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Apache::MimeXML - mod_perl mime encoding sniffer for XML files
Simply add this line to srm.conf or httpd.conf:
PerlTypeHandler Apache::MimeXML
Alternatively add it only for certain files or directories using the standard Apache methods. There is about a 30% slowdown for files using this module, so you probably want to restrict it to certain XML locations only.
An XML Content-Type sniffer. This module reads the encoding attribute in the xml declaration and returns an appropriate content-type heading. If no encoding declaration is found it returns utf-8 or utf-16 depending on the specific encoding.
There are a few small configuration options for this module, allowing you to set various parameters.
Allows you to set the mime type for XML files:
PerlSetVar XMLMimeType application/xml
That changes the mime type from the default text/xml to application/xml. You can use this on a per-directory basis.
Allows you to set the encoding of big-endian (read: normal) utf 16 (unicode) documents. The default is 'utf-16'
PerlSetVar XMLUtf16EncodingBE utf-16-be
Allows you to set the encoding of little-endian utf-16 encoded documents. The default is 'utf-16-le'
PerlSetVar XMLUtf16EncodingLE utf-16-wierd
Use From Other Modules
If you want to use Apache::MimeXML's detection routines from other modules, you can manually call the check_for_xml() function yourself, passing in either a filename, or an open filehandle. The function returns the encoding if it finds that the file contains XML, otherwise it returns nothing:
my $encoding;
if ($encoding = Apache::MimeXML::check_for_xml($filename)) {
print "$filename is XML in $encoding encoding\n";
Matt Sergeant matt@sergeant.org
This module is distributed under the same terms as perl itself