The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

/* handy macros for RETVAL */
#define get_set_PVp(thing,p) \
RETVAL = (char*)thing; \
if(items > 1) \
thing = (char*)((ST(1) == &sv_undef) ? NULL : pstrdup(p, SvPV(ST(1),na)))
#define get_set_PV(thing) \
#define get_set_IV(thing) \
RETVAL = thing; \
if(items > 1) \
thing = (int)SvIV(ST(1))
#define TABLE_GET_SET(table, do_taint) \
if(key == NULL) { \
ST(0) = table ? mod_perl_tie_table(table) : &sv_undef; \
} \
else { \
char *val; \
if(table && (val = (char *)table_get(table, key))) \
RETVAL = newSVpv(val, 0); \
else \
RETVAL = newSV(0); \
if(do_taint) SvTAINTED_on(RETVAL); \
if(table && (items > 2)) { \
if(ST(2) == &sv_undef) \
table_unset(table, key); \
else \
table_set(table, key, SvPV(ST(2),na)); \
} \
#define MP_CHECK_REQ(r,f) \
if(!r) croak("`%s' called without setting Apache->request!", f)
/* for Apache::fork, should no longer need */
#ifdef Apache__fork
extern listen_rec *listeners;
extern int mod_perl_socketexitoption;
extern int mod_perl_weareaforkedchild;
#define Apache_exit_is_done(sts) \
((sts == DONE) || (mod_perl_weareaforkedchild && (mod_perl_socketexitoption > 1)))
#define Apache_exit_is_done(sts) (sts == DONE)