Changes for version 0.60_02 - 2005-08-09

  • Added Test::Builder::Module.
  • Minor Win32 testing nit in fail-more.t
  • Added no_diag() method to Test::Builder and changed Test::More's no_diag internals to use that. [ 8655]
  • Deprecated no_diag() as an option to "use Test::More". Call the Test::Builder method instead.

Changes for version 0.60_01 - 2005-07-03

  • Moved the docs around a little to better group all the testing functions together. [ 8388]
  • Added a BAIL_OUT() function to Test::More [ 8381]
  • Changed Test::Builder->BAILOUT to BAIL_OUT to match other method's naming conventions. BAILOUT remains but is deprecated.
  • Changed the standard failure diagnostics to include the test name.
    • 12490
  • is_deeply() was broken for overloaded objects in the top level in 0.59_01. [ 13506]
  • String overloaded objects without an 'eq' or '==' method are now handled in cmp_ok() and is().
  • cmp_ok() will now treat overloaded objects as numbers if the comparison operator is numeric. [ 13156]
  • cmp_ok(), like() and unlike will now throw uninit warnings if their arguments are undefined. [ 13155]
  • cmp_ok() will now throw warnings as if the comparison were run normally, for example cmp_ok(2, '==', 'foo') will warn about 'foo' not being numeric. Previously all warnings in the comparison were supressed. [ 13155]
  • Tests will now report *both* the number of tests failed and if the wrong number of tests were run. Previously if tests failed and the wrong number were run it would only report the latter.
    • 13494
  • Missing or extra tests are not considered failures for the purposes of calculating the exit code. Should there be no failures but the wrong number of tests the exit code will be 254.
  • Avoiding an unbalanced sort in eq_set() [ 36354]
  • Documenting that eq_set() doesn't deal well with refs.
  • Clarified how is_deeply() compares a bit.
  • Once again working on 5.4.5.


A tutorial about writing really basic tests


Backend for building test libraries
Base class for test modules
yet another framework for writing test scripts
Basic utilities for writing tests.