Geo::TigerLine::Record::1 - TIGER/Line 1998 Complete Chain Basic Data Record


use Geo::TigerLine::Record::1;

@records = Geo::TigerLine::Record::1->parse_file($fh);
@records = Geo::TigerLine::Record::1->parse_file($fh, \&callback);

$record = Geo::TigerLine::Record::1->new(\%fields);



This is a class representing record type 1 of the TIGER/Line 1998 census geographic database. Each object is one record. It also contains methods to parse TIGER/Line record type 1 files and turn them into objects.

This is intended as an intermediate format between pulling the raw data out of the simplistic TIGER/Line data files into something more sophisticated (a process you should only have to do once). As such, its not very fast, but its careful, easy to use and performs some verifications on the data being read.

As this class is autogenerated by mk_parsers, think before you modify this file. Its OO, so consider sub-classing instead.


These are simple get/set accessors for each field of a record generated from the TIGER/Line 1998 data dictionary. They perform some data validation.

$data = $record->rt();

Record Type.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 1 characters. $data cannot be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->version();

Version Number.

Expects numeric data of no more than 4 characters. $data cannot be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->tlid();

TIGER/Line ID, Permanent Record Number.

Expects numeric data of no more than 10 characters. $data cannot be blank and should be right justified.

$data = $record->side1();

Single-Side Complete Chain Code.

Expects numeric data of no more than 1 characters. $data can be blank and should be right justified.

$data = $record->source();

Linear Segment Source Code.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 1 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->fedirp();

Feature Direction, Prefix.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 2 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->fename();

Feature Name.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 30 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->fetype();

Feature Type.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 4 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->fedirs();

Feature Direction, Suffix.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 2 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->cfcc();

Census Feature Class Code.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 3 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->fraddl();

Start Address, Left.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 11 characters. $data can be blank and should be right justified.

$data = $record->toaddl();

End Address, Left.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 11 characters. $data can be blank and should be right justified.

$data = $record->fraddr();

Start Address, Right.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 11 characters. $data can be blank and should be right justified.

$data = $record->toaddr();

End Address, Right.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 11 characters. $data can be blank and should be right justified.

$data = $record->friaddl();

Start Imputed Address Flag, Left.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 1 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->toiaddl();

End Imputed Address Flag, Left.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 1 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->friaddr();

Start Imputed Address Flag, Right.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 1 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->toiaddr();

End Imputed Address Flag, Right.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 1 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->zipl();

ZIP Code, Left.

Expects numeric data of no more than 5 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->zipr();

ZIP Code, Right.

Expects numeric data of no more than 5 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->fairl();

FIPS 55 Code (American Indian/Alaska Native Area), Current Left.

Expects numeric data of no more than 5 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->fairr();

FIPS 55 Code (American Indian/Alaska Native Area), Current Right.

Expects numeric data of no more than 5 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->trustl();

American Indian Trust Land Flag, Current Left.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 1 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->trustr();

American Indian Trust Land Flag, Current Right.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 1 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->census1();

Census Use 1.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 1 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->census2();

Census Use 2.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 1 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->statel();

FIPS State Code, Current Left.

Expects numeric data of no more than 2 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->stater();

FIPS State Code, Current Right.

Expects numeric data of no more than 2 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->countyl();

FIPS County Code, Current Left.

Expects numeric data of no more than 3 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->countyr();

FIPS County Code, Current Right.

Expects numeric data of no more than 3 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->fmcdl();

FIPS 55 Code (MCD/CCD) Left, Current.

Expects numeric data of no more than 5 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->fmcdr();

FIPS 55 Code (MCD/CCD) Right, Current.

Expects numeric data of no more than 5 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->fsmcdl();

FIPS 55 Code (Sub-MCD), Current Left.

Expects numeric data of no more than 5 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->fsmcdr();

FIPS 55 Code (Sub-MCD), Current Right.

Expects numeric data of no more than 5 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->fpll();

FIPS 55 Code (Incorporated Place), Current Left.

Expects numeric data of no more than 5 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->fplr();

FIPS 55 Code (Incorporated Place), Current Right.

Expects numeric data of no more than 5 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->ctl();

Census Tract Code, 1990 Left.

Expects numeric data of no more than 6 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->ctr();

Census Tract Code, 1990 Right.

Expects numeric data of no more than 6 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->blkl();

Census Block Number, 1990 Left.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 4 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->blkr();

Census Block Number, 1990 Right.

Expects alphanumeric data of no more than 4 characters. $data can be blank and should be left justified.

$data = $record->frlong();

Start Longitude.

