db/sqlite/mojomojo.db
Once the db is setup, import the table structure, by running the following script:
Step 3
Do one of these:
- Catalyst includes a test server which can be started using:
./script/mojomojo_server -p 3000
where 3000 is the port number and the default if no port is specified. Note that if you install it through the cpan shell, mojomojo_server will be found in your bin directory. or alternatively:
- Set up Apache using either mod_perl or FastCGI.
See for further information on FastCGI, or you can look at Catalyst::Engine::Apache for info on setting up Catalyst apps in Apache.
If your server is connected to a http proxy you may need to add the following line to the main config block:
using_frontend_proxy 1
Step 4
There is no step four. Have fun exploring MojoMojo, the default login/pass is admin/admin.