# $Id: Fork.pm,v 1.2 2002/03/18 18:11:09 wendigo Exp $
# Log::Agent::Driver::Fork
# RCS Revision: $Revision: 1.2 $
# Date: $Date: 2002/03/18 18:11:09 $
# Copyright (C) 2002 Mark Rogaski, mrogaski@cpan.org; all rights reserved.
# See the README file included with the
# distribution for license information.
# $Log: Fork.pm,v $
# Revision 1.2 2002/03/18 18:11:09 wendigo
# Removed paranoid test for correct arguments to make()
# Revision 1.1 2002/03/09 15:47:14 wendigo
# Initial revision
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Log::Agent::Driver);
# Public Methods
# make
# constructor method
sub make {
my $class = shift;
# initialize the dispatcher
my $self = {
drivers => []
bless $self, $class;
$self->_init('', 0);
# test for 5.6
$^W = 0;
my $new_perl = eval "$^V and $^V ge v5.6.0" || 0;
$^W = 1;
# process the arguments
foreach my $arg (@_) {
if (ref $arg) {
# add to the list of drivers
push(@{$self->{drivers}}, $arg);
} else {
require Carp;
Carp::croak("argument is not an object reference: $arg");
return $self;
# prefix_msg
# does little of value
sub prefix_msg {
return $_[1];
# write
# pass-through to drivers
sub write {
my($self, $channel, $priority, $str) = @_;
foreach my $driver (@{$self->{drivers}}) {
$driver->write($channel, $priority, $str);
# emit
# wrapper for write() that uses dynamically bound priority() and prefix_msg()
# methods
sub emit {
my($self, $channel, $priority, $str) = @_;
foreach my $driver (@{$self->{drivers}}) {
$driver->emit($channel, $priority, $str);
# This is a kludge to make duperr work in file driver,
# the encapsulation purists should lynch me for this.
if ($driver->isa('Log::Agent::Driver::File')) {
if ($driver->duperr) {
if ($priority eq 'critical') {
$driver->emit_output('critical', 'FATAL', $str);
} elsif ($priority eq 'error') {
$driver->emit_output('error', 'ERROR', $str);
} elsif ($priority eq 'warning') {
$driver->emit_output('warning', 'WARNING', $str);
# emit_carp
# A specialized wrapper to hand-off carp/croak messages at a
# specified offset.
sub emit_carp {
my($self, $channel, $priority, $offset, $str) = @_;
# yet another kludge
$offset++ if (caller(3))[3] =~ /^main::/;
foreach my $driver (@{$self->{drivers}}) {
# construct the message
require Carp;
my $msg = $driver->carpmess($offset, $str, \&Carp::shortmess);
# send it to the driver
$driver->emit($channel, $priority, $str);
# channel_eq
# exhaustive equality comparison
sub channel_eq {
my $self = shift;
foreach my $driver (@{$self->{drivers}}) {
$driver->channel_eq(@_) || return;
return 1;
# logconfess
# Fatal error, with stack trace
sub logconfess {
my($self, $str) = @_;
# log error to all drivers
$self->emit_carp('error', 'critical', 0, $str);
# logcroak
# Fatal error
sub logcroak {
my($self, $str) = @_;
# log error to all drivers
$self->emit_carp('error', 'critical', 0, $str);
# logxcroak
# Fatal error, from perspective of caller
sub logxcroak {
my($self, $offset, $str) = @_;
# log error to all drivers
$self->emit_carp('error', 'critical', $offset, $str);
# logdie
# Fatal error
sub logdie {
my ($self, $str) = @_;
# log error to all drivers
$self->emit('error', 'critical', $str);
# logerr
# Signal error on stderr
sub logerr {
my ($self, $str) = @_;
# log error to all drivers
$self->emit('error', 'error', $str);
# logwarn
# Warn, with "WARNING" clearly emphasized
sub logwarn {
my ($self, $str) = @_;
# log error to all drivers
$self->emit('error', 'warning', $str);
# logcarp
# log a warning, carp-style
sub logcarp {
my($self, $str) = @_;
# log message to all drivers
$self->emit_carp('error', 'warning', 0, $str);
# logxcarp
# Warn from perspective of caller
sub logxcarp {
my($self, $offset, $str) = @_;
# log message to all drivers
$self->emit_carp('error', 'warning', $offset, $str);
# logsay
# Log message to "output" channel at "notice" priority
sub logsay {
my($self, $str) = @_;
# send message to drivers
$self->emit('output', 'notice', $str);
1; # for require
=head1 NAME
Log::Agent::Driver::Fork - dummy driver for forking output to multiple drivers
use Log::Agent;
require Log::Agent::Driver::Fork;
require Log::Agent::Driver::Foo;
require Log::Agent::Driver::Bar;
my $driver = Log::Agent::Driver::Fork->make(
Log::Agent::Driver::Foo->make( ... ),
Log::Agent::Driver::Bar->make( ... )
logconfig(-driver => $driver);
This driver merely acts a multiplexer for logxxx() calls, duplicating
them and distributing them to other drivers.
The only routine of interest here is the creation routine:
=over 4
=item make(@drivers)
Create a Log::Agent::Driver::Fork driver that duplicates logxxx() calls and
distributes them to the drivers in @drivers. The arguments must be the return
value of the make() call for the client drivers.
=head1 NOTES
Many thanks go to Daniel Lundin and Jason May who proposed this module
independently. Eventually, logconfig() will support multiple drivers
directly. But, for now, this solution requires no change to the existing
=head1 AUTHOR
Mark Rogaski E<lt>mrogaski@pobox.comE<gt>
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright (C) 2002 Mark Rogaski; all rights reserved.
See L<Log::Agent(3)> or the README file included with the distribution for
license information.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Log::Agent::Driver(3)>, L<Log::Agent(3)>.