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Net::GPSD::Point - Provides an object interface for a gps point.
use Net::GPSD;
$gps = new Net::GPSD(host => 'localhost',
port => 2947
my $point=$gps->get(); #$point is a Net::GPSD::Point object
print $point->latlon. "\n";
- fix
Returns true if mode is fixed (logic based on the gpsd M[0] or O[14])
- status
Returns DGPS status. (maps to gpsd S command first data element)
- datetime
Returns datetime. (maps to gpsd D command first data element)
- tag
Returns a tag identifying the last sentence received. (maps to gpsd O command first data element)
- time
Returns seconds since the Unix epoch, UTC. May have a fractional part. (maps to gpsd O command second data element)
- errortime
Returns estimated timestamp error (%f, seconds, 95% confidence). (maps to gpsd O command third data element)
- latitude aka lat
Returns Latitude as in the P report (%f, degrees). (maps to gpsd O command fourth data element)
- longitude aka lon
Returns Longitude as in the P report (%f, degrees). (maps to gpsd O command fifth data element)
- latlon
Returns Latitude, Longitude as an array in array context and as a space joined string in scalar context
- altitude aka alt
Returns the current altitude, meters above mean sea level. (maps to gpsd O command sixth data element)
- errorhorizontal
Returns Horizontal error estimate as in the E report (%f, meters). (maps to gpsd O command seventh data element)
- errorvertical
Returns Vertical error estimate as in the E report (%f, meters). (maps to gpsd O command eighth data element)
- heading
Returns Track as in the T report (%f, degrees). (maps to gpsd O command ninth data element)
- speed
Returns Speed (%f, meters/sec). Note: older versions of the O command reported this field in knots. (maps to gpsd O command tenth data element)
- climb
Returns Vertical velocity as in the U report (%f, meters/sec). (maps to gpsd O command 11th data element)
- errorheading
Returns Error estimate for course (%f, degrees, 95% confidence). (maps to gpsd O command 12th data element)
- errorspeed
Returns Error estimate for speed (%f, meters/sec, 95% confidence). Note: older versions of the O command reported this field in knots. (maps to gpsd O command 13th data element)
- errorclimb
Returns Estimated error for climb/sink (%f, meters/sec, 95% confidence). (maps to gpsd O command 14th data element)
- mode
Returns The NMEA mode. 0=no mode value yet seen, 1=no fix, 2=2D (no altitude), 3=3D (with altitude). (maps to gpsd M command first data element)
No known bugs.
Michael R. Davis, qw/gpsd michaelrdavis com/