Changes for version 0.06999_02

  • Fixed up POD::Coverage tests, filled in some POD holes
  • Added a warning for incorrect component order in load_components
  • Fixed resultset bugs to do with related searches
  • added code and tests for Componentized::ensure_class_found and load_optional_class
  • NoBindVars + Sybase + MSSQL stuff
  • only rebless S::DBI if it is still S::DBI and not a subclass
  • Added `use' statement for DBD::Pg in Storage::DBI::Pg
  • stopped test relying on order of unordered search
  • bugfix for join-types in nested joins using the from attribute
  • obscure prefetch problem fixed
  • tightened up deep search_related
  • Fixed 'DBIx/Class/ did not return a true value' error
  • Revert change to test for deprecated find usage and swallow warnings
  • Slight wording change to new_related() POD
  • new specific test for connect_info coderefs
  • POD clarification and content bugfixing + a few code formatting fixes
  • POD::Coverage additions
  • fixed debugfh
  • Fix column_info stomping

Changes for version 0.06999_01 - 2006-05-28

  • add automatic naming of unique constraints
  • marked as deprecated and noted it will be removed by 1.0
  • add ResultSetColumn
  • refactor ResultSet code to resolve attrs as late as poss
  • merge prefetch attrs into join attrs
  • add +select and +as attributes to ResultSet
  • added InflateColumn::DateTime component
  • refactor debugging to allow for profiling using Storage::Statistics
  • removed Data::UUID from deps, made other optionals required
  • modified SQLT parser to skip dupe table names
  • added remove_column(s) to ResultSource/ResultSourceProxy
  • added add_column alias to ResultSourceProxy
  • added source_name to ResultSource
  • load_classes now uses source_name and sets it if necessary
  • add update_or_create_related to Relationship::Base
  • add find_or_new to ResultSet/ResultSetProxy and find_or_new_related to Relationship::Base
  • add accessors for unique constraint names and coulums to ResultSource/ResultSourceProxy
  • rework ResultSet::find() to search unique constraints
  • CDBICompat: modify retrieve to fix column casing when ColumnCase is loaded
  • CDBICompat: override find_or_create to fix column casing when ColumnCase is loaded
  • reorganized and simplified tests
  • added Ordered
  • added the ability to set on_connect_do and the various sql_maker options as part of Storage::DBI's connect_info.


Index of the Manual
Developing DBIx::Class Components
Miscellaneous recipes
What documentation do we have?
Simple CD database example
Clarification of terms used.
Introduction to DBIx::Class
Got a problem? Shoot it.
Execute operations upon DBIx::Class objects.


Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper.
Lets you build groups of accessors
Class::DBI Compatibility layer.
Core set of DBIx::Class modules
Abstract object representing a query cursor on a resultset.
(DEPRECATED) classdata schema component
Automatically create objects from column data
Auto-create DateTime objects from datetime columns.
Modify the position of objects in an ordered list.
Primary Key class
Automatic primary key class
(DEPRECATED) Automatic primary key class for DB2
(DEPRECATED) Automatic primary key class for MSSQL
(DEPRECATED) Automatic primary key class for MySQL
(DEPRECATED) Automatic primary key class for Oracle
(DEPRECATED) Automatic primary key class for Pg
(DEPRECATED) Automatic primary key class for SQLite
Inter-table relationships
Inter-table relationships
Responsible for fetching and creating resultset.
helpful methods for messing with a single column of the resultset
helpful methods for managing resultset classes (EXPERIMENTAL)
Result source object
provides a classdata table object and method proxies
Basic row methods
composable schemas
hooks for Storable freeze/thaw
DBI storage handler
Object representing a query cursor on a resultset.
Automatic primary key class for DB2
Storage::DBI subclass for MSSQL
Some databases can't handle count distincts with multiple cols. They should use base on this.
Sometime DBDs have poor to no support for bind variables
Base class for ODBC drivers
Support specific to DB2/400 over ODBC
Automatic primary key class for DB2/400 over ODBC
Automatic primary key class for Oracle
Automatic primary key class for PostgreSQL
Automatic primary key class for SQLite
Storage::DBI subclass for Sybase
Automatic primary key class for MySQL
Base class for running Class::DBI tests against DBIx::Class compat layer, shamelessly ripped from Class::DBI::Test::SQLite
Force UTF8 (Unicode) flag on columns


in lib/DBIx/Class/Storage/
in lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/
in lib/DBIx/Class/CDBICompat/