Revision history for DBIx::Class

0.06999_02 sometime?
        - Fixed up POD::Coverage tests, filled in some POD holes
        - Added a warning for incorrect component order in load_components
        - Fixed resultset bugs to do with related searches
        - added code and tests for Componentized::ensure_class_found and
        - NoBindVars + Sybase + MSSQL stuff
        - only rebless S::DBI if it is still S::DBI and not a subclass
        - Added `use' statement for DBD::Pg in Storage::DBI::Pg
        - stopped test relying on order of unordered search
        - bugfix for join-types in nested joins using the from attribute
        - obscure prefetch problem fixed
        - tightened up deep search_related
        - Fixed 'DBIx/Class/ did not return a true value' error
        - Revert change to test for deprecated find usage and swallow warnings
        - Slight wording change to new_related() POD
        - new specific test for connect_info coderefs
        - POD clarification and content bugfixing + a few code formatting fixes
        - POD::Coverage additions
        - fixed debugfh
        - Fix column_info stomping

0.06999_01 2006-05-28 17:19:30
        - add automatic naming of unique constraints
        - marked as deprecated and noted it will be removed by 1.0
        - add ResultSetColumn
        - refactor ResultSet code to resolve attrs as late as poss
        - merge prefetch attrs into join attrs
        - add +select and +as attributes to ResultSet
        - added InflateColumn::DateTime component
        - refactor debugging to allow for profiling using Storage::Statistics
        - removed Data::UUID from deps, made other optionals required
        - modified SQLT parser to skip dupe table names
        - added remove_column(s) to ResultSource/ResultSourceProxy
        - added add_column alias to ResultSourceProxy
        - added source_name to ResultSource
        - load_classes now uses source_name and sets it if necessary
        - add update_or_create_related to Relationship::Base
        - add find_or_new to ResultSet/ResultSetProxy and find_or_new_related
          to Relationship::Base
        - add accessors for unique constraint names and coulums to
        - rework ResultSet::find() to search unique constraints
        - CDBICompat: modify retrieve to fix column casing when ColumnCase is
        - CDBICompat: override find_or_create to fix column casing when
          ColumnCase is loaded
        - reorganized and simplified tests
        - added Ordered
        - added the ability to set on_connect_do and the various sql_maker
          options as part of Storage::DBI's connect_info.

0.06003 2006-05-19 15:37:30
        - make find_or_create_related check defined() instead of truth
        - don't unnecessarily fetch rels for cascade_update
        - don't set_columns explicitly in update_or_create; instead use
          update($hashref) so InflateColumn works
        - fix for has_many prefetch with 0 related rows
        - make limit error if rows => 0
        - added memory cycle tests and a long-needed weaken call

0.06002 2006-04-20 00:42:41
        - fix set_from_related to accept undef
        - fix to Dumper-induced hash iteration bug
        - fix to copy() with non-composed resultsource
        - fix to ->search without args to clone rs but maintain cache
        - grab $self->dbh once per function in Storage::DBI
        - nuke ResultSource caching of ->resultset for consistency reasons
        - fix for -and conditions when updating or deleting on a ResultSet

0.06001 2006-04-08 21:48:43
        - minor fix to update in case of undefined rels
        - fixes for cascade delete
        - substantial improvements and fixes to deploy
        - Added fix for quoting with single table
        - Substantial fixes and improvements to deploy
        - slice now uses search directly
        - fixes for update() on resultset
        - bugfix to Cursor to avoid error during DESTROY
        - transaction DBI operations now in debug trace output

0.06000 2006-03-25 18:03:46
        - Lots of documentation improvements
        - Minor tweak to related_resultset to prevent it storing a searched rs
        - Fixup to columns_info_for when database returns type(size)
        - Made do_txn respect void context (on the off-chance somebody cares)
        - Fix exception text for nonexistent key in ResultSet::find()

0.05999_04 2006-03-18 19:20:49
        - Fix for delete on full-table resultsets
        - Removed caching on count() and added _count for pager()
        - ->connection does nothing if ->storage defined and no args
          (and hence ->connect acts like ->clone under the same conditions)
        - Storage::DBI throws better exception if no connect info
        - columns_info_for made more robust / informative
        - ithreads compat added, fork compat improved
        - weaken result_source in all resultsets
        - Make pg seq extractor less sensitive.

