Mail::Logs - A log file processer for mail server logs
A script that maintains ever increasing counters for mail logs and functions as a postprocessor for multilog. Currently handles log counting of the following types:
qmail mail delivery (send)
qmail-pop3d (pop3) (edit file to set pop3 daemon)
courier pop3d (pop3) (edit file to set pop3 daemon)
courier pop3dssl (pop3)
courier imapd (imap)
courier imapdssl (imap)
vpopmail smtp-auth (smtp)
sqwebmail (webmail)
squirrelmail (webmail)
rblsmtpd (rbl)
spamasssassin (spamassassin)
qmailscanner (qmailscanner)
This script and modules is (at last) easily extendible as I continue to find new stats on my mail system that I want to count and graph.
I have "farms" of mail servers that share a hostname. I needed a way to collect the logs from all the servers and manage them.
This is a piece of that puzzle. Maillogs does several things. First, it acts as a simple log postprocessor. By default it takes files that qmail outputs (/var/log/mail/[send|smtp|pop3]/current) and collects a bunch of counters about the logs and stores them in counter files.
For smtp logs we count denied RBL connections (rblsmtpd).
For qmail-send we log a slew of message send statistics.
For pop3, IMAP, webmail, and SMTP-AUTH, we count the number of connections and the number of successful logins.
Counters are written to files in /var/log/mail/counters/ by default. You can alter the locations of the logs files by editing the "user preferences" section of this script. I will add support for a config file at some point.
WhatAmI - Is this a schizophrenic program?
No, because schizophrenic denotes a disorder. This application is designed to behave differently depending on how it's called. It has (currently) four distinct personalities. Allow me to introduce you to multilog.
The multilog program ( has a poorly documented ability to run a postprocessor on logs after they reach a predetermined size (or are otherwise triggered).
This script is designed to be that postprocessor. If you rename this file to be named one of "smtplog", "pop3log", or "sendlog" it will become a log file processor for that qmail server protocol. See the FAQ for more details.
If called as maillogs, it will return ever incrementing counters for the protocol you entered. Run maillogs without any parameters to see the supported options. It's expected that you'll be calling maillogs from an SNMP agent allowing this solution to scale from single to clustered systems.
To install this module type the following:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
To install as a post-processor for qmail type the following:
make qmail
This module requires these other modules and libraries:
MATT::Bundle -
Design considerations
Counters will be polled via SNMP. Script must be able to return counts instantly, even when dealing with HUGE logs.
Must work with multilog and syslog logging formats
Outputs data in a format suitable for polling via SNMP
Simple configuration
Fail safe, errors must be noticed and reported but not fatal
Matt Simerson <>
None known. Report any to author.
Copyright 2003, The Network People, Inc.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.