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The maintainer of this distribution is looking for someone to take over!
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Net::GPSD web based cgi example that outputs GML
Net::GPSD web based cgi example that forwards to google maps
Net::GPSD web based cgi example that output gpx
Reads the "O" array and the corresponding methods
Net::GPSD get method example
Net::GPSD getsatellitelist method example
Net::GPSD example to get gpsd server and perl module information
Net::GPSD subscribe method example
Net::GPSD subscribe method example with custom handler this verson filters gpsd data based on time, distance and track.
Net::GPSD::Report::http example
Net::GPSD example
opens a file (e.g. NMEA) and plays that file in a loop to a pty device.
Provides a perl interface to the gpsd daemon.
Provides an object interface for a gps point.
Provides a perl interface to report position data.
Provides an interface for a gps satellite object.