Expects numeric data of no more than 10 characters. $data cannot be blank and should be right justified.

$data = $record->frlat();

Start Latitude.

Expects numeric data of no more than 9 characters. $data cannot be blank and should be right justified.

$data = $record->tolong();

End Longitude.

Expects numeric data of no more than 10 characters. $data cannot be blank and should be right justified.

$data = $record->tolat();

End Latitude.

Expects numeric data of no more than 9 characters. $data cannot be blank and should be right justified.

Data dictionary

This is the original TIGER/Line 1998 data dictionary from which this class was generated.

Record Type 1 - Complete Chain Basic Data Record

     Field   BV  Fmt  Type  Beg  End  Len  Description
        RT   No    L     A    1    1    1  Record Type
   VERSION   No    L     N    2    5    4  Version Number
      TLID   No    R     N    6   15   10  TIGER/Line ID, Permanent Record Number
     SIDE1  Yes    R     N   16   16    1  Single-Side Complete Chain Code
    SOURCE  Yes    L     A   17   17    1  Linear Segment Source Code
    FEDIRP  Yes    L     A   18   19    2  Feature Direction, Prefix
    FENAME  Yes    L     A   20   49   30  Feature Name
    FETYPE  Yes    L     A   50   53    4  Feature Type
    FEDIRS  Yes    L     A   54   55    2  Feature Direction, Suffix
      CFCC  Yes    L     A   56   58    3  Census Feature Class Code
    FRADDL  Yes    R     A   59   69   11  Start Address, Left
    TOADDL  Yes    R     A   70   80   11  End Address, Left
    FRADDR  Yes    R     A   81   91   11  Start Address, Right
    TOADDR  Yes    R     A   92  102   11  End Address, Right
   FRIADDL  Yes    L     A  103  103    1  Start Imputed Address Flag, Left
   TOIADDL  Yes    L     A  104  104    1  End Imputed Address Flag, Left
   FRIADDR  Yes    L     A  105  105    1  Start Imputed Address Flag, Right
   TOIADDR  Yes    L     A  106  106    1  End Imputed Address Flag, Right
      ZIPL  Yes    L     N  107  111    5  ZIP Code, Left
      ZIPR  Yes    L     N  112  116    5  ZIP Code, Right
     FAIRL  Yes    L     N  117  121    5  FIPS 55 Code (American Indian/Alaska Native Area), Current Left
     FAIRR  Yes    L     N  122  126    5  FIPS 55 Code (American Indian/Alaska Native Area), Current Right
    TRUSTL  Yes    L     A  127  127    1  American Indian Trust Land Flag, Current Left
    TRUSTR  Yes    L     A  128  128    1  American Indian Trust Land Flag, Current Right
   CENSUS1  Yes    L     A  129  129    1  Census Use 1
   CENSUS2  Yes    L     A  130  130    1  Census Use 2
    STATEL  Yes    L     N  131  132    2  FIPS State Code, Current Left
    STATER  Yes    L     N  133  134    2  FIPS State Code, Current Right
   COUNTYL  Yes    L     N  135  137    3  FIPS County Code, Current Left
   COUNTYR  Yes    L     N  138  140    3  FIPS County Code, Current Right
     FMCDL  Yes    L     N  141  145    5  FIPS 55 Code (MCD/CCD) Left, Current
     FMCDR  Yes    L     N  146  150    5  FIPS 55 Code (MCD/CCD) Right, Current
    FSMCDL  Yes    L     N  151  155    5  FIPS 55 Code (Sub-MCD), Current Left
    FSMCDR  Yes    L     N  156  160    5  FIPS 55 Code (Sub-MCD), Current Right
      FPLL  Yes    L     N  161  165    5  FIPS 55 Code (Incorporated Place), Current Left
      FPLR  Yes    L     N  166  170    5  FIPS 55 Code (Incorporated Place), Current Right
       CTL  Yes    L     N  171  176    6  Census Tract Code, 1990 Left
       CTR  Yes    L     N  177  182    6  Census Tract Code, 1990 Right
      BLKL  Yes    L     A  183  186    4  Census Block Number, 1990 Left
      BLKR  Yes    L     A  187  190    4  Census Block Number, 1990 Right
    FRLONG   No    R     N  191  200   10  Start Longitude
     FRLAT   No    R     N  201  209    9  Start Latitude
    TOLONG   No    R     N  210  219   10  End Longitude
     TOLAT   No    R     N  220  228    9  End Latitude


Michael G Schwern <>


Geo::TigerLine, mk_parsers