Changes for version 0.50
- (ms) Added ':resurrect' source filter, which uncomments all lines starting with "###l4p". Can be used for hidden L4p statements, which are then activated by calling 'use Log::Log4perl qw(:resurrect)'.
- (ms) Fixed Win32 test suite bug: File::Spec->catfile() returns '/' as a path separator on both Unix and Win32, while Log4perl's layouts (derived from caller() info) use '\' on Win32 and '/' on Unix. Changed tests to only verify file name, not path.
- (ms) Added 'appender_by_name()' to retrieve an appender defined in the configuration file by name later.
- (ms) Added FAQ on "stubbing out" L4p macros in environments that don't have L4p installed.
- (ms) Added convenience function appender_thresholds_adjust() to adjust thresholds of chosen (or all) appenders
- (ms) Got rid of Test::Simple dependency
- (ms) Moved autoflush setting in L4p::Appender::File from log() to file_open(), running only once, not with every message.
- (ms) Applied doc fixes suggested by Jon Bjornstad.
- (ms) Added ScreenANSIColor appender to colorize messages based on their priority. See Log::Log4perl::Appender::ScreenANSIColor.
Log4j implementation for Perl
Log appender class
implements appending to a DB
Log to file
Limit message delivery via block period
Log to a RRDtool Archive
Colorize messages according to level
Log to a socket
Synchronizing other appenders
Subclass of Appender::TestBuffer
Appender class for testing
Intentionally slow test appender
Log4perl configuration file syntax
Configurator Base Class
reads xml config files
reads properties file
Detect file changes
Log4perl advanced date formatter helper class
Frequently Asked Questions on Log::Log4perl
Log4perl Custom Filter Base Class
Special filter to combine the results of others
Filter to match the log level exactly
Filter for a range of log levels
Filter to match the log level exactly
maps java log4j appenders to Log::Dispatch classes
wraps Log::Dispatch::Screen
wraps Log::Dispatch::File
wraps Log::Log4perl::Appender::DBI
wraps Log::Dispatch::Win32EventLog
wraps Log::Dispatch::FileRotate
wraps Log::Dispatch::Syslog
wraps Log::Log4perl::Appender::TestBuffer
Log4perl Layout Virtual Base Class
Pass-thru Layout
Pattern Layout
Simple Layout
Predefined log levels
Main Logger Class
Mapped Diagnostic Context
Nested Diagnostic Context
Internal utility functions