XML::LibXML::Element - The DOM Element Class
use XML::LibXML::Element;
$node = XML::LibXML::Element->new( $name )
$node->setAttribute( $aname, $avalue );
$node->setAttributeNS( $nsURI, $aname, $avalue );
$avalue = $node->getAttribute( $aname );
$avalue = $node->setAttributeNS( $nsURI, $aname );
$attrnode = $node->getAttributeNode( $aname );
$attrnode = $node->getAttributeNodeNS( $namespaceURI, $aname );
$node->removeAttribute( $aname );
$node->removeAttributeNS( $nsURI, $aname );
$boolean = $node->hasAttribute( $aname );
$boolean = $node->hasAttributeNS( $nsURI, $aname );
@nodes = $node->getChildrenByTagName($tagname);
@nodes = $node->getChildrenByTagNameNS($nsURI,$tagname);
@nodes = $node->getElementsByTagName($tagname);
@nodes = $node->getElementsByTagNameNS($nsURI,$localname);
@nodes = $node->getElementsByLocalName($localname);
$node->appendWellBalancedChunk( $chunk )
$node->appendText( $PCDATA );
$node->appendTextNode( $PCDATA );
$node->appendTextChild( $childname , $PCDATA )
- new
This function creates a new node unbound to any DOM.
- setAttribute
This method sets or replaces the node's attribute $aname to the value $avalue
- setAttributeNS
Namespaceversion of setAttribute .
- getAttribute
If $node has an attribute with the name $aname , the value of this attribute will get returned.
- getAttributeNS
Namespaceversion of getAttribute .
- getAttributeNode
Returns the attribute as a node if the attribute exists. If the Attribute does not exists undef will be returned.
- getAttributeNodeNS
Namespaceversion of getAttributeNode .
- removeAttribute
The method removes the attribute $aname from the node's attribute list, if the attribute can be found.
- removeAttributeNS
Namespace version of removeAttribute
- hasAttribute
This funcion tests if the named attribute is set for the node. If the attribute is specified, TRUE (1) will be returned, otherwise the returnvalue is FALSE (0).
- hasAttributeNS
namespace version of hasAttribute
- getChildrenByTagName
The function gives direct access to all childnodes of the current node with the same tagname. It makes things a lot easier if you need to handle big datasets. If this function is called in SCALAR context, it returns the number of Elements found.
- getChildrenByTagNameNS
Namespace version of getChildrenByTagName . If this function is called in SCALAR context, it returns the number of Elements found.
- getElementsByTagName
This function is part of the spec it fetches all descendants of a node with a given tagname. If one is as confused with tagname as I was, tagname is a qualified tagname which is in case of namespace useage prefix and local name In SCALAR context this function returns a XML::LibXML::NodeList object.
- getElementsByTagNameNS
Namespace version of getElementsByTagName as found in the DOM spec. In SCALAR context this function returns a XML::LibXML::NodeList object.
- getElementsByLocalName
This function is not found in the DOM specification. It is a mix of getElementsByTagName and getElementsByTagNameNS. It will fetch all tags matching the given local-name. This alows one to select tags with the same local name across namespace borders. In SCALAR context this function returns a XML::LibXML::NodeList object.
- appendWellBalancedChunk
Sometimes it is nessecary to append a string coded XML Tree to a node. appendWellBalancedChunk will do the trick for you. But this is only done if the String is well-balanced .
- appendText
alias for appendTextNode().
- appendTextNode
This wrapper function lets you add a string directly to an element node.
- appendTextChild
Somewhat similar with appendTextNode : It lets you set an Element, that contains only a text node directly by specifying the name and the text content.
XML::LibXML, XML::LibXML::Node, XML::LibXML::Document, XML::LibXML::Attr, XML::LibXML::Text, XML::LibXML::Comment, XML::LibXML::DocumentFragment