Take me over?
The maintainer of this distribution is looking for someone to take over!
If you're interested then please contact them via
Changes for version 0.12 - 2011-03-24
- gpsd 2.96 protocol 3.4 support
- Do not expect the protocol to stablize until gpsd 3.00
- Added support for new POLL interface
- Added support for SUBFRAME object
- Updated objects to support new W3C timestamp format
- Added RPM spec file to the distribution
- Updated tests for the new protocol 3.4
- Updated Net/GPSD3.pm
- Moved defaults into methods
- Added object caching in gpsd->cache method
- Removed the intersperse capability as redundant with caching
- Renamed example scripts
- Dropped strftime support (not backwards compatible!)
Net::GPSD3 Watcher Example
Net::GPSD3 Watcher with Custom Handler
Net::GPSD3 Poll Example
Interface to the gpsd server daemon protocol versions 3 (JSON).
Net::GPSD3 base object
Net::GPSD3 caching object
Net::GPSD3 Return DEVICE Object
Net::GPSD3 Return DEVICES Object
Net::GPSD3 Return ERROR Object
Net::GPSD3 Return POLL Object
Net::GPSD3 Return SKY Object
Net::GPSD3 Return SUBFRAME Object
Net::GPSD3 Return Satellite Object
Net::GPSD3 Return TPV Object
Net::GPSD3 Return Base Class
Net::GPSD3 Return Base Class with Timestamp
Net::GPSD3 Return VERSION Object
Net::GPSD3 Return WATCH Object