Catalyst::Utils - The Catalyst Utils
See Catalyst.
Catalyst Utilities.
MyApp::Foo becomes myapp_foo
MyApp::Controller::Foo::Bar becomes MyApp
My::App::Controller::Foo::Bar becomes My::App
MyApp::Controller::Foo::Bar becomes MyApp::Controller
My::App::Controller::Foo::Bar becomes My::App::Controller
MyApp::Controller::Foo::Bar becomes Controller::Foo::Bar
Returns the environment name for class.
MyApp becomes MYAPP
My::App becomes MY_APP
class2prefix( $class, $case );
Returns the uri prefix for a class. If case is false the prefix is converted to lowercase.
My::App::Controller::Foo::Bar becomes foo/bar
class2tempdir( $class [, $create ] );
Returns a tempdir for a class. If create is true it will try to create the path.
My::App becomes /tmp/my/app
My::App::Controller::Foo::Bar becomes /tmp/my/app/c/foo/bar
Returns a list of files which can be tested to check if you're inside a checkout
Returns home directory for given class.
Note that the class must be loaded for the home directory to be found using this function.
find_home_unloaded_in_checkout ($path)
Tries to determine if $path
(or cwd if not supplied) looks like a checkout. Any leading lib or blib components will be removed, then the directory produced will be checked for the existance of a dist_indicator_file_list()
If one is found, the directory will be returned, otherwise false.
prefix($class, $name);
Returns a prefixed action.
MyApp::Controller::Foo::Bar, yada becomes foo/bar/yada
Returns an HTTP::Request object for a uri.
ensure_class_loaded($class_name, \%opts)
Loads the class unless it already has been loaded.
If $opts{ignore_loaded} is true always tries the require whether the package already exists or not. Only pass this if you're either (a) sure you know the file exists on disk or (b) have code to catch the file not found exception that will result if it doesn't.
merge_hashes($hashref, $hashref)
Base code to recursively merge two hashes together with right-hand precedence.
env_value($class, $key)
Checks for and returns an environment value. For instance, if $key is 'home', then this method will check for and return the first value it finds, looking at $ENV{MYAPP_HOME} and $ENV{CATALYST_HOME}.
Try to guess terminal width to use with formatting of debug output
All you need to get this work, is:
1) Install Term::Size::Any, or
2) Export $COLUMNS from your shell.
(Warning to bash users: 'echo $COLUMNS' may be showing you the bash variable, not $ENV{COLUMNS}. 'export COLUMNS=$COLUMNS' and you should see that 'env' now lists COLUMNS.)
As last resort, default value of 80 chars will be used.
Method which adds the namespace for plugins and actions.
# will load Catalyst::Plugin::MyPlugin
Catalyst Contributors, see
This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.