use Config;
# First we check if we already are within the "t" directory
if (-d "t") {
# try to move into test directory
chdir "t" or die "Can't chdir: $!";
# fix all relative library locations
foreach (@INC) {
$_ = "../$_" unless m,^(/)|([a-f]:),i;
# Pick up the library files from the ../blib directory
unshift(@INC, "../blib/lib", "../blib/arch");
#print "@INC\n";
$Test::Harness::verbose = shift
if $ARGV[0] =~ /^\d+$/ || $ARGV[0] eq "-v";
if (@ARGV) {
for (@ARGV) {
if (-d $_) {
push(@tests, <$_/*.t>);
} else {
$_ .= ".t" unless /\.t$/;
push(@tests, $_);
} else {
#shutdown httpd before make aborts
$SIG{'__DIE__'} = sub {
return unless $_[0] =~ /^Failed/i;
my $el = "../t/logs/httpd.pid";
if(-e $el) {
system "kill `cat $el`";
else {
warn "can't stat $el $!\n";
warn "httpd terminated\n";
eval { require LWP::UserAgent; };
if ($@) {
print <<"EOM";
I still can't find LWP::UserAgent, try:
$^X -MCPAN -e install LWP
Must skip important tests without LWP...
else {
push(@tests, <modules/*.t>, <internal/*.t>);
unshift @INC, '.';
require Apache::test;
use subs 'simple_fetch';
unless (simple_fetch "/test.html") {
if ($^O eq "solaris" and $Config{myhostname} eq "ramona") {
print "go hang in the chill room $ENV{USER}, ramona is doggin...";
else {
print "still waiting for server to warm up...";
for (1..4) {
sleep $_;
if (simple_fetch "/test.html") {
print "ok\n";
else {
print "...";
unless (simple_fetch "/test.html") {
print "not ok\n";
die "server failed to start! (please examine t/logs/error_log)";
runtests @tests;
my $dir = -e "t" ? ".." : ".";
find(sub {
/core/ and die "uh,oh httpd dumped core!\n";
}, $dir);