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use Apache ();
my $tests = 0;
my $r = Apache->request;
my $doc_root = $r->document_root;
my $ht_access = "$doc_root/.htaccess";
my $hooks_file = "$doc_root/hooks.txt";
sub wipe_file {
local *FH;
open FH, ">$_[0]";
print FH " ";
close FH;
for ($ht_access, $hooks_file) {
local *FH;
if(Apache::perl_hook("Authen")) {
open FH, ">$ht_access";
print FH <<EOF;
AuthType Basic
AuthName mod_perl_tests
<Limit GET>
require valid-user
close FH;
my($hook, $package, $retval);
#hmm, Cleanup doesn't seem to work in .htaccess with register_cleanup()
for (qw(Access Authen Authz Fixup
HeaderParser Init Log Type Trans)) {
next unless Apache::perl_hook($_);
$retval = -1; #we want to decline Trans, but ok for Authen, etc.
$hook = "Perl${_}Handler";
$package = $hook; #"Apache::$hook";
unless ($_ eq "Trans") { #must be in server configs
$retval = 0;
open FH, ">>$ht_access" or die "can't open $ht_access";
print FH "$hook $package\n";
close FH;
undef &{"$package\:\:handler"}; #avoid warnings
eval <<"PACKAGE";
package $package;
sub $package\:\:handler {
my(\$r) = \@_;
return -1 unless \$r->is_main;
open FH, ">>$hooks_file" or die "can't open $hooks_file";
print FH "$hook ok\n";
close FH;
return $retval;
$r->print($@) if $@;
#if(Apache::perl_hook("Log") and Apache::perl_hook("Fixup")) {
# undef &PerlLogHandler::handler;
# @PerlLogHandler::ISA = qw(PerlFixupHandler);
# $r->warn("PerlLogHandler isa PerlFixupHandler");
if($My::config_is_perl) {
#warn "XXX: skipping hook test for <Perl> config of \$PerlTransHandler\n";