Config::Patch - Patch configuration files and unpatch them later


use Config::Patch;

my $patcher = Config::Patch->new( 
    file => "/etc/syslog.conf",
    key  => "mypatch", 

    # Append a patch:
    # Log my stuff
    my.*         /var/log/my

    # Appends the following to /etc/syslog.conf:
    | ...
    | #(Config::Patch-mypatch-append)
    | # Log my stuff
    | my.*         /var/log/my
    | #(Config::Patch-mypatch-append)

# later on, to remove the patch:


Config::Patch helps changing configuration files, remembering the changes, and undoing them if necessary.

Every change (patch) is marked by a key, which must be unique for the change, in order allow undoing it later on.

To facilitate its usage, Config::Patch comes with a command line script that performs all functions:

    # Append a patch
echo "my patch text" | config-patch -a -k key -f textfile

    # Remove a patch
config-patch -r -k key -f textfile

Note that 'patch' doesn't refer to a patch in the format used by the patch program, but to an arbitrary section of text inserted into a file.

Config::Patch is format-agnostic. The only requirement is that lines starting with a # character are comment lines. If you need to pay attention to the syntax of the configuration file to be patched, use a subclass of Config::Patch.


$patcher = Config::Patch->new(file => $file, key => $key)

Creates a new patcher object.


Appends a text string to the config file.


Remove a previously applied patch. The patch key has either been provided with the constructor call previously or can be supplied as key => $key.


Checks if a patch with the given key was applied to the file already. The patch key has either been provided with the constructor call previously or can be supplied as key => $key.

$patcher->replace($search, $replace)

Patches by searching for a given pattern $search (regexp) and replacing it by the text string $replace. Example:

    # Remove the all: target and all its production 
    # commands from a Makefile

Note that the replace command will replace the entire line if it finds that the regular expression is matching.

CAUTION: Make sure that $search doesn't match a section that contains another patch already. Config::Patch can't handle this case yet.


Patches by commenting out config lines matching the regular expression $search. Example:

    # Remove the function 'somefunction'
    # commands from a Makefile

Note that the replace command will replace the entire line if it finds that the regular expression is matching.

($arrayref, $hashref) = $patcher->patches()

Examines the file and locates all patches.

It returns two results: $arrayref, a reference to an array, mapping patch keys to the text of the patched sections:

$arrayref = [ ['key1', 'patchtext1'], ['key2', 'patchtext2'],
              ['key2', 'patchtext3'] ];

Note that there can be several patched sections appearing under the same patch key (like the two non-consecutive sections under key2 above).

The second result is a reference $hashref to a hash, holding all patch keys as keys. Its values are the number of patch sections appearing under a given key.


Config::Patch assumes that a hashmark (#) at the beginning of a line in the configuration file marks a comment.


Copyright 2005 by Mike Schilli. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


2005, Mike Schilli <>