Apache::Reload - Reload this module on each request (if modified)


In httpd.conf:

PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off

Then your module:

package My::Apache::Module;

use Apache::Reload;

sub handler { ... }



This module is two things. First it is an adaptation of Randall Schwartz's Stonehenge::Reload module that attempts to be a little more intuitive and makes the usage easier. Stonehenge::Reload was written by Randall to make specific modules reload themselves when they changed. Unlike Apache::StatINC, Stonehenge::Reload only checked the change time of modules that registered themselves with Stonehenge::Reload, thus reducing stat() calls. Apache::Reload also offers the exact same functionality as Apache::StatINC, and is thus designed to be a drop-in replacement. Apache::Reload only checks modules that register themselves with Apache::Reload if you explicitly turn off the StatINC emulation method (see below). Like Apache::StatINC, Apache::Reload must be installed as an Init Handler.

To use as a StatINC replacement, simply add the following configuration to your httpd.conf:

PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload

To only reload modules that have explicitly registered with Apache::Reload, add the following to the httpd.conf:

PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off
# ReloadAll defaults to On

If you want to temporarily turn off reloading of a module (which is slightly problematic since it won't happen until the next hit on the same server because of the way this thing works, and won't start reloading again until you restart the server) you can use the 'off' option (this only works when ReloadAll is Off):

use Apache::Reload 'off';

Obviously you wouldn't do that generally, but it can be useful if you intend to make large changes to a particular module whilst the server is running, and still be able to test it compiles with perl -wc, without worrying about the server reloading it.


Matt Sergeant,


Apache::StatINC, Stonehenge::Reload