0.05999_03 2006-03-14 01:58:10
        - has_many prefetch fixes
        - deploy now adds drop statements before creates
        - deploy outputs debugging statements if DBIX_CLASS_STORAGE_DBI_DEBUG
            is set

0.05999_02 2006-03-10 13:31:37
        - remove test dep on YAML
        - additional speed tweaks for C3
        - allow scalarefs passed to order_by to go straight through to SQL
        - renamed insert_or_update to update_or_insert (with compat alias)
        - hidden lots of packages from the PAUSE Indexer

0.05999_01 2006-03-09 18:31:44
        - renamed cols attribute to columns (cols still supported)
        - added has_column_loaded to Row
        - Storage::DBI connect_info supports coderef returning dbh as 1st arg
        - load_components() doesn't prepend base when comp. prefixed with +
        - $schema->deploy
        - HAVING support
        - prefetch for has_many
        - cache attr for resultsets
        - PK::Auto::* no longer required since Storage::DBI::* handle auto-inc
        - minor tweak to tests for join edge case
        - added cascade_copy relationship attribute
          (sponsored by Airspace Software,
        - clean up set_from_related
        - made copy() automatically null out auto-inc columns
        - added txn_do() method to Schema, which allows a coderef to be
          executed atomically

0.05007 2006-02-24 00:59:00
        - tweak to Componentised for Class::C3 0.11
        - fixes for auto-inc under MSSQL

0.05006 2006-02-17 15:32:40
        - storage fix for fork() and workaround for Apache::DBI
        - made update(\%hash) work on row as well as rs
        - another fix for count with scalar group_by
        - remove dependency on Module::Find in 40resultsetmanager.t (RT #17598)

0.05005 2006-02-13 21:24:51
        - remove build dependency on

0.05004 2006-02-13 20:59:00
        - allow specification of related columns via cols attr when primary
          keys of the related table are not fetched
        - fix count for group_by as scalar
        - add horrific fix to make Oracle's retarded limit syntax work
        - remove Carp require
        - changed UUIDColumns to use new UUIDMaker classes for uuid creation
        using whatever module may be available

0.05003 2006-02-08 17:50:20
        - add component_class accessors and use them for *_class
        - small fixes to Serialize and ResultSetManager
        - rollback on disconnect, and disconnect on DESTROY

0.05002 2006-02-06 12:12:03
        - Added recommends for Class::Inspector
        - Added skip_all to t/40resultsetmanager.t if no Class::Inspector available

0.05001 2006-02-05 15:28:10
        - debug output now prints NULL for undef params
        - multi-step prefetch along the same rel (e.g. for trees) now works
        - added multi-join (join => [ 'foo', 'foo' ]), aliases second to foo_2
        - hack PK::Auto::Pg for "table" names referencing a schema
        - find() with attributes works
        - added experimental Serialize and ResultSetManager components
        - added code attribute recording to DBIx::Class
        - fix to find() for complex resultsets
        - added of $storage->debugcb(sub { ... })
        - added $source->resultset_attributes accessor
        - added include_columns rs attr

0.05000 2006-02-01 16:48:30
        - assorted doc fixes
        - remove ObjectCache, not yet working in 0.05
        - let many_to_many rels have attrs
        - fix ID method in to be saner for new internals
        - fix t/30dbicplain.t to use ::Schema instead of

0.04999_06 2006-01-28 21:20:32
        - fix Storage/DBI (tried to load deprecated ::Exception component)

