Process -- launch and control background processes
use Process;
$myproc = Process->new(); # Create a new process object
$myproc->start("shell-command-line"); # Launch a shell process
$myproc->start(sub { ... }); # Launch a perl subroutine
$myproc->start(\&subroutine); # Launch a perl subroutine
$running = $myproc->poll(); # Poll Running Process
$myproc->kill(); # Kill Process (SIGTERM)
$myproc->kill("SIGUSR1"); # Send specified signal
The Process package provides objects that model real-life processes from a user's point of view. A new process object is created by
$myproc = Process->new();
Either shell-like command lines or references to perl subroutines can be specified for launching a process in background. A 10-second sleep process, for example, can be started via the shell as
$myproc->start("sleep 10");
or, as a perl subroutine,
$myproc->start(sub { sleep(10); });
The start Method returns immediately after starting the specified process in background, i.e. non-blocking mode. The start method returns 1 if the process has been launched sucessfully, 0 if not.
The poll method checks if the process is still running
$running = $myproc->poll();
and returns 1 if it is, 0 if it's not. Finally,
terminates the process by sending it the SIGTERM signal. As an option, another signal can be specified.
sends the SIGUSR1 to the running process. kill returns 1 if it succeeds in sending the signal, 0 if it doesn't.
Michael Schilli <>