Log::Log4perl::FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions on Log::Log4perl
This FAQ shows a wide variety of commonly encountered logging tasks and how to solve them in the most elegant way with Log::Log4perl. Most of the time, this will be just a matter of smartly configuring your Log::Log4perl configuration files.
This document is supposed to grow week by week as the latest "Log::Log4perl recipe of the week" hits the Log::Log4perl mailing list at
How can I simply log all my ERROR messages to a file?
After pulling in the Log::Log4perl
module, just initialize its behaviour by passing in a configuration to its init
method as a string reference. Then, obtain a logger instance and write out a message with its error()
use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger);
# Define configuration
my $conf = q(
log4perl.logger = ERROR, FileApp
log4perl.appender.FileApp = Log::Dispatch::File
log4perl.appender.FileApp.filename = test.log
log4perl.appender.FileApp.layout = PatternLayout
log4perl.appender.FileApp.layout.ConversionPattern = %d> %m%n
# Initialize logging behaviour
Log::Log4perl->init( \$conf );
# Obtain a logger instance
my $logger = get_logger("Bar::Twix");
$logger->error("Oh my, a dreadful error!");
$logger->warn("Oh my, a dreadful warning!");
This will append something like
2002/10/29 20:11:55> Oh my, a dreadful error!
to the log file test.log
. How does this all work?
While the Log::Log4perl init()
method typically takes the name of a configuration file as its input parameter like in
Log::Log4perl->init( "/path/mylog.conf" );
the example above shows how to pass in a configuration as text in a scalar reference.
The configuration as shown defines a logger of the root category, which has an appender of type Log::Dispatch::File
attached. The line
log4perl.logger = ERROR, FileApp
doesn't list a category, defining a root logger. Compare that with
log4perl.logger.Bar.Twix = ERROR, FileApp
which would define a logger for the category Bar::Twix
, showing probably different behaviour. FileApp
on the right side of the assignment is an arbitrarily defined variable name, which is only used to somehow reference an appender defined later on.
Appender settings in the configuration are defined as follows:
log4perl.appender.FileApp = Log::Dispatch::File
log4perl.appender.FileApp.filename = test.log
It selects the file appender of the Log::Dispatch
hierarchy, which is tricked by Log::Log4perl into thinking that it should append to the file test.log
if it already exists. If we wanted to overwrite a potentially existing file, we would have to explicitly set the appropriate Log::Dispatch::File
parameter mode
log4perl.appender.FileApp = Log::Dispatch::File
log4perl.appender.FileApp.filename = test.log
log4perl.appender.FileApp.mode = write
Also, the configuration defines a PatternLayout format, adding the nicely formatted current date and time, an arrow (>) and a space before the messages, which is then followed by a newline:
log4perl.appender.FileApp.layout = PatternLayout
log4perl.appender.FileApp.layout.ConversionPattern = %d> %m%n
Obtaining a logger instance and actually logging something is typically done in a different system part as the Log::Log4perl initialisation section, but in this example, it's just done right after init for the sake of compactness:
# Obtain a logger instance
my $logger = get_logger("Bar::Twix");
$logger->error("Oh my, a dreadful error!");
This retrieves an instance of the logger of the category Bar::Twix
, which, as all other categories, inherits behaviour from the root logger if no other loggers are defined in the initialization section.
The error()
method fires up a message, which the root logger catches. Its priority is equal to or higher than the root logger's priority (ERROR), which causes the root logger to forward it to its attached appender. By contrast, the following
$logger->warn("Oh my, a dreadful warning!");
doesn't make it through, because the root logger sports a higher setting (ERROR and up) than the WARN priority of the message.
How can I install Log::Log4perl on Microsoft Windows?
Log::Log4perl is fully supported on the Win32 platform. It has been tested with Activestate perl 5.6.1 under Windows 98 and rumor has it that it also runs smoothly on all other major flavors (Windows NT, 2000, XP, etc.).
Typically, Win32 systems don't have the make
utility installed, so the standard perl Makefile.PL; make install
on the downloadable distribution won't work. But don't despair, there's a very easy solution!
The Log::Log4perl
homepage provides a so-called PPD file for ActiveState's ppm
installer, which comes with ActiveState perl by default.
The DOS command line
ppm install ""
will contact the Log4perl homepage, download the latest Log::Log4perl
distribution and install it. If your ActiveState installation lacks any of the modules Log::Log4perl
depends upon, ppm
will automatically contact ActivateState and download them from their CPAN-like repository. That's it! Afterwards, just create a Perl script like
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
my $logger = get_logger("Twix::Bar");
$logger->debug("Watch me!");
and run it. It should print something like
2002/11/06 01:22:05 Watch me!
If you find that something doesn't work, please let us know at -- we'll apprechiate it. Have fun!
Mike Schilli, <>