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This tab-separated-value file is for use as a checklist
for features against <draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-rev-03.txt>,
since two independently developed and interoperable
implementations are needed for each feature. For each entry,
? means not filled-in
- means not applicable
n means no
y means yes
Y means yes with the addition of a module that uses feature
The contents should be placed in the form at <>
by someone who wants to be the contact for the Apache Group.
Section Feature Implemented Tested
8.1 Persistent Connections y y
8.2.3 Automatic retrying of requests - -
8.2.4 Use of the 100 (Continue) status n n
9.2 OPTIONS y y
9.3 GET y y
9.4 HEAD y y
9.5 POST y y
9.6 PUT Y y
9.7 DELETE Y y
9.8 TRACE y y
9.9 CONNECT y y
10.1.1 100 Continue y y
10.1.2 101 Switching Protocols Y n
10.2.1 200 OK y y
10.2.2 201 Created y y
10.2.3 202 Accepted y y
10.2.4 203 Non-Authoritative Information y y
10.2.5 204 No Content y y
10.2.6 205 Reset Content y y
10.2.7 206 Partial Content y y
10.3.1 300 Multiple Choices y y
10.3.2 301 Moved Permanently y y
10.3.3 302 Found y y
10.3.4 303 See Other y y
10.3.5 304 Not Modified y y
10.3.6 305 Use Proxy y n
10.3.7 307 Temporary Redirect n n
10.4.1 400 Bad Request y y
10.4.2 401 Unauthorized y y
10.4.3 402 Payment Required Y n
10.4.4 403 Forbidden y y
10.4.5 404 Not Found y y
10.4.6 405 Method Not Allowed y y
10.4.7 406 Not Acceptable y y
10.4.8 407 Proxy Authentication Required y y
10.4.9 408 Request Timeout y y
10.4.10 409 Conflict Y n
10.4.11 410 Gone y y
10.4.12 411 Length Required y y
10.4.13 412 Precondition Failed y y
10.4.14 413 Request Entity Too Large y y
10.4.15 414 Request-URI Too Long y y
10.4.16 415 Unsupported Media Type y n
10.4.17 416 Requested range not satisfiable n n
10.4.18 417 Expectation Failed n n
10.5.1 500 Internal Server Error y y
10.5.2 501 Not Implemented y y
10.5.3 502 Bad Gateway y y
10.5.4 503 Service Unavailable y y
10.5.5 504 Gateway Timeout y y
10.5.6 505 HTTP Version Not Supported Y n
13.3.3 Strong entity tags y y
13.3.3 Weak entity tags y y
14.1 Accept y y
14.2 Accept-Charset y y
14.3 Accept-Encoding n n
14.4 Accept-Language y y
14.5 Accept-Ranges y y
14.6 Age - -
14.7 Allow y y
14.8 Authorization y y
14.9 Cache-Control y y
14.10 Connection y y
14.11 Content-Encoding y y
14.12 Content-Language y y
14.13 Content-Length y y
14.14 Content-Location Y n
14.15 Content-MD5 y n
14.16 Content-Range y y
14.17 Content-Type y y
14.18 Date y y
14.19 ETag y y
14.20 Expect n n
14.21 Expires y y
14.22 From - -
14.23 Host y y
14.24 If-Modified-Since y y
14.25 If-Match y y
14.26 If-None-Match y y
14.27 If-Range y y
14.28 If-Unmodified-Since y y
14.29 Last-Modified y y
14.30 Location y y
14.31 Max-Forwards n n
14.32 Pragma y y
14.33 Proxy-Authenticate y y
14.34 Proxy-Authorization y y
14.35 Range y y
14.36 Referer y y
14.37 Retry-After y y
14.38 Server y y
14.39 TE n n
14.40 Trailer n n
14.41 Transfer-Encoding y y
14.42 Upgrade Y n
14.43 User-Agent - -
14.44 Vary y y
14.45 Via n n
14.46 Warning Y n
14.47 WWW-Authenticate y y
===== =====================================
Same for <draft-ietf-http-authentication-01.txt>:
A 2 Basic Authentication y y
A 3.2.1 WWW-Authenticate Digest y n
A 3.2.1 qop-options auth n n
A 3.2.1 qop-options auth-int n n
A 3.2.2 Authorization Digest y n
A 3.2.2 request qop auth n n
A 3.2.2 request qop auth-int n n
A 3.2.3 Authentication-Info Digest n n
A 3.2.3 response qop auth n n
A 3.2.3 response qop auth-int n n
A 4.1 Proxy-Authenticate Basic y y
A 4.2 Proxy-Authenticate Digest y n
A 4.2 Proxy qop-options auth n n
A 4.2 Proxy qop-options auth-int n n
A 4.2 Proxy Authorization Digest y n
A 4.2 Proxy request qop auth n n
A 4.2 Proxy request qop auth-int n n
A 4.2 Proxy Authentication-Info Digest n n
A 4.2 Proxy response qop auth n n
A 4.2 Proxy response qop auth-int n n
100 Continue sent on all bodied requests, as per RFC 2068.
Accept-Encoding does not allow q-values, as per RFC 2068.