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<title>Manual Page: httpd - Apache HTTP Server</title>
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<h3>Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3</h3>
<h1 align="center">Manual Page: httpd</h1>
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httpd - Apache hypertext transfer protocol server
<strong>httpd</strong> [ -<strong>X</strong> ] [ -<strong>R</strong> <em>libexecdir</em> ] [ -<strong>d</strong> <em>serverroot</em> ] [ -<strong>f</strong> <em>config</em>
] [ -<strong>C</strong> <em>directive</em> ] [ -<strong>c</strong> <em>directive</em> ] [ -<strong>D</strong> <em>parameter</em> ]
<strong>httpd</strong> [ -<strong>h</strong> ] [ -<strong>l</strong> ] [ -<strong>L</strong> ] [ -<strong>v</strong> ] [ -<strong>V</strong> ] [ -<strong>S</strong> ] [ -<strong>t</strong> ] [ -<strong>T</strong>
<strong>httpd</strong> is the Apache HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
server program. It is designed to be run as a standalone
daemon process. When used like this it will create a pool of
child processes to handle requests. To stop it, send a TERM
signal to the initial (parent) process. The PID of this pro-
cess is written to a file as given in the configuration
file. Alternatively <strong>httpd</strong> may be invoked by the Internet
daemon inetd(8) each time a connection to the HTTP service
is made.
This manual page only lists the command line arguments. For
details of the directives necessary to configure <strong>httpd</strong> see
the Apache manual, which is part of the Apache distribution
manual may not reflect those compiled into <strong>httpd.</strong>
-<strong>R</strong> <em>libexecdir</em>
This option is only available if Apache was
built with the <em>SHARED</em>_<em>CORE</em> rule enabled which
forces the Apache core code to be placed into a
dynamic shared object (DSO) file. This file is
searched in a hardcoded path under ServerRoot
per default. Use this option if you want to
override it.
-<strong>d</strong> <em>serverroot</em>
Set the initial value for the ServerRoot direc-
tive to <em>serverroot</em>. This can be overridden by
the ServerRoot command in the configuration
file. The default is <strong>/usr/local/apache</strong>.
-<strong>f</strong> <em>config</em> Execute the commands in the file <em>config</em> on
startup. If <em>config</em> does not begin with a /, then
it is taken to be a path relative to the Server-
Root. The default is <strong>conf/httpd.conf</strong>.
-<strong>C</strong> <em>directive</em>
Process the configuration <em>directive</em> before read-
ing config files.
-<strong>c</strong> <em>directive</em>
Process the configuration <em>directive</em> after read-
ing config files.
-<strong>D</strong> <em>parameter</em>
Sets a configuration <em>parameter</em> which can be used
with <IfDefine>...</IfDefine> sections in the
configuration files to conditionally skip or
process commands.
-<strong>h </strong> Output a short summary of available command line
-<strong>l </strong> Output a list of modules compiled into the
-<strong>L </strong> Output a list of directives together with
expected arguments and places where the direc-
tive is valid.
-<strong>S </strong> Show the settings as parsed from the config file
(currently only shows the virtualhost settings).
-<strong>t </strong> Run syntax tests for configuration files only.
The program immediately exits after these syntax
parsing with either a return code of 0 (Syntax
OK) or return code not equal to 0 (Syntax
-<strong>T </strong> Same as option -<strong>t</strong> but does not check the config-
ured document roots.
-<strong>X </strong> Run in single-process mode, for internal debug-
ging purposes only; the daemon does not detach
from the terminal or fork any children. Do NOT
use this mode to provide ordinary web service.
-<strong>v </strong> Print the version of <strong>httpd</strong> , and then exit.
-<strong>V </strong> Print the version and build parameters of <strong>httpd</strong>
, and then exit.
<strong>SEE ALSO</strong>
<hr />
<h3 align="CENTER">Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3</h3>
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