HLL::CommandLine - command line parsing tools


my $parser :=[

# treat the first non-option argument as the program name,
# and everything after that as arguments to the program

# -e "program" also treats everything after it as arguments
# to the program:

my $results := $parser.parse(@*ARGS);
my %options := $parser.options;
my @args    := $pasre.arguments; # remaining arguments from @*ARGS


HLL::CommandLine::Parser stores a specification of command line options and other behavior, and uses that to parse an array of command line directives.

It classifies the directives as options (usually of the form -f or --foo) and arguments (ie. non-options). The result of a .parse(RPA) call is an HLL::CommandLine::Result object (or an exception thrown), which makes the options and arguments available via the methods options and arguments.



The .new method and constructor expects an array with option specifications. Such a specification is the name of an option, optionally followed by the = equals sign and a single character describing the kind of value it expects. Missing value specification or b stand for bool, ie the option does not expect a value. s stands for a string value. Optional values are only supported for string values so far. For the value specified with s? the value will default to ''.


Adds a stopper. A stopper is a special value that, when encountered in the command line arguments, terminates the processing, and classifies the rest of the strings as arguments, independently of their form. -- is a pre-defined stopper. If an option is used a stopper, that option itself is still processed.


yourprogram -a --bar b -- c --foo
# options:   a = 1, bar = 1
# arguments: b, c, --foo

# with stopper -e, and -e expecting a value:
yourprogram -a -e foo --bar baz
# options:   -a = 1, -e = foo
# arguments: --bar, baz


Parses the array as command line strings, and returns a HLL::CommandLine::Result object (or thrown an exception on error).


An object of this type holds the options and arguments from a successful command line parse.


Returns a hash of options


Return an array of arguments.

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 1:

=begin without a target?

Around line 87:

'=end' without a target?