Sysadm::Install - Typical installation tasks for system administrators


use Sysadm::Install qw(:all);

my $INST_DIR = '/home/me/install/';

cp("/deliver/someproj.tgz", ".");

   # Write out ...
blurt("Builder: Mike\nDate: Today\n", "build.dat");

   # Slurp back in ...
my $data = slurp("build.dat");

   # or edit in place ...
pie(sub { s/Today/scalar localtime()/ge; $_; }, "build.dat");

make("test install");

   # run a cmd and tap into stdout and stderr
my($stdout, $stderr) = tap("ls -R");


Have you ever wished for your installation shell scripts to run reproducably, without much programming fuzz, and even with optional logging enabled? Then give up shell programming, use Perl.

Sysadm::Install executes shell-like commands performing typical installation tasks: Copying files, extracting tarballs, calling make. It has a fail once and die policy, meticulously checking the result of every operation and calling die() immeditatly if anything fails.


    cp($source, $target)

    Copy a file from $source to $target. target can be a directory. Note that cp doesn't copy file permissions. If you want the target file to reflect the source file's user rights, use perm_cp() shown below.

    mv($source, $target)

    Move a file from $source to $target. target can be a directory.


    Download a file specified by $url and store it under the name returned by basename($url).


    Untar the tarball in $tgz_file, which typically adheres to the someproject-X.XX.tgz convention. But regardless of whether the archive actually contains a top directory someproject-X.XX, this function will behave if it had one. If it doesn't have one, a new directory is created before the unpacking takes place. Unpacks the tarball into the current directory, no matter where the tarfile is located.

    untar_in($tar_file, $dir)

    Untar the tarball in $tgz_file in directory $dir. Create $dir if it doesn't exist yet.

    pick($prompt, $options, $default)

    Ask the user to pick an item from a displayed list. $prompt is the text displayed, $options is a referenc to an array of choices, and $default is the number (starting from 1, not 0) of the default item. For example,

    pick("Pick a fruit", ["apple", "pear", "pineapple"], 3);

    will display the following:

    [1] apple
    [2] pear
    [3] pineapple
    Pick a fruit [3]>

    If the user just hits Enter, "pineapple" (the default value) will be returned. Note that 3 marks the 3rd element of the list, and is not an index value into the array.

    If the user enters 1, 2 or 3, the corresponding text string ("apple", "pear", "pineapple" will be returned by pick().

    ask($prompt, $default)

    Ask the user to either hit Enter and select the displayed default or to type in another string.


    Create a directory of arbitrary depth, just like File::Path::mkpath.


    Delete a directory and all of its descendents, just like rm -rf in the shell.


    chdir to the given directory.


    chdir back to the last directory before a previous cd.


    Call make in the shell.

    pie($coderef, $filename, ...)

    Simulate "perl -pie 'do something' file". Edits files in-place. Expects a reference to a subroutine as its first argument. It will read out the file $filename line by line and calls the subroutine setting a localized $_ to the current line. The return value of the subroutine will replace the previous value of the line.


    # Replace all 'foo's by 'bar' in test.dat
        pie(sub { s/foo/bar/g; $_; }, "test.dat");

    Works with one or more file names.

    plough($coderef, $filename, ...)

    Simulate "perl -ne 'do something' file". Iterates over all lines of all input files and calls the subroutine provided as the first argument.


    # Print all lines containing 'foobar'
        plough(sub { print if /foobar/ }, "test.dat");

    Works with one or more file names.

    my $data = slurp($file)

    Slurps in the file and returns a scalar with the file's content.

    blurt($data, $file, $append)

    Opens a new file, prints the data in $data to it and closes the file. If $append is set to a true value, data will be appended to the file. Default is false, existing files will be overwritten.

    ($stdout, $stderr) = tap($cmd)

    Rund a command $cmd in the shell, capture STDOUT and STDERR, and return them as strings.

    $quoted_string = qquote($string, [$metachars])

    Put a string in double quotes and escape all sensitive characters so there's no unwanted interpolation. E.g., if you have something like

    print "foo!\n";

    and want to put it into a double-quoted string, it will look like

    "print \"foo!\\n\""

    Sometimes, not only backslashes and double quotes need to be escaped, but also the target environment's meta chars. A string containing

    print "$<\n";

    needs to have the '$' escaped like

    "print \"\$<\\n\";"

    if you want to reuse it later in a shell context:

    $ perl -le "print \"\$<\\n\";"

    qquote() supports escaping these extra characters with its second, optional argument, consisting of a string listing all escapable characters:

    my $script  = 'print "$< rocks!\\n";';
    my $escaped = qquote($script, '!$'); # Escape for shell use
    system("perl -e $escaped");
    => 1212 rocks!

    And there's a shortcut for shells: By specifying ':shell' as the metacharacters string, qquote() will actually use '!$[]()+?'.

    For example, if you wanted to run the perl code

    print "foobar\n";


    perl -e ...

    on a box via ssh, you would use

    use Sysadm::Install qw(qquote);
    my $cmd = 'print "foobar!\n"';
       $cmd = "perl -e " . qquote($cmd, ':shell');
       $cmd = "ssh somehost " . qquote($cmd, ':shell');
    print "$cmd\n";

    and get

    ssh somehost "perl -e \"print \\\"foobar\\\!\\\\n\\\"\""

    which runs on somehost without hickup and prints foobar!.

    perm_cp($src, $dst, ...)

    Read the $src file's user permissions and modify all $dst files to reflect the same permissions.


    Run a shell command via system() and die() if it fails.


Mike Schilli, <>


Copyright (C) 2004 by Mike Schilli

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.3 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 100:

You can't have =items (as at line 106) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item