Changes for version 3.23 - 2015-09-10
- Improve CGI mode param() handling to avoi's "param() called in list context" warning.
- add support for Apache 2.4 via mod_perl 1.09.
- IMPORTANT ***** Apache 2.4 has a *VERY* different API for authentication. You will need to port your subclass and configuration over to the Apache 2.4 API in order to use Apache 2.4! Please be sure to read README.apache-2.4.pod for porting instructions!
Frequently Asked Questions about Apache::AuthCookie.
Perl Authentication and Authorization via cookies
Autobox Extensions for AuthCookie
AuthCookie Params Driver for mod_perl 1.x
Internal CGI AuthCookie Params Base Class
Internal CGI Params Subclass
Internal Utility Functions for AuthCookie
Perl Authentication and Authorization via cookies
AuthCookie Params Driver for mod_perl 2.x
in lib/Apache/AuthCookie/