Take me over?
The maintainer of this distribution is looking for someone to take over!
If you're interested then please contact them via
Changes for version 1.5.2
- Allow AxKit to handle directory requests.
- Fixed all Language modules to return 200/OK
- Added AxIgnoreStylePI directive
- Ported AxPoint to use XML::Handler::AxPoint
- TaglibHelper taglibs no longer need to have parse_* subs
- Added HtmlDoc language module
- Fixed strange bug in cached LibXSLT stylesheets
how to work object oriented with SimpleTaglib
basic SimpleTaglib demo
base class for all processors
An AxKit PDF Slideshow generator
deliver XHTML as PDF
An XML Stylesheet Language
eXtensible Server Pages
alternate XSP taglib helper
module to make it easier to write a taglib
Fragment plugin
allow passthru=1 in querystring
Cache based on QS
base Provider class
Choose stylesheets based on a browser cookie
Choose stylesheet using file suffix
Choose stylesheet using PATH_INFO
Choose stylesheet using querystring
Choose stylesheets based on the user agent.
an XML Application Server for Apache
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Cache.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/CharsetConv.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/ConfigReader.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Exception.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Exception.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Exception.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Exception.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Exception.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Exception.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Language/AxPoint.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Language/LibXSLT.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Language/PassiveTeX.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Language/Query.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Language/Sablot.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Language/Sablot.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Language/XMLNewsNITF.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Language/XMLNewsRDF.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Language/XPathScript.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Language/XSP.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/MediaChooser/WAPCheck.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Provider/File.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Provider/Filter.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Provider/Scalar.pm
in lib/AxKit.pm
in lib/AxKit.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Language/XSP.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Language/XSP.pm
in demo/AxKit/XSP/Demo/Object.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Language/XSP.pm
in lib/Apache/AxKit/Language/XSP.pm
in demo/AxKit/XSP/Demo/Simple.pm
Other files
- Changes
- Makefile.PL
- demo/.htaccess
- demo/axkit.conf
- demo/axpoint/.htaccess
- demo/axpoint/error.html
- demo/stylesheets/error.xsl
- demo/stylesheets/style.css
- demo/xpathscript/.htaccess
- demo/xpathscript/error.html
- demo/xslfo/.htaccess
- demo/xslfo/error.html
- demo/xslt-sablot/.htaccess
- demo/xslt-sablot/error.html
- demo/xslt/.htaccess
- demo/xslt/error.html
- demo/xslt/stylesheet.xsl
- demo/xsp/.htaccess
- demo/xsp/auth.xsp
- demo/xsp/cookie.xsp
- demo/xsp/core.xsp
- demo/xsp/error.html
- demo/xsp/esql.xsp
- demo/xsp/exception.xsp
- demo/xsp/globals.xsp
- demo/xsp/ifparam.xsp
- demo/xsp/param.xsp
- demo/xsp/perform.xsp
- demo/xsp/sendmail.xsp
- demo/xsp/session.xsp
- demo/xsp/showsource.xsp
- demo/xsp/simpletaglib-object.xsp
- demo/xsp/simpletaglib-simple.xsp
- demo/xsp/tlh.xsp
- demo/xsp/util.xsp
- demo/xsp/webutils.xsp