Authen::U2F::Tester - FIDO/U2F Authentication Test Client


version 0.01


my $tester = Authen::U2F::Tester->new(
    cert_file => $certfile,
    key_file  => $keyfile);

# Test a U2F registration
my $app_id = '';
my $challenge = Authen::U2F->challenge;

my $r = $tester->register($app_id, $challenge);

unless ($r->is_success) {
    die $r->error_message;

print $res->client_data;
print $res->registration_data;

# the fields in $res can be used to verify the registration using
# Authen::U2F
my ($handle, $key) = Authen::U2F->registration_verify(
    challenge         => $challenge,
    app_id            => $app_id,
    origin            => $origin,
    registration_data => $res->registration_data,
    client_data       => $res->client_data);

# Test a U2F Signing request
$r = $tester->sign($app_id, $challenge, $handle);

unless ($r->is_success) {
    die $r->error_message;

print $res->client_data;
print $res->signature_data;

# verify the signing request with Authen::U2F
    challenge      => $challenge,
    app_id         => $app_id,
    origin         => $app_id,
    key_handle     => $handle,
    key            => $key,
    signature_data => $r->signature_data,
    client_data    => $r->client_data);


This module implements a FIDO/U2F tester that can be used for testing web applications that support FIDO/U2F. Think of this module as a "virtual" U2F security key.




The following arguments are required:

  • key_file

    The location of the private key file.

  • cert_file

    The location of the X.509 certificate file.

Alternatively, the key and certificate can be passed in directly as objects:

In order to create and use the tester, you will need both an Elliptic Curve keypair, and a SSL X.509 certificate. The key can be generated using OpenSSL:

% openssl ecparam -name secp256r1 -genkey -noout -out key.pem

Then this key can be used to generate a self signed X.509 certificate:

% openssl req -key key.pem -x509 -days 3560 -sh256 \
    -subj '/C=US/ST=Texas/O=Untrusted U2F Org/CN=virtual-u2f' \
    -out cert.pem

keypair(): Crypt::PK::ECC

Get the private keypair for this tester.

certificate(): Crypt::OpenSSL::X509

Get the SSL certificate that this tester uses.

register($app_id, $challenge, @keyhandles): Authen::U2F::Tester::RegisterResponse

Complete a registration request.

Returns a Authen::U2F::Tester::RegisterResponse on success, or an Authen::U2F::Error object on failure.

Arguments are:

  • app_id: string

    The application id

  • challenge: string

    The challenge parameter, in Base64 URL encoded format

  • keyhandles: list (optional)

    List of already registered keyhandles for the current user, in Base64 URL format.


my $app_id = '';
my $challenge = Authen::U2F->challenge;

my $res = $tester->register($app_id, $challenge);

unless ($res->is_success) {
    die $res->error_message;

sign($app_id, $challenge, @keyhandles)

Complete a U2F signing request. Returns a Authen::U2F::Tester::SignResponse object on success, Authen::U2F::Error object otherwise.

Arguments are:

  • app_id

    The appId value

  • challenge

    The challenge parameter, in Base64 URL encoded format

  • keyhandles

    List of possible keyhandles, in Base64 URL encoded format


my $app_id = '';
my $challenge = Authen::U2F->challenge;

my $res = $tester->sign($app_id, $challenge, $keyhandle);

unless ($res->is_success) {
    die $res->error_message;

# signature and client data, which should be sent to relaying party for
# verification.
print $res->signature_data;
print $res->client_data;

is_known_handle($handle): bool

Return true if the given $handle was generated by this tester. $handle is a string containing a potential keyhandle, in Base64 URL format.


The development version is on github at and may be cloned from git://


Please report any bugs or feature requests to or through the web interface at:


Michael Schout <>


This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Michael Schout.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.