0.04999_05 2006-01-28 20:13:52
        - count will now work for grouped resultsets
        - added accessor => option to column_info to specify accessor name
        - added $schema->populate to load test data (similar to AR fixtures)
        - removed cdbi-t dependencies, only run tests if installed
        - Removed DBIx::Class::Exception
        - unified throw_exception stuff, using Carp::Clan
        - report query when sth generation fails.
        - multi-step prefetch!
        - inheritance fixes
        - test tweaks

0.04999_04 2006-01-24 21:48:21
        - more documentation improvements
        - add columns_info_for for vendor-specific column info (Zbigniew Lukasiak)
        - add SQL::Translator::Producer for DBIx::Class table classes (Jess Robinson)
        - add unique constraint declaration (Daniel Westermann-Clark)
        - add new update_or_create method (Daniel Westermann-Clark)
        - rename ResultSetInstance class to ResultSetProxy, ResultSourceInstance
          to ResultSourceProxy, and TableInstance to ResultSourceProxy::Table
        - minor fixes to UUIDColumns
        - add debugfh method and ENV magic for tracing SQL (Nigel Metheringham)

0.04999_03 2006-01-20 06:05:27
        - imported Jess Robinson's SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class
        - lots of internals cleanup to eliminate result_source_instance requirement
        - added register_column and register_relationship class APIs
        - made Storage::DBI use prepare_cached safely (thanks to Tim Bunce)
        - many documentation improvements (thanks guys!)
        - added ->connection, ->connect, ->register_source and ->clone schema methods
        - Use croak instead of die for user errors.

0.04999_02 2006-01-14 07:17:35
        - Schema is now self-contained; no requirement for co-operation
        - add_relationship, relationships, relationship_info, has_relationship
        - relationship handling on ResultSource
        - all table handling now in /
        - added GROUP BY and DISTINCT support
        - hacked around SQL::Abstract::Limit some more in DBIC::SQL::Abstract
          (this may have fixed complex quoting)
        - moved inflation to inflate_result in
        - added $rs->search_related
        - split compose_namespace out of compose_connection in Schema
        - ResultSet now handles find
        - various *_related methods are now ->search_related->*
        - added new_result to ResultSet

0.04999_01 2005-12-27 03:33:42
        - search and related methods moved to ResultSet
        - select and as added to ResultSet attrs
        - added DBIx::Class::Table and TableInstance for table-per-class
        - added DBIx::Class::ResultSetInstance which handles proxying
          search etc. as a superclass of DBIx::Class::DB
        - assorted test and code cleanup work

0.04001 2005-12-13 22:00:00
        - Fix so set_inflated_column calls set_column
        - Syntax errors in relationship classes are now reported
        - Better error detection in set_primary_key and columns methods
        - Documentation improvements
        - Better transaction support with txn_* methods
        - belongs_to now works when $cond is a string
        - PK::Auto::Pg updated, only tries primary keys instead of all cols

0.04 2005-11-26
        - Moved get_simple and set_simple into AccessorGroup
        - Made 'new' die if given invalid columns
        - Added has_column and column_info to
        - Refactored away from direct use of _columns and _primaries
        - Switched from NEXT to Class::C3

        - Added an || '' to the CDBICompat stringify to avoid null warnings
        - Updated name section for manual pods
0.03003 2005-11-03 17:00:00
        - POD fixes.
        - Changed use to require in Relationship/Base to avoid import.

0.03002 2005-10-20 22:35:00
        - Minor bugfix to new (
        - Schema doesn't die if it can't load a class (
        - New UUID columns plugin (
        - Documentation improvements.

0.03001 2005-09-23 14:00:00
        - Fixes to relationship helpers
        - IMPORTANT: prefetch/schema combination bug fix

0.03    2005-09-19 19:35:00
        - Paging support
        - Join support on search
        - Prefetch support on search

0.02    2005-08-12 18:00:00
        - Test fixes.
        - Performance improvements.
        - Oracle primary key support.
        - MS-SQL primary key support.
        - SQL::Abstract::Limit integration for database-agnostic limiting.

0.01    2005-08-08 17:10:00
        - initial release