Revision history for Perl extension Tie::Cache::LRU.
0.20 Sun Jul 29 02:07:03 PDT 2001
Split into two implementations, Tie::Cache::LRU::Array and
Tie::Cache::LRU now using Array implementation. Much faster.
Now faster than Tie::Cache *smug grin*
0.06 Fri Feb 11 17:21:39 EST 2000
Fixed a MAJOR memory leak. Basically CLEAR (%cached = ()) leaked
the entire cache.
Caches with a max_size of 1 or 0 weren't working properly.
0.05 Thu Oct 7 01:14:34 EST 1999
Name changed to Tie::Cache::LRU for brevity
First release to CPAN.
DESCRIPTION expanded and the tie interface documented.
added max_size() and curr_size()
0.01 Thu May 6 16:08:26 1999
Created as Tie::Cache::InMemory::LastUse
internal release for Arena
original version; created by h2xs 1.19