DateTime::Event::Cron - DateTime extension for generating recurrence sets from crontab lines and files.


  use DateTime::Event::Cron;

  # DateTime::Set construction from crontab line
  $crontab = '*/3 30 1-10 3,4,5 */2';
  $set = DateTime::Event::Cron->from_cron($crontab);
  $iter = $set->iterator(after => DateTime->now);
  sleep(($iter - DateTime->now)->seconds);
  while (1) {
    # do stuff...
    sleep(($iter->next - DateTime->now)->seconds);

  # List of DateTime::Set objects from crontab file
  @sets = DateTime::Event::Cron->from_crontab('/etc/crontab');

  # DateTime::Set parameters
  $crontab = '* * * * *';
  %set_parms = ( after => DateTime->now );
  $set = DateTime::Event::Cron->from_cron($crontab, %set_parms);
  $dt = $set->next;

  # Spans for DateTime::Set
  $crontab = '* * * * *';
  $now = DateTime->now;
  $now2 = $now->clone;
  $span = DateTime::Span->from_datetimes(
            start => $now->add(minutes => 1),
	    end   => $now2->add(hours => 1),
  $set = DateTime::Event::Cron->from_cron($crontab, span => $span);
  # things with the DateTime::Set

  # Every RTFCT relative to 12am Jan 1st this year
  $crontab = '7-10 6,12-15 10-28/2 */3 3,4,5';
  $date = DateTime->now->truncate(to => 'year');
  $set = DateTime::Event::Cron->from_cron($crontab, after => $date);

  # Rather than generating DateTime::Set objects, next/prev
  # calculations can be made directly:

  # Every day at 10am, 2pm, and 6pm. Reference date
  # defaults to DateTime->now.
  $crontab = '10,14,18 * * * *';
  $dtc = DateTime::Event::Cron->new_from_cron($crontab);
  $next_datetime = $dtc->next;
  $last_datetime = $dtc->previous;

  # List of DateTime::Event::Cron objects from
  # crontab file
  @dtc = DateTime::Event::Cron->new_from_crontab('/etc/crontab');


DateTime::Event::Cron generated DateTime events or DateTime::Set objects based on crontab-style entries.


The cron fields are typical crontab-style entries. For more information, see crontab(5) and extensions described in Set::Crontab. The fields can be passed as a single string or as a reference to an array containing each field. Only the first five fields are retained.

DateTime::Set Factories

See DateTime::Set for methods provided by Set objects, such as next() and previous().

from_cron($cronline, %set_parms)

Generates a DateTime::Set recurrence for the cron line provided. All remaining arguments will be passed to the DateTime::Set constructor.

from_crontab($crontab_fh, %set_parms)

Returns a list of DateTime::Set recurrences based on lines from a crontab file. $crontab_fh can be either a filename or filehandle reference. Optionally takes parameters for DateTime::Set which will be passed along to each set for each line.



Returns a DateTime::Event::Cron object based on the cron specification.


Returns a list of DateTime::Event::Cron objects based on the lines of a crontab file. $fh can be either a filename or a filehandle reference.

Other methods


Returns the next valid datetime according to the cron specification. $date defaults to DateTime->now unless provided.


Returns the previous valid datetime according to the cron specification. $date defaults to DateTime->now unless provided.


Same as next() and previous() except that the provided datetime is modified to the new datetime.


Returns whether the given datetime is valid under the current cron specification. Cron dates are only accurate to the minute -- datetimes with seconds greater than 0 are invalid by default. (note: never fear, all methods accepting dates will accept invalid dates -- they will simply be rounded to the next nearest valid date in all cases except this particular method)


Matthew P. Sisk <>


Copyright (c) 2003 Matthew P. Sisk. All rights reserved. All wrongs revenged. This program is free software; you can distribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


DateTime(3), DateTime::Set(3), DateTime::Event::Recurrence(3), DateTime::Event::ICal(3), DateTime::Span(3), Set::Crontab(3), crontab(5)

6 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 668:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 673:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 689:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 691:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 701:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 703:

'=item' outside of any '=over'