PHP::HTTPBuildQuery - Data structures become form-encoded query strings
use PHP::HTTPBuildQuery qw(http_build_query);
my $query = http_build_query( { foo => {
bar => "baz",
quick => { "quack" => "schmack" },
# Query: "foo%5Bbar%5D=baz&foo%5Bquick%5D%5Bquack%5D=schmack"
# URL decoded: "foo[bar]=baz", "foo[quick][quack]=schmack"
PHP::HTTPBuildQuery implements PHP's http_build_query
function in Perl. It is used to form-encode Perl data structures in URLs, so that PHP can read them on the receiving end.
accepts one mandatory and two optional parameters:
http_build_query( $data, $prefix, $separator );
is a reference to the data structure (hash or array)$prefix
is an array name for array elements at the top level. An array at the top level, as inhttp_build_query( [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ]);
would create a query string like:
which PHP can't make sense of at the receiving end, as variables names can't start with a number. Adding a prefix, like in
http_build_query( [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ], "var");
which then makes sense in PHP land.
is an optional argument separator (defaults to '&'), used to separate the fields in the encoded string.
$query = http_build_query( ['foo', 'bar'] );
# Query: "name_0=foo&name_1=bar"
Hash with Array
$query = http_build_query( { foo => [ 'bar', 'baz' ] } );
# Query: "foo[0]=bar&foo[1]=baz" (not escaped for readability)
Perl hashes have no defined order, so if you encode something like
{ foo =
"bar", baz => "quack" }>, don't be surprised if you get the entries in a different order:# Query: "baz=quack&foo=bar"
PHP's Frankenstein arrays handle numeric indexing and hash-like lookups transparently. For example, you could have a data structure like
# PHP $a = array( 'foo' => 'bar', 'baz', ); # PHP
and you could access both its numeric and associative elements:
# PHP print $a[0]; # prints: 'baz' # PHP print $a[foo]; # prints: 'bar'
function would transform the Frankenstein array above to"foo=bar&0=baz"
or, better, with a prefix of 'name', to
In Perl, on the other hand, there's hashes for associative lookups and arrays for numerically indexed containers, so you can't mix and match, and there's no way to define a data structure to print out the query string above.
creates a PHP-specific encoding format which can't handle ']' or '[' characters in its keys (they're ok in hash values, though). This module won't check against this case, it will just generate form strings that won't be decodable afterwards. Make sure to filter your data before passing it tohttp_build_query()
0.03 2008/10/14
(ms) Added copyright notice
0.02 2008/10/03
(ms) Changed API to be more PHP-like after consulting with
Sara Golemon.
(ms) Added arrays
0.01 2008/10/03
(ms) Where it all began.
Thanks to the following Yahoos who provided advice, ideas and code: Sara Golemon, Rasmus Lerdorf, Evan Miller.
Copyright (c) 2008 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. The copyrights to the contents of this file are licensed under the Perl Artistic License (ver. 15 Aug 1997)
2008, Mike Schilli <>