XML::LibXML::Document - DOM Document Class
use XML::LibXML::Document;
$dom = XML::LibXML::Document->new( $version, $encoding );
$dom = XML::LibXML::Document->createDocument( $version, $encoding );
$strEncoding = $doc->getEncoding();
$strVersion = $doc->getVersion();
$docstring = $dom->toString([$format]);
$bool = $dom->is_valid();
$root = $dom->getDocumentElement($name, $namespace );
$root = $dom->documentElement;
$dom->setDocumentElement( $root );
$element = $dom->createElement( $nodename );
$element = $dom->createElementNS( $namespaceURI, $qname );
$text = $dom->createTextNode( $content_text );
$comment = $dom->createComment( $comment_text );
$attrnode = $doc->createAttribute($name [,$value]);
$fragment = $doc->createDocumentFragment()
$attrnode = $doc->createAttributeNS( namespaceURI, $name [,$value] );
$cdata = $dom->create( $cdata_content );
$document->importNode( $node [, $move] );
The Document Class is the result of a parsing process. But sometimes it is necessary to create a Document from scratch. The DOM Document Class provides functions that are conform to the DOM Core naming style. It inherits all functions from XML::LibXML::Node as specified in DOM Level2. This enables to access the nodes beside the root element on document level - a DTD for example. The support for these nodes is limited at the moment, so I would recommend, not to use node functions on documents. It is suggested that one should always create a node not bound to any document. There is no need of really including the node to the document, but once the node is bound to a document, it is quite safe that all strings have the correct encoding. If an unbound textnode with an iso encoded string is created (e.g. with $CLASS->new()), the toString function may not return the expected result. This seems like a limitation as long UTF8 encoding is assured. If iso encoded strings come into play it is much safer to use the node creation functions of XML::LibXML::Document.
- new
alias for createDocument()
- createDocument
The constructor for the document class. As Parameter it takes the version string and (optionally) the ecoding string. Simply calling createDocument will create the document:
<?xml version="your version" encoding="your encoding"?>
Both parameter are optional. The default value for $version is 1.0 , of course. If the $encoding parameter is not set, the encoding will be left unset, which means UTF8 is implied (and set). The call of createDocument without any parameter will result the following code:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
- getEncoding
returns the encoding string of the document
- getVersion
returns the version string of the document
- toString
toString is a deparsing function, so the DOM Tree can be translated into a string, ready for output. The optional $format parameter sets the indenting of the output. This parameter is expected to be an integer value, that specifies the number of linebreaks for each node. For more information about the formatted output check the documentation of xmlDocDumpFormatMemory in libxml2/tree.h .
- toStringHTML
toStringHTML deparses the tree to a string as HTML. With this method indenting is automatic and managed by libxml2 internally.
- is_valid
Returns either TRUE or FALSE depending on the DOM Tree is a valid Document or not. You may also pass in a XML::LibXML::Dtd object, to validate against an external DTD:
if (!$dom->is_valid($dtd)) { warn("document is not valid!"); }
- validate
This is an exception throwing equivalent of is_valid. If the document is not valid it will throw an exception containing the error. This allows you much better error reporting than simply is_valid or not. Again, you may pass in a DTD object.
- getDocumentElement
Returns the root element of the Document. A document can have just one root element to contain the documents data.
- doumentElement
Alias for getDocumentElement .
- setDocumentElement
This function enables you to set the root element for a document. The function supports the import of a node from a different document tree.
- createElement
This function creates a new Element Node bound to the DOM with the name $nodename .
- createElementNS
This function creates a new Element Node bound to the DOM with the name $nodename and placed in the given namespace.
- createTextNode
As an equivalent of createElement , but it creates a Text Node bound to the DOM.
- createComment
As an equivalent of createElement , but it creates a Comment Node bound to the DOM.
- createAttribute
Creates a new Attribute node.
- createDocumentFragment
This function creates a DocumentFragment.
- createAttributeNS
Creates an Attribute bound to a namespace.
- createCDATASection
Similar to createTextNode and createComment, this function creates a CDataSection bound to the current DOM.
- importNode
If a node is not part of a document, it can be imported to another document. As specified in DOM Level 2 Specification the Node will not be altered or removed from its original document by default. ( $node-cloneNode(1)> will get called implicitly). Sometimes it is nessecary to move a node between documents. In such a case the node will not be copied, but removed from the original document.
XML::LibXML, XML::LibXML::Element, XML::LibXML::Text, XML::LibXML::Attr, XML::LibXML::Comment, XML::LibXML::DocumentFragment