Date::Holidays::DE - Determine German holidays in Perl
use Date::Holidays::DE qw(holidays);
my $feiertage_ref = holidays();
my @feiertage = @$feiertage_ref;
This module exports a single function named holidays() which returns a list of German holidays in a given year.
The module knows about the following holidays:
neuj Neujahr New Year's day
hl3k Hl. 3 Koenige Epiphany
romo Rosenmontag Carnival monday
fadi Faschingsdienstag Shrove tuesday
karf Karfreitag Good friday
osts Ostersonntag Easter sunday
ostm Ostermontag Easter monday
pfis Pfingstsonntag Whit sunday
pfim Pfingstmontag Whit monday
himm Himmelfahrtstag Ascension day
fron Fronleichnam Corpus christi
1mai Maifeiertag Labor day, German style
mari Mariae Himmelfahrt Assumption day
3oct Tag der deutschen Einheit Reunion day
refo Reformationstag Reformation day
alhe Allerheiligen All hallows day
buss Buss- und Bettag Penance day
heil Heiligabend Christmas eve
wei1 1. Weihnachtstag Christmas
wei2 2. Weihnachtstag Christmas
silv Silvester New year's eve
Please refer to the module source for detailed information about how every holiday is calculated. Too much detail would be far beyond the scope of this document, but it's not particularly hard once you've found the date for Easter.
The list returned by holidays() consists of UNIX-Style timestamps in seconds since The Epoch. You may pass a strftime() style format string to get the dates in any format you desire:
my $feiertage_ref = holidays(FORMAT=>"%d.%m.%Y");
This might be considered "hard to use" by some people, so here are a few examples to get you started:
FORMAT=>"%d.%m.%Y" 25.12.2001
FORMAT=>"%Y%m%d" 20011225
FORMAT=>"%a, %B %d" Tuesday, December 25
Please consult the manual page of strftime() for a complete list of available format definitions.
The modules also knows about different regulations throughout Germany.
When calling holidays(), the resulting list by default contains the list of Germany-wide holidays.
You can specify one ore more of the following federal states to get the list of holidays local to that state:
bw Baden-Wuerttemberg
by Freistaat Bayern
be Berlin
bb Brandenburg
hb Freie Hansestadt Bremen
hh Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
he Hessen
mv Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
ni Niedersachsen
nw Nordrhein-Westfalen
rp Rheinland-Pfalz
sl Saarland
sn Freistaat Sachsen
st Sachsen-Anhalt
sh Schleswig-Holstein
th Freistaat Thueringen
For example,
my $feiertage_ref = holidays(WHERE=>['by', 'bw']);
returns the list of holidays local to Bayern or Baden-Wuerttemberg.
To get the list of local holidays along with the default list of common German holidays, use the following:
my $feiertage_ref = holidays(WHERE=>['common', 'bw']);
returns the list of common German holidays merged with the list of holidays specific to Baden-Wuerttemberg.
There are a number of holidays that aren't really holidays, e.g. New Year's Eve and Christmas Eve. These aren't contained in the common set of holidays returnd by the holidays() function. The aforementioned silv and heil are probably the most likely ones that you'll need. If you live in Koeln, you'll probably want to include romo and fadi, too. ;-)
As if things weren't bad enough already, there even are Holidays that aren't valid in an entire state. This refers to fron, alhe and mari in particular.
If you want one or several of them to appear in the output from holidays(), use the following:
my $feiertage_ref = holidays(ADD=>['heil', 'silv']);
By default, holidays() returns the holidays for the current year. Specify a year as follows:
my $feiertage_ref = holidays(YEAR=>2004);
By default, holidays() includes Holidays that occur on weekends in its listing.
To disable this behaviour, set the WEEKENDS option to 0:
my $feiertage_ref = holidays(WEEKENDS=>0);
Get all holidays for Germany and Bayern in 2004, count New Year's Eve and Christmas Eve as Holidays. Also, we live in a catolic region where Assumption day is a holiday, too. Exclude weekends and return the date list in human readable format:
my $feiertage_ref = holidays( WHERE => ['common', 'he'],
FORMAT => "%a, %d.%m.%Y"
YEAR => 2004,
ADD => ['heil', 'silv', 'mari']);
Uses Date::Calc 5.0 for all calculations. Makes use of the POSIX and Time::Local modules from the standard Perl distribution.
If you run into a miscalculation, need some sort of feature or an additional holiday, or if you know of any new changes to our funky holiday situation, please drop the author a note.
The official holiday dates are published by the Federal Ministry of the Interior at:
Date::Calc works with year, month and day numbers exclusively. Even though this module uses Date::Calc for all calculations, it represents the calculated holidays as UNIX timestamps (seconds since The Epoch) to allow for more flexible formatting. This limits the range of years to work on to the years from 1972 to 2037.
Date::Holidays::DE doesn't know anything about past holiday regulations. Tag der Deutschen Einheit, for example, was changed from June 17th to October 3rd after the reunion of the eastern and western parts of Germany.
Martin Schmitt <mas at scsy dot de>