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# Allow raw html as content so that special characters
# do not get encoded. The string is incorporated as part
# of the start tag in order to bypass the regular HTML::Element
# encoding.
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
require HTML::Element;
@ISA = qw(HTML::Element);
$VERSION = '1.11';
# Whole lotta overrides
# Have to store the string somewhere besides _content, because
# traverse looks in the attribute directly rather than calling
# content().
sub push_content {
# Flatten elements into an HTML string if found,
# otherwise just slap the text in.
my @text = map(defined (ref $_ ? $_->as_HTML : $_) ? $_ : '', @_);
shift->{_string}[0] .= join('',@text);
sub insert_element {
sub starttag {
sub as_HTML {
# These become degenerate
sub endtag { return }
sub pos { return }
sub attr { return }
sub content { return }
sub tag { return }
sub new {
my $that = shift;
my $class = ref($that) || $that;
# The tag type does not get displayed. We keep it
# around anyway, just in case.
my @args = @_ ? @_ : 'p';
my $self = new HTML::Element @args;
bless $self,$class;
=head1 NAME
HTML::ElementRaw - Perl extension for HTML::Element(3).
use HTML::ElementRaw;
$er = new HTML::ElementRaw;
$text = '<p>I would like this &nbsp; HTML to not be encoded</p>';
$h = new HTML::Element 'h2';
# Now $text will appear as you typed it, non-escaped,
# embedded in the HTML produced by $h.
print $h->as_HTML;
Provides a way to graft raw HTML strings into your HTML::Element(3)
structures. Since they represent raw text, these can only be leaves in
your HTML element tree. The only methods that are of any real
use in this degenerate element are push_content() and as_HTML().
The push_content() method will simply prepend the provided text to
the current content. If you happen to pass an HTML::element to
push_content, the output of the as_HTML() method in that element
will be prepended.
=head1 AUTHOR
Matthew P. Sisk, E<lt>F<sisk@mojotoad.com>E<gt>
Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Matthew P. Sisk.
All rights reserved. All wrongs revenged. This program is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
HTML::Element(3), HTML::ElementSuper(3), HTML::Element::Glob(3), HTML::ElementTable(3), perl(1).