1.2 2004.03.09

- qqtool.pl is now integrated into Mail::Toaster
  All future updates will be documented in the main
  Mail::Toaster changes file.

1.1.1 2003.12.04

- Added : to getops for $opt_q (should have been there already!

1.1 2003.09.10

- Added more documenation, updated web site


1.0.1 2003.07.09

- Moved ChangeLog into Changes file
- Added pod documentation
- Added depenency on MATT::Qmail & MATT::Utility
- Moved significant amounts of code to MATT::Qmail

1.0.0 2003.05.12

- Only search headers for first match (don't print 
  message details multiple times if search matches
  multiple headers) - Michael Andreason found bug

0.9.0 2003.05.03

- Added documentation to the script
- 22:59 - Added lots of sanity checks.
- 22:42 - Delete messages now works. Cool.
- 20:30 - Expire messages now works. I just expired two 
  messages from my queue. Sweet. :)
- 20:06 Better reporting (including verbose).
- 19:22 Search function now works. Can list messages based on
    any string found in the email headers.
- 18:46 Grabs headers for all messages. We can now very finely
    specify what we want to work with.
- Now lists all message ids in local & remote queues

0.1 2003.05.01

- Initial authoring