Revision history for Perl extension CGI::ToXML.
0.06 Xxx Jan XX 1999
- "Pretty" XML fixed.
- Removed ToCGI - that was a dumb name!
- Fixed - the module was actually totally broken, except
in a mod-perl environment where we'd already included
XML::Parser at the server level.
0.05 Thu Jan 21 1999
- Used parse_params again. For some reason $self->query_string
isn't in the order it's recieved from the browser. Grr.
- Renamed to CGI::XMLForm after discussion with J.Eisenzopf.
- Added readXML function.
- tries to make "pretty" XML. Fails <g>.
- Encoding should have been ISO-8859-1. Duh!
0.04 Thu Jan 14 1999
- Fixed bug in relative (parent) paths
- Added xml encoding="ISO-8859-2"
- Don't overload parse_params any more - that could be problematic.
- Don't allow people to enter entities in forms any more (always
encodes & as & from now on, even if followed by \w+;).
- Thought very hard about rewriting to be neater,
but didn't bother in the end ;-) Next version maybe!
0.03 Wed Jan 06 1999
- Syntax updates
- Allow relative paths
- Improved docs
- Improved examples
- Some bug fixes
- Properly deal with fixed entities (&,<,>,',")
- Properly subclasses
0.02 Wed Dec 30 11:50:00 1998
- Updated to use the XSL style syntax
- Added some more docs
- Added example files
0.01 Mon Dec 21 16:48:48 1998
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18