XML::LibXML - Interface to the gnome libxml2 library
use XML::LibXML;
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $doc = $parser->parse_string(<<'EOT');
Currently this module doesn't actually do much but parse files and give you back a document (DOM) handle. You can't actually call DOM methods on that document though (because I haven't written the code to do it yet!).
When calling new()
, you can pass in several options:
- no_entities
Do not process external parsed entities.
- validate
Validate the document against the DTD specified in the DOCTYPE of the XML file.
- ext_ent_handler
Set this to a subroutine reference (or function name) to have it be called to load external parsed entities.
- lose_blanks
Kill whitespace in the document. See the libxml docs on xmlKeepBlanksDefault() for more details
- input_callbacks
This is a hash reference containing some methods to call to load other "things" - for example when this parser is used with XML::LibXSLT these input_callbacks will be used for document() and xsl:import.
The sub-keys are all sub refs (or the fully qualified name of a function):
- match
Called to check whether to actually use these input callbacks, or let libxml use it's default handlers. The sub is called with one parameter - a URI or filename. Return a true value if you want the methods below to be called for this URI/filename.
- open
Called to open the resource associated with the URI/filename passed in as a parameter. The return value my be any scalar, perhaps an open filehandle, or an object that can retrieve the resource.
- read
Called with two parameters, the first being the scalar returned by open, and the second being how many bytes to read from the resource. Return a string up to the length passed in as a param.
- close
Close recieves one parameter - the scalar returned from open above. Use this to close and free up any resources.
- error_handler
Another subref (or function name), called when a parsing error occurs. The function is called with one argument - a string containing the error.
Parse the XMl in $string
and return a XML::LibXML::Document object.
Parse the file in $filename
and return a XML::LibXML::Document object.
Parse the filehandle in $fh
and return a XML::LibXML::Document object.
The objects returned above have a few methods available to them:
Convert the document to a string.
Post parse validation. Cannot currently take any sort of DTD as a parameter (which would allow validation of any XML document against arbitrary DTD's), but expect this to change in time.
Process any xinclude tags in the file.
Matt Sergeant,
Copyright 2001, Ltd. All rights reserved.