OAuth::Cmdline::Automatic - OAuth oddities
# don't use this directly
This class overrides methods of OAuth::Cmdline
if's Web API deviates from standard OAuth. deviates from the standard OAuth protocol in two significant ways listed below.
No support for redirect URL
Since Automatic doesn't allow a redirect_uri
parameter in the initial token dance move, make sure to set the field "OAuth Redirect URL"
in the new app registration form on to
which is where eg/automatic-token-init
is waiting for the response from the authentication server. Other OAuth consumers let you specify a redirect URL in the request, which is more convenient.
No support for a refresh token
Other OAuth consumers return a refresh_token alongside with the access_token, so if the access_token expires, you can fetch a new one by simply providing the saved refresh token., however, upon successful user authorization, only sends back an access_token without a refresh_token. Since their access_token has an expiration time of one year, it's not an immediate problem but could prove to be largely inconvenient for the user when that time comes and they have to re-grant access for the app.
After registering the app (note the first item above), put the values for client_id and client_secret in YAML format into .automatic.yml
in your home directory:
# ~/.automatic.yml
client_id: XXXXX
client_secret: YYYY
Then run the
script included in this distribution and point your browser to http://localhost:8082
. Then follow the authentication flow until redirected back to localhost. By then, the script will have updated the file ~/.automatic.yml
to contain the access token needed for further authenticated calls.
After that, any script like the following can access your Automatic data from the server:
use OAuth::Cmdline::Automatic;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use JSON qw( from_json );
my $oauth = OAuth::Cmdline::Automatic->new();
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $resp = $ua->get( "",
$oauth->authorization_headers );
if( $resp->is_error ) {
die $resp->message;
my $data = from_json( $resp->decoded_content );
for my $device ( @{ $data->{ results } } ) {
printf "%s-v%d %s\n",
$device->{ id },
$device->{ version },
$device->{ url };
Copyright 2016 by Mike Schilli, all rights reserved. This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
2016, Mike Schilli <>